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,Warm up,Free talk!,What colour is your school bag? How do you carry your bag?,Look, listen and say,Can you carry my bag on your back?,I can carry you and your bag with my hands.,How many ways of carrying bags are there in the text? What colour are their bags? How do they carry their bags?,My school bag is red and blue.,I carry it on my back.,Mine is pink.,I carry it over my shoulder.,Mine is brown.,I carry it with my hand.,Mine is broken.,I cant carry it.,Listen and write,Wang Feis bag is small and light.,Practice,Wang Feis dog is big and fat.,Wang Feis T-shirt is new and beautiful.,Wang Feis pencil case is big but broken.,Listen and say,Ask and found,A: Is it ? B: No, . Its A: Is it ? B: No, its . A: Is it ? B: Yes, . A: Its B: Yes, .,Do and say,Choose a birthday present for your friend/classmate.,Homework,1. Listen and repeat the text two times. 2. Copy the new words, three times for each.,谢谢观看!,
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