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Unit 2 English around the world1. more than 与数词连用,意为“超过,多于”,相当于over(1) more than one + n 意味“不止一个”,虽语意上为复数,但作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。e.g. More than one student is clever.(2) more than + adj./adv./v./分词/从句,意为“不只是,非常,多过”e.g. Its more than friendship, but not love.other than 除了 rather than 而不是2. be different from 与不同 拓展:be different in sth. 在方面不同 tell the difference between A and B 辨别A与B的不同be the same as 与相同the sameas 表示同类事物the samethat 表示同一事物the samewho/when/where和相同的He went back to the same place _ he had found the ring.A. where B. as C. which D. that3. one another 相互,彼此=each othere.g. Tom and Ann looked at each other.注:(1)each other和one another是相互代词,两者都意为“相互,彼此”,在句中作动作或介词的宾语,但不能做主语。(2)表示两个人或事物之间的相互关系用each other;表示三个或三个以上的人或事物之间的相互关系时,用each other或one another都可以。(3)each others和one anothers后面的名词用复数。e.g. Dogs biting at each others tails. 狗咬狗4. nearly not nearly (=far from)远非;绝不是辨析:nearly 与 almostalmost:表示“几乎”“差不多”,常用于下列几种情况: (1)与any, no, none, nothing, nobody, nowhere, never等词连用 (2)与too, more than等连用 (3)和表示感觉或心理活动的静态动词连用e.g. He said almost nothing was interesting.You could almost imagine that you were in Denmark.nearly:表示“几乎,接近,差不多”,常用于被very, not, pretty修饰时e.g. There is not nearly enough money to buy a new camera.5. voyage, journey, trip, tour易混词辨析例句voyage指“海上旅行”或“航行”Columbus voyaged across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492. travel“旅行”的总称,是不可数名词,其前不加冠词。Travel in the mountains can be slow and dangerous.journey指长途陆路旅行,特指“旅途”本身。Its a long long journey Till I know where Im supposed to betrip指短途短期旅行,一般为往返旅行。They made a trip to the lakeside last weekend.tour指“团队”观光旅游。也可表示“巡视”“巡回比赛”或“演出”。The band is on tour in China.6.because of(1)because与because ofbecause为连词,后接从句because of为介词短语,后接名词、代词或动名词(2)引导原因状语的介词短语:owing to, due to, on account of, as a result of(3)because, why与that引导的表语从句辨析a. because表示一种动作或状态的根本原因。b. why虽然译成“因为”,但实质上表示结果。c. that引导的表语从句表示原因,主语通常是reason或what引导的主语从句。在the reason whyis/was that结构中,也只能用that引导。e.g. He loves her because she is pretty.She is pretty. That is why he loves her.The reason why he loves her is that she was pretty.7.even if若主句、从句皆表示将来情况,even if从句可用一般现在时代替将来时。e.g. We have decided to visit the museum even if it rains tomorrow.辨析:even if与even thougheven if从句的内容不肯定;而even though从句的内容则是事实。e.g. He will not let out the secret even if he knows it.他是否知道秘密还不确定。 He will not let out the secret even though he knows it.他知道这个秘密。8.come up(1)走近;赶上,上来The coming up spring is full of hope.(2)发芽The seedlings are coming up full and green.(3)(尤指意想不到地)发生I will let you know if any change comes up.(4)被提出讨论,被谈到;引起注意The subject of planting came up in the conversation.(5)(太阳、月亮)升起We watched the sun come up.(6)出席,参加,到场We came up for the party.( total eclipse)9.over prep.& adv.(1)prep 相当于during,意为“在期间”(2)表示时间时,还可表示“一边,一边,正在进行的过程”The girls sang over dancing.(3)超过You are over ten.(4)adv. 完了,结束Class is over.10. base vt. & n.辨析:base与basisbase:表示具体含义,意为“根基、基础、底座”e.g. the base of a buildingbasis:表示抽象含义,即“非物质方面的基础”e.g. the economic basis 经济基础11.present (1)adj. (前置定语)现在的,当前的;(后置定语)出席的,在场的e.g. Did you see the present CEO?Did you see the CEO present? be present at 出席,反义词组为:be absent from缺席(2)n. (C)礼物(3)n. 目前,现在e.g. The boy present at the meeting was considering asking his father for a book on the present tense as a birthday present.12. enrichen-+ adj. /n.- vt. enable, enclose, encourage, enforce, enlarge, ensure, entitle13. make use oftake advantage of 利用,趁机,占的便宜make the best of 指(对不利的条件等)充分利用make the most of 指尽量利用有理的条件14.instead of e.g. They went on foot instead of by bus.instead of的考查主要集中在它连接的平行结构上,即:两个主语,两个宾语,两个状语,两个谓语或两个定语。 instead为副词,通常放在句末,在承接上文时,也可放在句首,意味“代替”。e.g. We have no coffee, would you have tea instead?15. commandhave (a) good command of.精通command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事at ones command 随心所欲地(的);听从某人吩咐requestby request应邀e.g. He attended the meeting by request.request sth. from sb.He commanded that the students _ the classroom before he returned.A. didnt leave B. wouldnt leave C. neednt leave D. not leave虚拟语气:一个“坚持”insist(坚持要求) 二个“命令”order, command 三个“建议”suggest, propose, advise 三个“要求”demand, request, require从句用should +do, should可以省略。suggest作“表明,暗示”讲、insist 作“坚持认为,坚持说”讲时,其后的宾语从句用陈述语气。e.g. His blush suggested that he liked the girl. The boy insisted that he didnt like the girl.16. such和so 用法小结(1) such与no, all, most, some, any, another, many, much, a few, few, little, a little, several, one等词连用时,such应置于这些词之后。(2)so与many, much, few, little等词连用时,so应置于这些词之前。e.g. There are many such books on sale in the bookstore. There are so many books on sale in the bookstore.17. wayinway/bymeans/withmethod18. recognizerec
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