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昌吉市教育共同体2019届高三上学期第二次月考(9月)英语试卷考试时间:100分钟 分值: 150分 第一卷 (选择题)一 单项选择(每小题1.5分,共30分)1.Washington, a state in the United States, was named _one of the greatest American presidents. A. in honor of B. by means of C. instead of D. in remembering of2. She _Mr White for two years. A. married B. has been married to C. married with D. has bee marrying3. Cell phones are now widely used, _possible for us to talk to anyone from almost anywhere. A. make it B. to make it C. making D. making it4. The Chinese people have made great contributions _the world peace. A. of B. to C. on D. for5. _was known to all, he had broken his promise _he would give us a rise. A. As; which B. As; that C. It; that D. It ; which 6. Your composition is good but your handwriting requires _. A. to improve B. improved C. being improved D. improving 7. The matter _your fate cannot be taken for granted. A. relating to B. related to C. relate to D. to related to8. Tom kept quiet about the accident_ lose his job. A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to 9. _, well support you. A. No matter what happens B. No matter what will happen C. No matter what will be happened D. No matter what is happened10. He always goes to see his grandmother _. A. every other days B. every few day C. each few days D. every few days11. It is high time you _ your homework. A. do B. have done C. will do D. did12. China is separated _Japan _the East China Sea. A. of; in B. of; to C. from; to D. from; by13. It was the very place _ the soldiers fought over sixty years ago.A. that B. which C. where D. there14. Hardly _ when the bus suddenly pulled away.A. they had got to the bus stop B. they got to the bus stopC. did they get to the bus stop D. had they got to the bus stop15. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced_ tractors in 1998 as the year before.A. as many twice B. as twice as many C. twice as many D. twice as many as16. The reason _ more and more young people dream of becoming a famous singer or musician is _ they can be millionaires overnight.A. that; thatB. why; becauseC. that; whetherD. why; that17. We, teenagers, have already had the ability to take care of our daily life _.A. humorously B. exhaustedlyC. energetically D. independently18. Young people who have got jobs may realize university lessons cant be the only preparation for all of the situations _ appear in the working world.A. where B. when C. that D. what19. When Horace finished telling his joke, all the schoolmates _ at him for 10 seconds or so and then burst into laughter.A. glaredB. staredC. fixed D. spied20. Nowadays the name, Harry Potter, will be _ to many young readers.A. sensitiveB. familiarC. devotedD. grateful二 完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分30分)You are travelling on an ocean ship when suddenly a giant wave causes the ship to overturn. Hundreds of people die21,but you and several others22in the ballroom. Would you stay there and23for help? Or would you try,24the danger, to find your way out of the ship?This is the25faced by the characters in the film “Poseidon”.Trapped in the ballroom of the overturned ship, the26orders the surviving guests to wait for help. A small group of people27to accept this fate. They try to escape, knowing that there will be no way back28the captain locks the doors behind them.At the time of the disaster, each of the characters is trying to overcome personal problems in their own lives. All must face their29and make life and death decisions.Architect Richard Nelson is preparing to kill himself when the wave hits. He feels depressed over the30of his relationship with his partner. But he is forced to fight31his life, and learns to want to live again. He realizes he must32the past and not think too much about the bad.Robert Ramsey, a fireman, decides to33his own life so that his daughter, Jen,34live. He swims to the ships control room35he must press a switch to change the direction of the ship.He knows he will likely36in the process, but just as surely, he knows that its the only way his friends can escape. His actions give the others a chance to reach37.They escape from the ship just before it38,killing all those waiting inside and Jens father as well. All the characters who survive feel39to be alive, but they are also aware that their own40,bravery and determination saved their own lives.21. A.
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