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Leaders: provincial agricultural work Conference held in XX, which is our concern and love, will greatly promote XX agricultural and rural economic development. First of all, I am representing XX municipal party Committee and Government, extend a warm welcome to the attending leaders! XX has been given support and assistance to the province of agriculture, provincial agricultural Office, and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the friends! below, I XX with a brief report. A basic XX of XX municipality located (cities, omitted). One is the superior ecological environment. XX blue, clear, green, water, air, 70% of land in the territory is covered with forests, grasslands, wetlands and waters, built 7 thousands of square kilometers of the total area of nature reserves. Within major industrial pollution sources, air quality at the national level, national levels, water quality, soil pollution, pure land reputation, was heralded by the United Nations environmental officials the most suitable place for human survival. Second, the enrichment of natural resources. A total area of more than 5 million mu of arable land (which owned 1.53 million acres), the annual grain output of more than 2 million tons and is located in the internationally recognized gold cattle, there should be more than 400,000 acres of grazing grassland, developing animal husbandry conditions; a total area of 4.1 million acres of forest land, rich in precious wood such as pine, ash, yellow pineapple, standing timber volume of more than 26 million cubic meters. Forest Xia has hundreds of species precious wildlife, more than 200 more species precious herbs, annual Super thousand tons of wild mushroom and reserves Super 100,000 tons of mountain dish; nectar plant throughout, can bee 100,000 group, is China bee of Xiang, and national Northeast black bee reserves and important of bee products production base; can using water 2.5 billion cubic metres, should be fishing water 460,000 acres, rich big salmon, and three spent five Luo, North cold water specialty fish; found and proved reserves of mineral resources has 36 species. Third, geopolitical advantages. XX open midpoint is located in the eastern part of the province along the border, 264 km long border, with national road passenger and freight transport port, built on the border between China and Russia has the largest permanent boundary River Bridge, running at full capacity the annual cargo capacity of up to 2.6 million tons. Russia two (HABA and Marina), two cities (Iman and Lesozavodsk) is the Russian Far East in developed areas. Lesozavodsk is only 8 km from XX port corresponding to the port of markovo, Lu Rinuo station is one of three railway marshalling yards in the far East, the far East-Siberian railway and a parallel road runs through the pass. By rail and road, to the North by HABA capital Khabarovsk, the Russian hinterland, radiation in the CIS and Eastern European countries; to the South through the port of Vladivostok and the nahuo card on the sea, to reach South Korea, Japan and other Pacific Rim countries and regions. Four is rich in tourism resources. XX tourist resources types, many attractions, beautiful scenery of the Sino-Russian border-river-wusuli River, a famous treasure island, known as the Oriental Maginot line of the Japanese invading army Tiger underground fortress ruins, General Chi药山中学食品安全知识竞赛题一、单选题 1、购买食品时应选购包装上有以下哪些内容的食品 D A、生产日期 B、生产厂家 C、QS标志 D、以上都是2、以下哪位小朋友的做法是正确的C A、小明食用校园周边流动摊贩上购买的肉串 B、小红直接食用未经清洗的苹果 C、小丽放学回到家后先洗手再吃饼干3、哪种食品我们学生不宜常吃 D A、油炸类食品 B、膨化食品 C、烧烤类食品 D、以上都是 4、下面哪种食品是有毒食品 不宜食用 D A、发芽的土豆 B、未彻底煮熟的四季豆 C、发霉的花生 D、以上都是5、下列防范食品污染采取的错误措施是 B A、饮用洁净的水把水烧开了再喝 B、吃饭前可以不先洗手饭后洗也可以 C、菜刀、菜板用前都应清洗干净 6、以下哪种食品是国家明令禁止食用的 A A、割香螺 B、鲫鱼 C、鲳鱼7、以下哪种烹调方式容易产生致癌物质 C A、蒸 B、煮 C、油炸8、下面哪种说法正确 A A、 穿了“衣服”有包装的食品比裸露的食品更安全 B、粉丝越白越好 C、香肠颜色越红越好 9、为什么不能过度喝饮料 D A、多喝饮料会产生饱腹感妨碍正常食欲 B、有的饮料用了人工合成的甜味剂、香精、色素、碳酸水等多喝对身体没好处 C、饮料含有一定的热量多喝可能导致身体发胖 D、以上都是 10、科学选购水果蔬菜以下做法正确的是 AA、选购时令盛产的水果蔬菜 B、选购反季水果蔬菜 C、整年选购一种特定的水果蔬菜 11、为加强食品安全法制化管理我国制定 B A、 食品卫生法 B、 食品安全法 C、 食品质量法12、消费者在消费食品过程中其合法权益受到侵害时可以拨打全国消费者申诉举报统一电话。 C A、315 B、96311 C、12315 13、在下列产品的标识上哪种产品必须注明生产日期和安全使用期或失效日期 C A、学习文具 B、五金制品 C、食品 14、消费者因食品缺陷造成人身损害的C A、只可以向销售者要求赔偿 B、只可以向生产者要求赔偿 C、可以向销售者要求赔偿也可以向生产者要求赔偿 15、长期使用铝制品作为食品容器会引发下列哪种疾病 A A、老年痴呆症 B、甲状腺肿大 C、肠胃疾病 16、水垢对人体的危害非常的大对于保温瓶或陶瓷器皿以下除去其上的水垢的方法正确的是 A A、可用加入适量醋的水浸泡使它慢慢溶解掉 B、可用加入适量小苏打的水浸泡使它慢慢溶解掉 C、可用盐水浸泡使它慢慢溶解掉 17、下列调味品与患高血压有关的是B A、胡椒面 B、食盐 C、味精 18、儿童不宜经常食用哪种食品 C A、五谷杂粮 B、坚果类的零食 C、各种保健品 19、下列烹调方法能更好地保存鱼肉中的营养成分的是B A、红烧 B、清蒸 C、油煎 20、在食物加工、烹调过程中以下四种营养素相比较最容易损失的是 A A、维生素 B、蛋白质 C、矿物质 D、脂肪 21、青春发育期的女孩应常吃何种食物以增加碘的摄入 C A、牛奶 B、瘦肉 C、海产品 D、蔬菜 22、促进儿童少年发育最积极的因素是 B A、遗传 B、营养和体育锻炼 C、生活制度 D、疾病 23、食品标签上必须标注的内容是什么 D A、保质期 B、生产日期 C、详细的厂址及企业名称 D、以上都必须具有24、正确使用冰箱是确保食品安全的重要措施下列关于使用冰箱的说法错误的是C A、不要将冰箱塞满将冰箱塞得过满会导致冰箱内温度不均 B、不要食用在冰箱里放臵较久的食品 C、建议在食用食品时才将其从冰箱中取出不需要加热可以直接食用 D、至少每3个月将整个冰箱进行清洁消毒。在清理过程中将食品放在恒
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