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,外语教学与研究出版社,希望英语 (第二版),综合教程 4,希望英语 (第二版) 综合教程 1,Unit 3 History,希望英语(第二版) 综合教程 4,外语教学与研究出版社,希望英语(第二版)综合教程 3 Unit 3 History,Speaking,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Brainstorm yourself and write out a list of words and phrases for describing Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister. (You may search for the information on the Internet or in the library.),Speaking Task 1,unhappy, childhood, affection, academic, army career, the Royal Military college, apply oneself seriously, soldier and journalist, a man of rare versatility, amateur painter, a parliamentarian, fervent patriot, Prime Minister, World War II, German,Speaking Task 2,Use the following sentence patterns and the words or phrases from Task 1 to make a short talk about Churchill to your classmates.,A. . was born. B. . was Prime Minister of Britain from. to. C. . rallied the people to fight against. D. . famous for his. E. . be thought highly by.,Speaking Task 3,Work in pairs. Take turns asking your partner the following questions and take notes. Organize your notes and report to the class, using the style of narration.,1. Who is your most respected historical person? 2. What of him/her impresses you most? 3. Why do people have such opinions about him/her?,Reading A,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Reading A Task 1,1. Why was King Richard III called the “wicked uncle”?,King Richard III was thought to have killed his two young nephews. See Paragraph 2.,Give brief answer to the following questions, then ask your partner about his/her answers and take notes.,Reading A Task 1,2. What reasons does the author offer to prove the innocence of Richard III?,The author believes that there is no proof whatsoever of Richards guilt, and, when the rumor and biased testimony of those who benefited from Richards ruin are stripped away, no motive for murder remains. She gives the following reasons: 1) The historical text about Richard III is tainted. 2) There is a lack of evidence of his guilt. 3) The two nephews were still alive after Richard was crowned. 4) Richards position was not threatened by the two nephews. 5) Richard was a man of reason and family loyalty. 6) There were two other suspects for the murder, Henry Stafford and Henry Tudor.,Give brief answer to the following questions, then ask your partner about his/her answers and take notes.,Reading A Task 1,3. Who are the most likely suspects for the murder of the two young princes according to the passage?,The most likely suspects for the murder are Henry Stafford and Henry Tudor.,Give brief answer to the following questions, then ask your partner about his/her answers and take notes.,Reading A Task 1,Give brief answer to the following questions, then ask your partner about his/her answers and take notes.,4. Why does the author say she cant help but admire King Richard III?,She believes that King Richard III was an extraordinary man. He put loyalty above everything except his conscience and did what was right for his people. He was respected by his people.,Reading A Task 2 Text,Find the words and phrases expressing the controlling idea of each paragraph and compare them with your partners.,The Slandered King,1 He was the youngest son of a duke and firmly loyal to his family. He was an able administrator and a general at age eighteen. He was his brother the kings right arm and peacemaker. He succeeded to the throne through lawful means and ruled wisely. His parliament was noted for reforms.,翻译,Reading A Task 2 Text,2 He was plotted against and betrayed, killed in battle. Long after his death he was blamed for the murder of his own nephews, who may have outlived him and of his brother George, and thus he was called “wicked uncle”.,翻译,Reading A Task 2 Text,3 He was Richard III of England, the most slandered king in history. 4 For centuries his name has stood for murder of the foulest kind. Yet there is no proof whatsoever of his guilt, and, when the rumor and biased testimony of those who benefited from his ruin are stripped away, no motive for murder remains. But how difficult it is to see the truth with any clarity, when for five hundred years nearly every text on the subject was taken from the tainted evidence of Sir Thomas More, who heaped slander against the respectable king.,翻译,Reading A Task 2 Text,5-1 The truth about Richards physical deformities (or, more precisely, his lack of them) has become generally accepted as fact: He had no clubfoot and no withered arm, although one shoulder may have been slightly higher than the other, possibly from overworking his sword-arm in his youth. But the controversy over his guilt rages to this day.,翻译,Reading A Task 2 Text,5-2 Members of the Richard III Society support his innocence. Two mock trials were heldthe first in October, 1996, the second in June, 1997and were presided over by Chief Justice Rehnquist of the US Supreme Court. These trials, while informative and fascinating, are nonetheless inconclusive. Richard is a
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