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随身听手册-338Lesson 3800:03.29calendar00:04.61历法,日历00:05.93Up to now,historians have assumed that calendars came into being00:09.17迄今为止,历史学家一直认为日历是随农业出现而产生的,00:12.41with the advent of agriculture,00:16.25for then man was faced with a real need to understand something about the seasons.00:19.83因为当时的人们面临着了解季节的实际需要。00:23.41One use for early astronomy was to create calendars.00:26.49早期天文学的用途之一是建立历法。00:29.57She has the habit of writing the time and place of her appointments on the calendar.00:32.90她习惯把约会时间、地点写在日期上。00:36.23historian00:37.71历史学家00:39.18People have always paid honor to historians,but ignored prophets.00:42.61人们总是礼敬历史学家,冷落预言家。00:46.03History repeats itself,historians repeat each other.00:49.11历史重复自己,历史学家重复彼此。00:52.19unique00:53.56独一无二的00:54.94Future historians will be in a unique position00:57.51未来的历史学家在书写我们这一段历史的时候01:00.08when they came to record the history of our own times.01:02.90面对的将是得天独厚的条件。01:05.72There was something unique about the new theories.01:08.24这些新理论有独到之处。01:10.77The actress imprints her unique personality on all the roles she plays.01:14.34这个女演员饰演的所有角色都带着她那独一无二的性格烙印。01:17.92steadily01:19.36不断地01:20.80They will hardly know which facts to select from the great mass of evidence01:23.97他们几乎不知道该从现有的材料里选取什么,01:27.14that steadily accumulates.01:29.22何况这些材料还在不断增长。01:31.30In silence Mole rowed steadily,01:33.57鼹鼠默默地不断划着01:35.84and soon they came to a point where the river divided.01:38.47很快划到了河流分岔处。01:41.09It had been a leaden dawn,and the rain now steadily poured down.01:44.33那是一个铅灰色的黎明,现在又开始连绵不断地下起了大雨。01:47.57solely01:48.94惟一地,全然地01:50.32What is more,they will no have to rely solely on the written word.01:53.75而且,他们也不必完全倚赖文字材料。01:57.19Eventually she went back to her father solely because there wasno other way.02:00.66最后,只是因为实在没有别的办法了,她才回头去找她爸爸。02:04.13Peace is not solely a matter of military or technical problem.02:07.56和平不仅仅是个军事工技术问题。02:10.98video02:12.40录像02:13.83Films,videos,CDs and CD-ROMs02:16.46他们获取信息的渠道多得令人眼花缭乱,02:19.10are just some of the bewildering amount of information they will have.02:22.13电影,录像,光盘和光驱器只是其中的几种。02:25.16We saw the movie on video.02:27.24我们看了影片的录像带。02:29.32Many families own a video camera today。02:31.68今天许多家庭都有摄像机。02:34.04CD-ROM02:35.62(只读)光盘驱动器02:37.20CD-ROM is the shortened form of Comopact Disk-Read Only Memory.02:40.93CD-ROM是(只读)光盘驱动器的缩写。02:44.65bewilder02:46.09令人眼花缭乱02:47.52As soon as you arrive you will have a bewildering reading list thrust into your hand.02:51.39你一到就会有一张让人眼花缭乱的书单塞到你手里。02:55.26Teroro was scared and bewildered.02:57.74蒂罗罗害怕得晕头转向了。03:00.22deduce03:01.68推断,推理03:03.14He has to deduce what he can from the few scanty clues available.03:06.46他必须根据现有的几条不充分的线索进行推理。03:09.78He expected to deduce new ideas by mathematical means.03:12.90他期望用数学方法得到新的推论。03:16.02Mel deduced there were others within hearing .03:18.45梅尔估计有人能听得到他们的谈话。03:20.88scanty03:22.36不足的,贫乏的03:23.83Barney knew scantiest amount of French and not a syllable of anything else.03:27.76巴尼只懂一点点法文,其他外语一个字都不会。03:31.70The news today is scanty,but good.03:34.48今天的消息不多,不过都是好消息。03:37.26clue03:38.58线索03:39.90I thought there might be clues among all the materials which might take us somewhere.03:43.32我还以为这些材料里有什么线索能让我们有点进展呢。03:46.74The statement is an interesting clue to both his temperament and his literary method.03:50.27他的性情和笔法从这句话里可见一斑。03:53.80insignificant03:55.38不重要的03:56.96Even seemingly insignificant remains03:59.33即使看起来微不足道的遗留物,04:01.71can shed interesting light on the history of early man.04:04.39也可能让我们对人类早期历史有一些新的了解。04:07.07Mrs.Morrison was so insignificant that no one had ever noticed what she looked like.04:11.25莫里森太太太卑微了,以至于没有人注意她长得什么样儿。shed04:16.74使流出,倾泻04:18.06These who shed the most tears are not necessarily the most concerned.04:21.60那些眼泪掉得最多的人不见得是最关心的人。04:25.14advent04:26.62出现,到来,来临04:28.09Up to now,historians have assumed04:30.28迄今为止,历史学家一直认为日历是随农业的出现而产生的,04:32.46that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture,04:38.33for then man was faced with a real need to understand something about the seasons.04:42.27因为当时的人们面临着了解四时的实际需要。04:46.20With the advent of modern methods of communication04:48.77由于现代通讯手段的出现,04:51.34the whole world has been transformed into a single mechanism.04:54.43整个世界已经变成了一个统一的机体。04:57.51The use of the term had only become widespread04:59.99这个名词是在纪录片问世以后05:02.47since the advent of the documentary film.05:04.84才开始广泛使用的。05:07.20agriculture05:08.73农业05:10.26For people who relied on agriculture for their living this was a serious matter.05:13.64对于以务农为生的来说,这是一个很严重的问题。05:17.02assum
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