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综合实用英语教程,主讲人:,Unit 11,Part I Thinking a Minute,Part II Oral Practice,Part III Understanding and Learning,Part I Thinking a Minute,Live Before You Leave They say,“The greatest risk is not taking one.”Why is it when we grow up and become adults, we stop sticking our necks out and taking chances? Yet, at the end of our life, well probably regret the things we didnt do more than the things we did. Just think a minute.,把握人生 他们说:“最大的危险是无所作为。”为什么当我们长大成人时,我们就不再敢尝试去冒险?到了晚年,我们很可能为自己没有做过的事情而感到遗憾、后悔,而不是曾经做过的事情。 思考一分钟,Part II Oral Practice Food Culture Section A Dialogue 1 Reservation for a Table on the Telephone Attendant : Good afternoon. Golden Flower Restaurant. May I help you ? John Smith: Good afternoon. Id like to book a table oh, do you accept reservations? Attendant: Yes, of course. John Smith: Id like to book a table this evening. Attendant: Yes, sir. Could I have your name? John Smith: Sure. John Smith. J-O-H-N and S-I-M-T-H. Attendant: Thank you .And how many of you should we expect? John Smith: Six. I need a table for six, probably seven. Attendant: No problem. Ill keep a table for eight. Is that all right? John Smith: Good. Attendant: What time can we have the pleasure to see you and your guests, sir? John Smith: I think at about 6:30 p.m. Attendant: Good. Well keep your table until 7:00 p.m. We cant guarantee that your table will be available after 7:00 p.m. John Smith: I understand. Attendant: Thank you. Anything I can do? John Smith: No. Thank you. Bye! Attendant: Bye!,Part II Oral Practice Food Culture,Tips: 1. Im sorry, that table is already reserved. 对不起,那个坐位已经预订出去了。 2. Would you care to wait a moment in the lounge? 能否请你在休息室稍候片刻? 3. How long is the wait? 我们大概需要等多久? 4. Well call you when we have a vacancy. 有空桌时就会来叫你。 5. Ill show you to your table. 我带你们去。,Dialogue 2 Dish Recommendation (An attendant is suggesting dishes to Mr. Smith.) A=Attendant M=Mr. Smith A: Good evening. Would you like to order now? M: Yes. I dont seem to have a good appetite, but its the time. A: Are you on a special diet? M: No. A: I suggest a light meal. M: What do you suggest in particular? A: I suggest mushroom soup first. Soup can stimulate your appetite. M: Good .I will have that first. A: What about fish? Fish is not heavy. M: You are right. I like fish actually. A: We have good fish here-carp. What about medium sized carp? M: Yes write that. Do you suggest any meat? A: If you like. You can have some chicken, boiled rather than fried. But you can wait and see. M: I will order that if my appetite is better than fish. A: Thats what I meant. M: Thank you. You did a good job. A: You are welcome. Thanks.,Tips: 1. These are our specialties. Many visitors come here to taste them. 这是我们的特色菜,许多游客都来这里品尝。 2. How would you like your steak? Rare, medium, or well done? 你喜欢几成熟的牛排?是半生、适中、还是熟透的? 3. By the way, would you like to have some dessert after your meal? 顺便问一下,饭后你需要一些甜品吗? 4. We have various kinds of soft drinks. 我们有各种软饮料供应。 5. Ill tell the cooks to hurry. 我去告诉厨师快一点。,Dialogue 3 Settling Bills (They are going to leave after dinner.) Jack: Could we have our bill, please? Waiter: Sure, sir. How would you like to have your bill, a bill for three of you or a bill for each? Jack: A bill for three of us, please. Waiter: Heres your bill, sir. Its eighty-seven dollars. Please check it. Jack: (5, and 6, Jack is checking.) Would you mind explaining this to me? What is NO.4? Waiter: Of course not. Let me seeNO.4 is the main course and it is 38, not 33. Jack: I see. Is service charge included? Waiter: Yes, the service charge is 15%. Jack: All right. Can I pay with my credit card? Waiter: Im sorry we dont accept credit cards. Jack: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Waiter: But we accept checks. Jack: Good.,Tips: 1. I will take 40% off. 我会给你打六折。 2. Are you going to bill me for this? 你们会给我开这个的账单吗? 3. Would you like separate checks? 你喜欢分开帐单吗? 4. Please sign here and write down your room number. 请签名并填上你的房号。 5. Heres the receipt and change, keep it, please. 这是发票和零钱,请收好。,Dialogue 4 Cooking or Eating Out? (Jenny and her mom are going to cook.) Jenny: Mom, where is the bowl for the rice cooker? Mom: Its in the refrigerator. There are some vegetables in it. Jenny: How can we make rice then? The bowl is always in the refrigerator. Mom: I cooked vegetables in it. So I put it away like that. I didnt want to use another dish. Jenny: Well, Ill have to put the vegetables on a dish now. Mom: Use this one, please. Jenny: Thanks. I need the plastic wrap too. Mom: Were all out of plastic wrap. Jenny: Oh! And the wok needs to be washed. I should just eat at a restaurant! Mom: Relax. It takes two minutes to wash the wok. Why do you get so angry?,Tips: 1. steam 蒸 2. fry 炸 3. saute 炒 4. stew 炖 5. roast 烤,Dialogue 5 Chinese Food (Alan and Zoe are talking about Chinese food.) Alan: Hi, Zoe. Did you try the Chinese restaurant at the corner? Zoe: Yeah. Alan: Did you? What do you think of it? Zoe: Excellent! I like Chinese food very mu
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