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New College English Book One,Unit 9 The Joy of Travel,Eiffel Tower,Big Ben,Opera House,Statue of Liberty,Golden Bridge,Canals in Venice,Taj Mahal,Pyramids,The Kremlin Palace,Aruba, island in the West Indies, in the Caribbean Sea, near the Paraguan Peninsula of Venezuela. An integral part of the Netherlands, Aruba was a member of the Netherlands Antilles until 1986. Aruba is 30 km (19 mi) long and 8 km (5 mi) wide, and has an area of 190 sq km (73 sq mi). The,population of Aruba in 2003 was 70,844, giving the island an overall population density of 367 persons per sq km (951 per sq mi). Oranjestad (1990 population, 20,000) is the capital and main town. Sint Nicolaas, the site of an oil refinery, has a population of 17,000.,Unit 9 The Joy of Travel,Part III: Reading-centered activities Word formation: “ trans-” and “ un-” Language points Sentences Some famous places of interest in China Part four: Further development Identifying Landmarks Argument,Unit 9 The Joy of Travel,Finish reading the passage within 19 minutes, underline the phrases or sentences that you are not familiar with and then try to complete the Post-Reading exercises1,2,3 on page 247.,translate - translation transform- transformation- transformative transplant 移植 transit - transition 过渡,转变 transfer 转移,转车 ,转学,转变 transport- transportation 运输 transmit - 传送, 传导,传播 transmitter话筒, 送话器,trans-“ 横过”“超” “ 转移,变化”,word formation,un- 前缀表否定,unaided unfamiliar unemployed unkind unknown unfriendly unbearable unbelievable unaware unconditional unfair unattached undoubtedly unfortunately unpopular unworthy uncover,word formation,Two things that I was dissatisfied with. (Para. 1-3),My job & My engagement,Purpose of my trip (Para. 4-6),To transform myself,Process for change (Para. 7-14),I created a mindset that made me ready for change.,I insulated myself from the usual influences in my life and the people whose approval was most important.,I structured my time in order to produce change and growth.,I pushed myself to experiment with new ways of being.,I made public commitments of what I intended to do, so it would be harder to back down.,F. I processed my experiences systematically.,G. I made changes when I returned that continued the transformation that started while I was in Aruba.,Conclusion (Para. 15),I would continue going on transformative trips to keep my growth in the future.,commitment (n.) 1) 承诺,保证 2) 辛劳;忠诚;奉献,请完成下面的句子。,Exercise,诚实的人履行自己的诺言。 Honest people _.,fulfil their commitments,她无条件地为教育事业献身。 _ to the education cause was absolute.,Her commitment,商店诚邀行人进店逛逛,无须非买东西不可。 The shop sincerely invites passers-by to come in and look around _.,without commitment to buying anything,commitment (n.) (Line5, Para. 2) commit (v.) 1) 做(错的、坏的或非法的事);犯 2) 将某人【某事物】置于(某状态)或交与或转交(某处)保留、处理等 3) 承担义务;向某人保证,请用下面的提示词造句。,Exercise,commit a crime / error / suicide (犯罪/犯错/自杀),If you commit a crime you can never escape being punished.,commit sb. to (把某人送交),He was committed to a mental hospital at the age of 32.,commit sth. to memory (记住),He committed the address to memory.,commit oneself to (承诺),The government has committed itself to improving the Department of Education.,请用下面的提示词造句。,Exercise,Language points,commit vt. 犯 ( 罪 ) , 做 ( 错事,坏事 ),凶杀,commit suicide,自杀,commit murder,commit a motoring offence,开车违反交通规则,犯错误,commit mistake,犯罪,commit crime,commit vt. 把.交付给,commit a child to a doctors care,deliberately (adv.) (Line 62, Para. 12) 1) done in a way that is intended or planned 故意地;蓄意地 2) done or said in a slow careful way 审慎地;不慌不忙地,deliberate (adj.) 1) 故意的;蓄意的 2) 从容不迫的;不慌不忙的,deliberate (v.) 思考(on, over);与某人协商 (with);讨论某事(over, upon, on),New College English I Unit 9,43,deliberately,【记忆】de(加强语气)+liberate(balance,平衡)权衡再三仔细考虑的+ly仔细考虑地 【考点】 He says those things deliberately to insult me. 他说那些话是故意想侮辱我。 I wont forgive you because of your lying deliberately. 我不会原谅你,因为你存心说谎。 deliberate murder 蓄意谋杀,adv. by design; on purpose; of purpose 故意地 同consciously, intentionally,dimension (n.) (Line 76, Para. 15) 1) a part of a situation or a quality involved in it 方面,部分,特点,This added an extra dimension to the tension.,了解法律是本问题最重要的部分。,To this problem, understanding the law is the first dimension.,这使紧张局势节外生枝。,Translation,dimension (n.) (Line 76, Para. 15) 2) a measurement in space, for example, length, height, etc. 量度,维度,时间有时被称为第四维。,房间长12英尺,宽10英尺。,The rooms dimensions are 12 feet by 10 feet.,Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension.,Translation,New College English I Unit 9,46,elicit,elicit truth by discussion 通过讨论得出真理 【考点】 elicitfrom The police elicited a confession from him. 警察诱使他招了供。 The comedians joke elicited applause and laughter from the audience. 那位滑稽演员的笑话博得观众的掌声和笑声。,v. 引出,引起,New College English I Unit 9,47,engagement,The couple announced their
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