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50. Poetry in the Tang Dynasty reaches the 1_(high) point in thedevelopment of poems, and it really 2_(deserve) its fame as a treasure ofChinese culture. Its impressive value consists in an ideal(理想的) 3_(combine ) of thoughts and art. This led to a large record of poetry, a partial(部分的) record of 6_survives today. When 7_(consider) authors, we find that poets exist in all walks oflife, ranging from emperors, officials, monks(僧侣) , peasants, fishermen8 _even children. The themes of Tang poetry include politics, history, landscapes, street scenes, love and so on. As for quantity, 9_ total of over50, 000 poems have been collected and no one has any idea how many more havebeen lost. Depending on the period of its development, poetry(dating from the TangDynasty) can 10_(classify) into four groups, namely the early Tang Dynasty, the Flourishing Tang Dynasty, the Mid-Tang and the late Tang Dynasty. 51. 1_(depend) on its length, Ci can 2_(divide) into Xiao Ling(small-szed. no more than 38 characters) , Zhong Diao(middle-sized, 59-90 haracters) , and Chang Diao(long-sized, over 90 characters) . The names of Cipai, such 6_ “The Beautiful Lady Yu, Buddha Dance”, andWine Spring”, are coming from historical 7_(figure) or events, and former musical names, although later Ci changed and developed 8_(separate) from music. 52. Romance of the Ihree Kingdoms 1_(set) in the troubled years near the nd of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms Period. when the Chineseampire was divided 2_three warring kingdoms. This masterpiece of Ming Dynasty continues to be widely influential, 3_(remain) a great work of world literature. It 4_(main) covers the lives of the men 5 _took important positionsduring the weak years of Han, such as Cao Cao and Sun Ouan, but uses only few pages . 6_(cover) the events that led to the fall of the three kingdoms. Romance of the Three Kingdoms, as 7_ whole, is traditionally said to bewritten by Luo Guanzhong, but it should be noted that Luo Guanzhong has taken8_(inspire) from many other works and that Romance of the Three Kingdomscould 9_(see) as a compilation(汇编) . 54. Journey to the West is one of the four famous classical Chinese 1_(novel) dating back to some four hundred years ago, the other three being WaterMargin, A Dream of Red Mansions, 2_ Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Journey to the West is a classic Chinese mythological novel. It 3_(write) during the Ming Dynasty based on traditional folktales. 4_(consist) of 100chapters, this fantasy relates the adventures of a Tang Dynasty Buddhist monkXuanzang and 5_(he) three disciples(门徒) , Monkey King, Monk Pigand Friar Sand, as they travel west in search 6 Buddhist Sutra(佛经) . 55. Once upon a time, there lived an old man on the northern frontier of China. One day, his horse disappeared. His neighbors came to comfort him, but the old man was not upset at all, 1_(say) the loss might turn out to be 2_ good thing, and he was right. A few months later, his horse came back 3 another horse that was even 4_(good) . Once again, the old man viewed the event 6_(different) . A few 7 _(day) later, his son fell from the new horse and 8_(break) his leg. Fortunately, since his son was lame after that accident, he was not chosen to be a soldier to fight in the 9_(follow) war, so that he lived with family safely. Nowadays people use“The old man on the frontier lost his horse”10 _(comfort) those who have some misfortune. It implies:Bad luck sometimes turn out to be good luck, and good luck can sometimes be bad. 56. Very soon, one man finished his snake. He was about to drink the wine 3 _he saw the others were still busy 4_(draw) . “How slow you are!he said 5_(contented) , I still have enough time to add feet 6_ my snake. ”But before he finished the feet, another man finished his snake and grabbedthe pot from him, saying, “Whoever has seen a snake with feet?7_(you) is not a snake, so the wine should be mine!Then he 8_(drink) the wine. The man adding feet had to give in and could only regret his 9_(foolish) . From that story comes the idiomDraw a snake with feet”. Now people usethis idiom 10 _(tell) the truth that going too far is as bad as not going far enough. 57. A son took his old father to a restaurant for 1 _evening dinner. Beingvery old and weak, while eating, the father 2_(drop) food on his shirt andtrousers. Other diners watched 3_(he) with disgust but his son was calm. After the father finished eating, his son, 4 _was not embarrassed at all, to
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