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国际商务英语写作,作者:管春林,责任编辑:杜玲玲 出版日期:2010年7月 IDPN:308-2010-23 课件章数:17,Chapter 5 Sales Promotion and Follow-ups,Chapter 5 Sales Promotion and Follow-ups,5.1 Questions for discussion 5.2 Background information 5.3 Sample letters 5.4 Analysis and discussion 5.5 Points to remember 5.6 More useful patterns,5.1 Questions for discussion,(1) What is the purpose of a sales promotion ? (2) What suggestions can you give for successful promotion of products ? (3) Can you list some points for attention in a promotion letter ?,5.2 Background information,What are the purposes of sales promotion letters? Sales promotion letters aim to persuade the recipient to buy the writer s products and to expand business. When the exporter fails to receive the expected order or inquiry after sending the information asked for ,then it is necessary for him to write a follow-up letter ,5.3 Sample letters,Read the following letters to see how these sales letters and follow-up letters are worded and structured to achieve their purposes ,5.4 Analysis and discussion,What are their common purposes and common structures ? Three essential parts: (1)In the first part ,the writer refers to an inquiry or a previous communication; (2)The second part introduces new selling points ,such as the good quality of products or favorable business terms available ; (3)In the third part ,the writer advises the reader to order the goods or tries to move the reader to take advantage of the good chance ,The structure of a follow-up letter,(1)A reference to a transaction or an exchange of information in the past ; (2)Asking tactfully why the expected inquiry or order has not come ; (3)Providing additional information to stimulate the recipient s interest in writers products. (4)A friendly close to end the letter , in which an expectation may be expressed ,Question,Do you have any new points to add to the above list ?,5.5 Points to remember,(1)Start the letter by arousing the readers interest and encouraging him to take notice of the benefits the product being promoted can bring him (2)Focus on the introduction of the benefits rather than the features of the product or service. (3)Use testimonials ,offering a guarantee and presenting your credentials to turn the readers interest to desire (4)Present the offer from the readers point of view If you know well about your clients needs ,your letter may be more effective (5)Make the letter concise ,original and straight to the point ,Question,Has enough been said about how to w rite a good sales letter ? Do you want to add anything ?,The principle in writing follow-up letters,(1)Start the letter by referring to a previous offer ,exhibition ,conference ,etc (2)The writer ought not to duplicate previous sales pitches but should include new points that will arouse the readers interest (3)The writer may offer to the reader a chance to take alternative steps when he is not quite sure about the prospective customers needs.,(4)Take advantage of follow-up letters to reiterate the positive aspects of your services or products ,and gently urge your client or potential customer to take the next step in negotiating a sale (5)Avoid negative remarks (6)End the letter with a firm promise of service and anxious hope for a reply or an order.,Question,Are you now clear about how to write sales promotion letters and follow-up letters ?,5.6 More useful patterns,5.6.1 Creating desires 5.6.2 Offering special business terms 5.6.3 Motivating actions,5.6.1 Creating desires,We have shown some flexibility in price negotiation in order to make the conclusion of business possible According to our investigation ,the market is now showing a decline ,so we are expecting an adjustment of the price at the end of this month By virtue of its superior quality ,this item has met with a warm reception in most European countries We deem it to your advantage to buy this item for a conditional sale in your market ,5.6.2 Offering special business terms,We inform you that we are able to offer you a discount of 10 of our recent price As you have placed many orders with us in the past ,we have decided to make you a special offer of Since this is our first transaction with you ,we decide ,as an exception ,to cut the price by 2 Special terms are allowed to you if you place trial order before the end of the current month The price we quoted is accurately calculated , but in order to encourage business ,we are prepared to allow you a discount of 2,5.6.3 Motivating actions,We have pleasure in recommending to you the following goods similar to the samples sent by you In order to promote business between us,we are airmailing to you samples,under separate cover,for your inspection In view of the large demand for this commodity,we would advise you to work fast and place an order with us as soon as possible,
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