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2019/5/22,1,English for Electrical Information,Translation techniques English-Chinese Chinese-English,电气信息类科技英语,2019/5/22,2,Unit 3 Translation of Scientific and Technological Terminology,1 Features of Scientific and Technological Terminology Common words, Semi-technical words, Terminology Semi-technical words: Power Mathematics :幂、乘方,the second power of three; Physics: 功率,power factor; Electrical engineering : 电力,power plant; Statistics: 功效. Optics: 放大率, the power of the microscope,电气信息类科技英语,2019/5/22,3,电气信息类科技英语,Transmission Electrical engineering: 输送,power transmission; Communication: 发射, signal transmission; Mechanics: 传动, mechanical transmission; Medical science: 遗传, gene transmission.,Terminology: amplifier, diode, armature, maglev, tweeter, bandwidth,2019/5/22,4,电气信息类科技英语,(1) Compound words: a word composed of two or more old words. Compound nones:barcode, toothpick, acidcloud, airtunnel , pocketoffice, solarpond; Compound ajectives: full-enclosed, nuclear-weapon-free, on-and-off-the-road; Compound verbs: to mass-produce, to window-dress, to hand-carry.,2019/5/22,5,(2) Derivatives(派生词): a root plus prefix or suffix,词根加前缀的词汇: microreader (缩微阅读器), microminiaturize (使微小化),antinuclear (反对使用核能的), extragalactic (银河系外的),electrochemical (电化学的),macroeconomics(宏观经济学), pseudoecience (伪科学),polygon(多边形), hydrotherapy (水疗法), multimeter(万用表); 词根加后缀的词汇有: horsemanship (骑术), floriculturist(花卉栽培家),abbreviation (缩写)。,电气信息类科技英语,2019/5/22,6,(3) Blend (混成词): A word produced by combining parts of other words, as smog from smoke and fog. camcorder=camera + recorder(摄像机or video camera); comsat = communication + satellite(通讯卫星); videophone =video + telephone(电视电话); bit= binary +digit (二进位数字); meld = melt +weld (熔焊); digicams =digital cameras (数字照相机); greentech = green technology (绿色技术); informics = information + economics (信息经济); electrochemical=electric +chemical (电化学); programmatic=program+automatic(能自动编程的)。,电气信息类科技英语,2019/5/22,7,(4) Acronym: A word formed from the initial letters of a name, such as WAC for Womens Army Corps, or by combining initial letters or parts of a series of words, such as radar for radio detecting and ranging. 裁减式缩略词: maths (mathematics)数学,lab (laboratory)实验室,ft (foot/feet)英尺,cpd (compound)化合物,chute=parachute(降落伞),drome=aerodrome(飞机场);,电气信息类科技英语,2019/5/22,8,用首字母组成的缩略词: FM(frequency modulation)调频,P.S.I. (pounds per square inch)磅/英寸,SCR(silicon controlled rectifier )可控硅整流器,CD(compact disk)激光唱盘, CAD(computer assisted design)计算机辅助设计,IT(information technology)信息技术,MTV(music television)音乐电视广播,PVC(polyvinyl chloride)聚氯乙稀,ATM(automated teller machine)自动出纳机,AC(alternating current)交流,DC(direct current)直流,CPU(central processor unit)中央处理器单元,MODEM(modulation & demodulator)调制解调器。,电气信息类科技英语,2019/5/22,9,2. Methods of Scientific and Technological Terminology Translation,1.Free translation(意译) A. Compound word feedback, skylab,guided missile, breakdown, friction factor,overcharge, waterproof, moonwalk,walkie-talkie B. Polysemy bug, computer,monitor C. Derivative: thermocouple, voltmeter, thermometer,monophase astrionics,电气信息类科技英语,2019/5/22,10,A. Words denoting the units of measurement. Hertz赫兹(频率单位),bit比特(度量信息的单位,二进制位) , Ohm, lux勒克司(照明单位), joule焦耳(功或能的单位),calorie(热量单位) B. Words for some newly invented materials or products, esp. in the early days. nylon,sonar,vaseline 有些音译词经过一段时间后又被意译词所取代,或者同时使用。 例如:combine康拜因联合收割机 laser莱塞激光 vitamin维他命维生素 penicillin盘尼西林青霉素,电气信息类科技英语,2.Transliteration(音译),2019/5/22,11,A. Choose the characters in translation that can denote the shape of the original object and /or English letter T square丁字尺 I-column工字柱 U-bend马蹄弯头 V-slot三角形槽 Ycurve(叉形曲线) B.Keep the letter not translated, but add a character “形”which is more popular in translation A-bedplate A形底座 D-valve C-network M-wing C.Keep the letter not translated, use the letter to stand for a concept X ray X射线 L-electron L层电子,3.Morphotranslation(形译),电气信息类科技英语,2019/5/22,12,4.Combination of free translation with transliteration,A.microampere, megavolt, decibel, kilowatt B. radar-man, motor-cycle, valve -guide C. Ohms law欧姆定律 Curie point居里点Morse code莫尔斯电码 Monel metal蒙乃尔合金 Babbit metal巴氏合金,2019/5/22,13,5.Literal translation(直译) B-52 E bomber B-52 E轰炸机 Kubota Mobile Crane Model KM-150 库宝塔KM-150型流动式起重机,2019/5/22,14,1.Abiding by the principle“established by usage”; 2.Free translation should be applied as far as possible; dustoff 战地救护直升机 3.The translation of technical words must be absolutely consistent in the same article or book; nylon尼龙/耐纶/酰胺纤维 4. Select a dictionary with latest version as the reference.,电气信息类科技英语,3 Key Points for Terminology Translation,
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