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,I was fat.,创设情境,I was fat.,启发思考,Where was I ?,I went to Hainan last summer holidays. I was in Hainan last summer holidays. I was very happy.,自主或小组探究,1. Where were Mum and Amy? Mum and Amy were in London. 2. Where was dad? He was in Hong Kong. 3. Where was Sam? Sam was in Beijing. He was with Daming at Damings flat yesterday.,flat,London,Hong Kong,Beijing,Listen and repeat.,Read in groups.,In the holidays,Where were you?,Beijing,协作交流,Where was she?,London,Where were you?,Lvshun,Where was he?,Hong Kong,Where were you in the holiday? I was in .,In the holidays, maybe she was in Xing hai park/ labor park/ People Square /zoo/at home/at school/ at the supermarket / Ru Rong school.,How about your teacher and friend?,总结提高,was (过去式) 是 wasnt (过去式) 不是 were (过去式) 是 werent (过去式) 不是,Homework 1. Listen and repeat the letter for three times. 2. Copy the words and sentences we learned today. 3. Write a letter to your friend and tell them about your holiday.,
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