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,实用会计英语 Practical Accounting English,Unit 02 Accounting for Service Business,Goals 学习目标,1. Have general knowledge of service businesses and basic accounting cycle of service business. 2. Master the skills of accounting for service business.,2-1,Guidance 学习指导,随着经济的发展,世界服务业产业占GDP的比重持续上升,在发展中国家达60%左右,在发达国家高达70%以上。服务业企业经营形式多样,行业分布广(包括交通运输、金融、旅游、广告、娱乐、电信、酒店、财会服务、软件与信息咨询等),营业规模较小,很多是小规模纳税人,其在会计核算上也根据自身的行业特点与其他企业有所不同。会计英语中,在对许多服务企业进行会计核算时,要掌握不拘泥于传统的对工业会计核算的模式的原则。,2-2,Contents,【Unit 02】,2,1,Accounting for Service Business,02,2-3,LESSON1 SERVICE BUSINESS AND ITS ACCOUNTING CYCLE,GOAL 学习目标 Have general knowledge of service businesses and basic accounting cycle of service business,2-4,A. Look at the pictures and match them with the correct words in the box.,MODULE 1 学以致用,2-5,MODULE 1 学以致用,2-6,MODULE 2 手不释卷,1. Read the notepad (shown in Exhibit 2-1) that John put on Marys desk and discuss with your partner about “what is service business?”,1. 亲爱的玛丽: 服务企业为客户提供的是服务而不是产品。它所提供的“产品”是无形的。从事酒店服务的希尔顿、提供银行与金融理财服务的花旗集团、提供快递服务的联邦快递都是从事服务业经营的企业。 约翰,2-7,A. Reading material,MODULE 2 手不释卷,2. Read Exhibit 2-2 and remember the “basic accounting cycle of service business”.,2. 你好,我是玛丽,约翰刚刚给我一份服务企业的会计循环图,请您和我一起来学习吧! 输入:收集和分析原始凭证; 处理:普通日记账、总账、试算平衡、工作表 输出:资产负债表、利润表,2-8,B. Learn the new words and phrases in the passage and try to use them to make sentences.,New Words intangible adj.(指企业资产)无形的 hospitality n.(提供给客人的)食宿招待 banking n.银行业务, 银行业 financial adj.财政的, 金融的 delivery n.递, 送交,Useful Expressions and Knowledge 1. source documents 原始凭证 2. General Journal (GJ) 普通日记账,普通分录簿 3. General Ledgers (GL) 总账 4. Trial balance (TB) 试算平衡表 5. worksheet 工作表、计算表、工作底稿 worksheet在会计核算中一般翻译成工作表或计算表;在审计工作中一般翻译成工作底稿。,2-9,MODULE 3 博学多才,A. Visit the relevant websites and learn some useful information. 1.http:/www.fortunechina.com/fortune500/c/2010-07/09/content_38195.htm 推荐理由:2010世界500强公司的中英文名对照。,B. Help your understanding 1.服务企业会计核算与工商企业不同 服务企业行业分布广、营业规模较小、很多是小规模纳税人。会计英语里,通常要根据该企业自身的特点进行适合该企业的会计核算。不能泥于传统的对工商企业会计核算的模式的原则。,2-10,MODULE 3 博学多才,C. 2010世界500强前30强中的服务业企业(Exhibit 2-3),2-11,MODULE 3 博学多才,2-12,LESSON2 ACCOUNTING FOR SERVICING BUSINESS,GOAL 学习目标 Journalize transactions in a two-column general journal Post the transactions from the general journal to the general ledger Make Trial Balance statement,2-13,A. Fill in the blanks with the proper Chinese translations,MODULE 1 学以致用,2-14,Chart of Accounts (COA) is a list of all accounts used by a business. Each account in the chart is assigned a unique identifier. Mary要为Premier广告公司做会计记账处理,她问John要来了该公司的会计科目表(见Exhibit 2-4)。Mary请你帮她将Premier广告公司的英文会计科目表翻译成中文。请将会计科目的中文翻译写在下面表格右边的空白栏里。,MODULE 2 手不释卷,Mary仔细阅读了Premier广告公司的会计科目表。她发现有些科目和她在中文会计里学过的工业企业会计核算不太一样。请阅读Exhibit 2-5的电子邮件,John对Mary的疑惑进行了解答。,亲爱的玛丽: 记录服务企业常规活动的收入账户一般叫做服务收入(或,服务费)。在权责发生制下,服务收入账户记录一个公司在一定期间内赚得的酬金。 登记总账时所用的科目名称和科目号均取自该企业会计科目表。大部分服务企业很小,因而不需要像那些公开上市公司那样遵循严格的会计准则。 我希望这些信息对你有用! 约翰,A. Reading material,2-15,B. Learn the new words and phrases in the passage and try to use them to make sentences.,New Words ordinary adj. 普通的, 平常 account n. 账, 账户 obtain vt. 获得, 得到; 买到 particular adj. 特定的, 某一的 restrict vt. 限制; 约束,Useful Expressions and Knowledge 1. service revenue 服务收入,劳务收入 2. accrual basis accounting 权责发生制 3. subject to 受约束、制约 4. accounting standards 会计准则 5. public listed company 公开上市的公司,2-16,C. Work with your partner and learn to make journal entries,2-17,背景:Mary正在John的指导下为Premier广告公司(Premier Advertising Co.)做普通日记账,同学们请您也和Mary一起学习吧! 经济业务: Oct. 2011 1 A.D. Brown invested $80,000 in cash into the advertising agency. 2 Purchased office equipment for $2,500 on credit and office supplies for $500 on credit. 5 Daltrymple Icecream Company was billed $1,700 for advertising services. 6 Paid the Oct. 2nd s bill in full for the office equipment and office supplies. 9 Purchased motor vehicle for $16,000 in cash. 14 Paid staff $1,200 for work done. 17 Received bank cheque of $1,700 from Daltrymple Icecream Company. 21 Paid rent of $1,500 in cash for office premises. 23 Produced advertisement for Supreme Kitchens and be paid $600 in cash. 29 A.D. Brown withdrew $500 for personal expenses.,要求:1. Work with your partner and try to understand how to record the transactions of service business in the General Journal, shown in Exhibit 2-6.,2-18,2. Record the remaining transactions in the following General Journal which is shown in Exhibit 2-7.,2-19,D. Work with your partner and learn to post the transactions from general journal to the general ledgers.,2-20,背景:Mary 正在学习如何根据General Journal 中的业务逐笔登记General Ledger. 她已经登记Premier广告公司2011年10月1日至17日的业务(见Exhibit 2-8.1至2-8.12)。 要求:)请检查她登记的是否正确,并请您帮她登记从21日至29日的业务。,2-21,2-22,2-23,2-24,2-25,E. Work with your partner and try to make a Trial Balance statement for Premier Advertising Co.,2-26,要求:请根据以上Mary所提供的信息,请为Premier 广告公司编制2011年10月30日的试算平衡表,请见Exhibit 2-9。,F. Test your understanding,2-27,1. A trial balance might not balance because of ( ) A. A transaction might be missed. B. A transaction might
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