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M6 U1 Here are his hands.,This is my body.,head,shoulder,arm,hand,leg,knee,foot,热身复习:,arm,arms,hand,hands,foot,feet,单数 复数 head heads arm arms hand hands leg legs foot feet,We are going to draw a picture on the computer.,What shall we draw?,Lets draw a,该,要,课文学习:,monster,课文学习:,monster,Here is his head.,And here is his body.,课文学习:,monster,Here are his arms.,Six arms.,课文学习:,monster,Here are his hands.,Ten hands.,课文学习:,monster,Here are his leg and his foot.,课文学习:,Lets have a look!,The monster has got,one head,ten hands,six arms,one leg,one foot,one body,课文学习:,Here is ,Here are ,Here is his head.,Here is his body.,Here are his arms.,Here are his hands.,Here are his leg and his foot.,总结规律:,单数,复数,单数 head arm hand leg foot,总结规律:,复数 heads arms hands legs feet,单数名词用is 复数名词用are,拓展练习:,Practice: 拓展提高我能行!,1. Here _his arms. 2. Here _ his eye. 3. Here _ his legs. 4. Here _ his feet. 5. Here _ his hands.,选词填空: is / are,Here is这个是 Here are这些是,看一看,说一说:,任务完成:,简笔画monster,并介绍身体部位。 Hello. This is my picture. Its a monster. Here is his _. Here are his_. ,Homework:,1.必:练会M6黑体字单词。 2.选. 画一幅自画像并介绍五官,
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