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国际商务单证,作者:蔡苏勤,责任编辑:张琛 出版日期:2009年6月 IDPN:308-2009-004 课件章数:8,Financial Documents,Payment instruments,drafts,Promissory note,checks,Money orders,Credit cards,cashes,Most common,Rarely used,1. 汇票(Bill of Exchange,Draft),一个人向另一个人签发的无条件书面支付命令的票据,要求受票人见票时或在将来的一个确定的时间将一定金额的款项支付给第三人.,(1) Definition,A draft or bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing signed by one party (drawer) requesting a second party (drawee/payer) to make payment in lawful money immediately or at a determinable future time to a third party (payee).,出票人 Drawer,收款人 Holder Payee,受票人 Drawee Payer,1 draft,2 draft,3 money,1、According to different drawers,(3) Types of draft,Banker,s Draft(银行汇票),Commercial Draft(商业汇票),出票人是银行,受票人也是银行的汇票,出票人是企业或个人,受票人也是企业或个人或银行的汇票,2、According to different payment times,(1) Sight Draft(即期汇票),(2) Time / Usance Bill (远期汇票 ),The drawee should immediately pay the draft on presentation,It is payable in a specified number of days,出票人 Drawer,收款人 Payee,受票人 Drawee,1 汇票,2 汇票,3 钱,Sight draft,出票人 Drawer,收款人 Payee,受票人 Drawee,1 汇票,2 汇票,3 承兑,4 汇票,5 钱,远期汇票的付款时间:有四种规定方法 一张汇票可同时具备几种性质 由出口商签发的要求银行在一定时间内付款的汇票不可能是( )。 A、商业汇票 B、银行汇票 C、即期汇票 D、跟单汇票,time draft,3、According to whether there are shipping documents,(1) Clean draft(光票汇票),(2) Documentary draft (跟单汇票 ),It is paid without the presentaiton of shipping documents,It is payable only when shipping documents have been attached.,Issuance,Presentation,Payment,Sight draft,Time draft,Acceptance,Use of draft,1、 Issuance(出票),According to different payees: (1) Restrictive Payee (限制性抬头) (2) To bearer (持票人或来人抬头) (3) To order (指示性抬头),Draw the draft and sign (写成汇票并签字),Give to the holder (交给收款人),1 定义:是指出票人签发票据并将其交付给收款人的票据行为。 2 汇票的3种抬头(记载收款人名称的方式): (1)限制性抬头(pay-Co. only) (2)指示式抬头(pay - Co. or order) (3)持票人或来人抬头 (pay bearer) 我国票据法不允许采用这种。 3 说明: (1)出票人签发汇票后,即承担保证该汇票必然会被承兑和/或付款的责任。 (2)国际贸易中的商业汇票通常需签发一式二份,但只对其中的一份承兑或付款。,2、 Presentation(提示) It means the holder of the draft lets the drawee sight the draft for payment or acceptance. (1)提示付款-即期汇票 (2)提示承兑-远期汇票,3、 Acceptance(承兑) If a usance draft is presented, the drawee takes up the obligation of payment when the draft becomes due by putting the word “accepted”, his signature and the date of acceptance of the face of the draft.,汇票一经承兑,付款人就成为汇票的承兑人(Acceptor),并成为汇票的主债务人,而出票人成为汇票的次债务人。,1 定义:是指汇票付款人承诺在汇票到期日支付汇票金额的票据行为。 2 承兑的时间:付款人应当自收到提示承兑的汇票之日起3日内承兑或者拒绝承兑。 3 承兑的履行手续:由付款人在汇票正面写上承兑字样,注明承兑的日期,并由付款人签名,交还持票人。 4 承兑的法律效果:汇票一经承兑,付款人就成为汇票的承兑人,并成为汇票的主债务人,而出票人便成为汇票的从债务人(或称次债务人)。,Acceptance,ACCEPTED 12th April,2001 Payable at Midland Bank Ltd. London signed,4、 Endorsement(背书),Endorsement(背书),A,B,C,D,E,背书的方式,(1)限制性背书即不可转让背书,是指背书人对支付给被背书人的指示带有限制性的词语。只能由指定的被背书人凭票取款,而不能再行转让或流通。 (2)空白背书(不记名背书)是指背书人只在票据背面签名,不指定被背书人,即不写明受让人。只凭交付就可转让。根据我国票据法,票据不能采用空白背书。 (3)特别背书(记名背书)是指背书人在票据背面签名外,还写明被背书人名称或其指定人。被背书人可将票据经过背书再次转让。,李四,5、 Dishonour(拒付),A,B,C,D,E,X,6、 Recourse(追索),A,B,C,D,E,X,前手,后手,Discount(贴现) -Time draft,A,B,贴现所,C,汇票面额=100 年利息=1% 5月31到期,5月1日贴现 100 - 100 x 1% x 30/360 = 99.92,汇票填制练习:,金华ABC公司于2008年4月10日向XYZ公司签发面额为1000美元的汇票,付款期限是见票后30天。汇票的付款人为ABC公司的帐户银行中国银行金华分行。,A promissary note is an unconditional promise in writing made bye one person (the maker) to another (the payee/the holder) signed by the maker engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum of money to or the the order of a specified person or to bearer. 本票是出票人签发的,承诺自己在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人的票据。,2. 本票(Promissory note),2. 支票(Check),A check is a special kind of draft in that the drawee is always a bank with which the drawer has an account. A check is always paid upon presentation.,Drawer,His bank,Payee,orders,To pay,Thank You !,
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