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性格自测:高敏感人群的16个习惯Do you feel like you reflect on things more than everyone else? Do you find yourself worrying about how other people feel? Do you prefer quieter, less chaotic environments?你是否觉得自己看待事物比其他人想得多?你是否发现自己总在担心其他人的感受?你是不是更喜欢安静一些,少些嘈杂的环境?If the above sound true to you, you may be highly sensitive. The personality trait - which was first researched by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D., in the early 1990s - is relatively common, with as many as one in five people possessing it. Aron, who has written multiple studies and books on high sensitivity, including The Highly Sensitive Person, also developed a self-test (which you can take here) to help you determine if you are highly sensitive.如果以上描述对你适用,那么你很可能属于高敏感人群。这种个性特征是相对普遍的,每五个人中就有一人属于此类。伊莱恩阿隆博士在20世纪九十年代早期首次对此进行了研究,她写过数篇研究报告和数本相关图书,其中包括高度敏感的人。她同时也开发了一个自我测试来帮助你决定自己是不是高度敏感(你可以跟着这篇文章进行测试)。While recent interest in introversion - driven largely by high-profile publications on the subject, including Susan Cains book Quiet, - has brought more awareness to personality traits that value less stimulation and higher sensitivity, Aron notes that highly sensitive people still tend to be considered the minority.近期,包括苏珊凯因的安静在内的诸多内向主题出版物高调发表,引起了大众对此的极大兴趣,人们更加注意到喜欢少些刺激和有着更高敏感度的个性特征。阿隆博士提到,高敏感人群现在仍被认为是“少数”。But minority doesnt mean bad - in fact, being highly sensitive carries a multitude of positive characteristics. Read on for some of the commonalities shared by highly sensitive people.但“少数”并不意味着不好实际上,高度敏感的人有一系列积极正面的个性特征。跟着本文一起看看高敏感度人群的一些常见的个性特征吧。1. They feel more deeply.他们的感受更加深刻。One of the hallmark characteristics of highly sensitive people is the ability to feel more deeply than their less-sensitive peers. They like to process things on a deep level, Ted Zeff, Ph.D., author of The Highly Sensitive Persons Survival Guide and other books on highly sensitive people, tells HuffPost. Theyre very intuitive, and go very deep inside to try to figure things out.高敏感度人群的特征标志之一就是他们比低敏感的的同伴有着更深刻的感受。“他们喜欢在深层面掌握事物,”曾编写高敏感度人群的生存指南以及其他相关书籍的特德泽夫博士对赫芬顿邮报说道:“他们有敏锐的直觉,会深刻思考寻找问题的答案。”2. Theyre more emotionally reactive.他们的情感反应更丰富。People who are highly sensitive will react more in a situation. For instance, they will have more empathy and feel more concern for a friends problems, according to Aron. They may also have more concern about how another person may be reacting in the face of a negative event.高敏感度的人对于一个情景会做出更多反应。比如,根据阿隆博士的说法,他们更会站在他人的角度考虑,对朋友遇到的难题也更有同感。他们也许会更加顾虑到其他人遇到不好的事情会怎样反应。3. Theyre probably used to hearing, Dont take things so personally and Why are you so sensitive?他们很可能已经习惯听到“别往心里去“和”为什么你这么敏感?“之类的话。Depending on the culture, sensitivity can be perceived as an asset or a negative trait, Zeff explains. In some of his own research, Zeff says that highly sensitive men he interviewed from other countries - such as Thailand and India - were rarely or never teased, while highly sensitive men he interviewed from North America were frequently or always teased. So a lot of it is very cultural - the same person who is told, Oh, youre too sensitive, in certain cultures, its considered an asset, he says.泽夫博士解释道,文化决定敏感可以被视作一笔财富或者一种负面特质。泽夫博士在研究中采访过来自其他国家的高敏感人群,比如泰国和印度的高敏感的人很少或者几乎没被别人取笑过,而北美的高敏感人群经常被作为取笑的对象。“所以,这很大程度上都和文化有关在某些国家,同样一个人被别人说成你太敏感了!,而在有些国家,这被视为一种个人财富,”他如此总结道。4. They prefer to exercise solo. 他们更喜欢独自锻炼。Highly sensitive people may tend to avoid team sports, where theres a sense that everyone is watching their every move, Zeff says. In his research, the majority of highly sensitive people he interviewed preferred individual sports, like bicycling, running and hiking, to group sports. However, this is not a blanket rule - there are some highly sensitive people who may have had parents who provided an understanding and supportive environment that would make it easier for them to participate in group sports, Zeff says.泽夫博士介绍说,高敏感的人可能倾向于避开团队运动,因为他们会觉得每个人都在看着他的一举一动。在他的研究中,他采访的大部分高敏感的人更喜欢个人运动,比如骑自行车,跑步或者徒步旅行。然而,这并不适用于所有高敏感人群由于家人提供了理解和支持的成长环境,有些高敏感的人可能更容易参与群体运动。5. It takes longer for them to make decisions.他们做决定需要更长时间。Highly sensitive people are more aware of subtleties and details that could make decisions harder to make, Aron says. Even if there is no right or wrong decision - for example, its impossible to choose a wrong flavor of ice cream - highly sensitive people will still tend to take longer to choose because they are weighing every possible outcome. Arons advice for dealing with this: Take as long to decide as the situation permits, and ask for more time if you need it and can take it, she writes in a recent issue of her Comfort Zone newsletter. During this time, try pretending for a minute, hour, day, or even week that you have made up your mind a certain way. How does that feel? Often, on the other side of a decision things look different, and this gives you a chance to imagine more vividly that you are already there.
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