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Unit2 Establishing Business Relations,It is very important to have a wide business connections. You may be approached by some companies that have the intention to do business with you. You may find it necessary to look for your own customers. Where to find the company you want to deal with? You may find them through the following channels:,1.Overseas Chamber of Commerce 海外商会 2.The Economic and Commercial Counselors Office of the Embassy of Peoples Republic of China in Foreign Countries 中国驻外商务处 3.Your branch offices abroad 4.Directories 贸易行的行名录,5.Publication出版物 e.g. Public Commerce Information Service, published by the Ministry of Commerce, P. R. China商务部出版的公共商务信息导报 6.Business Houses of the same trade 同业商行 7.Advertisements 广告 8.Internet: www.mofcom.gov.cn; www.ibdaily.com.cn,How to write to the company you wish to contact for the first time? 1.Begin you letter by telling the recipient how his name is known to you. 2.Provide necessary information about yourself 3.State your wish,If you receive a letter in which the sender expresses the intention to do business with you what should you do? You should answer as soon as possible. This shows your efficiency, which is a good way to impress your potential customer. If you cant do as requested, you have to tell him tactfully to pave the way for future business. Now lets look at some letters: Specimen letter 1:,China National Import & Export Corp. Beijing Branch Beijing China (the letter head: senders address ) January 4, 2005 (the date),B. Wallace &. Co. 236 St. Louis Street Croydon, England ( inside address: the address of the recipient) Dear Sirs :(salutation) We have obtained your name and address from Simpson & Co. Ltd., London, England.,As you are in the line of cotton piece goods, we are writing to enquire whether you are willing to enter into business relations with us. We are a state-owned corporation specializing in the export of the above items. To give you a general idea of our products we enclose a brochure and a sample-cutting,booklet. We shall send you quotations once we get your specific enquiry. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully (complimentary close) China National Import & Export Corp. Enclosures:1brochure 1sample-cutting booklet,The Explanation of the letter 1 A.We have obtained you name and address from Simpson & Co. Ltd., London, England. 我们从英国伦敦Simpson有限责任公司那里得到贵公司的商号和地址. 1.obtain: get. 得到,获得 I am sorry I have not obtained the information you required. limited liability.,2.Simpson & Co. Ltd.: Co. Ltd有限责任公司It is a company in which the liability of each shareholder is limited by the number of shares he has taken, so that he cannot be requested to contribute beyond the amount of his shares. That is why we say this is a company with limited liability.,B.As you are in the line of cotton piece goods, we are writing to enquire whether you are willing to enter into business relations with us. 由于贵公司是经营棉布的,现特致此函,以询问是否愿意与我们建立业务联系。 1.line: business, profession, trade行业, 职业 in the line of entertainment 从事娱乐行业,Tea is in our line 我们是经营茶叶的。 in the line of cotton piece goods 经营棉布业 We have a similar expression: fall within ones business activities. Tea falls within our business activities 2.cotton piece goods: 棉布(匹头),3.enter into business relations with somebody: establish business relations with somebody. 与某人建立业务联系 We have entered into business relations with ABC company.,C.We are a state-owned corporation specializing in the export of the above items. 我们是国营公司专门经营上述商品的出口。 1.state-owned corporation:国营公司 2.specialize in:专门经营 They specialize in garments. 他们专门经营服装。 3.items: goods 商品,D.To give you a general idea of our products we enclose a brochure and a sample-cutting booklet. 为了使贵方大概了解我们的产品现随函附上小册子和剪样册。 1.a general idea of 大概了解某事 2.enclose: 随函附上 1)to enclose something: We are enclosing our sales contract. 2)enclosed is something: Enclosed is our sales contract. 随函附上我们的销售合同。,We used to have the expression: Enclosed please find something: Enclosed please find our sales contract. (Such expression is out of date and wed better not use it .) 3.brochure:pamphlet (介绍,宣传商品的)小册子。 4.sample: 样品 sample-cutting 剪样,布匹的剪样 5.booklet: thin book, usu. in paper covers小册子 6.sample-cutting booklet是印花布样本小册子,由各种花样,图案的小块剪样sample cuttings 装订成本,上面注明商品号码,寄给客户选购时用。,E.We shall send you quotations once we get your specific enquiry . 一俟收到贵方的具体询价,我们将寄上报价。 specific enquiry:具体询价 1.enquiry : n.询价 an enquiry for something 对的询价 an enquiry for textile对纺织品的询价; 2.enquire : v. enquire for something 对进行询价 They enquired for cotton piece goods last week.,3.Enquire: ask about something询问某事 enquire of somebody about something 向某人询问某事 Ill enquire of him about the schedule. 我将向他询问计划的事。 The buyer enquired of the seller about the quality of this new product. 买方向卖方询问这个新产品的质量。 F. We look forward to hearing from you soon. 盼望早日回复。 look forward to something or doing something 盼望,Comment on the letter: This is a letter enquiring about the possibility of establishing
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