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,介绍人或者物品用This is / That is 例:This is my house. 变成一般疑问句:Is this your house ? (第一人称变成第二人称) My-your our-your,例:That is their bedroom . 变成一般疑问句:Is that their bedroom ? (第三人称不变化) hishis herher itsits theirtheir,来试试吧?,肯:这是我的客厅 This is my sitting room . 疑:myyour Is this your sitting room ?,来试试吧?,肯:那是他的卧室 That is his sitting room . 疑:hishis Is that his sitting room ?,询问某个房间在哪? Where is the + 房间 回答: Its +方位词+the+房间 例:Where is the kitchen ? Its next to the bathroom .,来试试吧?,浴室在哪? Where is the bathroom? 它在卧室的旁边。 Its next to the bedroom.,来试试吧?,书房在哪? Where is the study? 它在浴室和餐厅的中间。 Its between the bathroom and the dinning room .,
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