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Unit 4,职业综合英语 2,ENGLISH FOR CAREERS,Unit 4 Money,新职业英语,Contents,Warm-1,Warming-up,Task 1 Match the following currencies with their names. (Notes),Japanese Yen,United States Dollar,Pound Sterling,European Dollar,Korean Won,Canadian Dollar,Notes-1,Pound Sterling 英镑 European Dollar 欧元 Canadian Dollar 加拿大元 United States Dollar 美元 Japanese Yen 日元 Korean Won 韩国元 根据中国银行2010 年12 月31 日外汇牌价 1 英镑 10.31 人民币元 1 美元 6.62 人民币元 100 日元 7.97人民币元 1 加拿大元 6.66人民币元 1 欧元 8.58 人民币元 100 韩国元 0.57 人民币元,Warm-2,Warming-up,Task 2 Complete the table with appropriate currency codes and symbols.,GBP,EUR,JPY,CNY/RMB,¥,HKD,HK$,Notes-2,Notes,currency code: 货币代码 currency symbol: 货币符号,Reading A,Reading A,Text,Task 1,Task 2,Business Know-how,Text A-1,The First Credit Card 1 Charging for products and services has become a way of life. No longer do people bring cash when they buy a sweater or an appliance, they charge it. Some people do it for the convenience of not carrying cash; others do it so they can purchase an item they cannot yet afford. The credit card that allows them to do this is a 20th century invention.,Reading A,翻译,声音,Text A-2,Reading A,翻译,声音,2 In the early 20th century, charge accounts became popular. With automobiles and airplanes, people now had the option to travel to a variety of stores for their shopping needs. In an effort to capture customer loyalty, many stores and gas stations began to offer charge accounts for their customers which could be accessed by a card. Unfortunately, people needed to carry dozens of these cards if they were to do a day of shopping.,Text A-3,Reading A,3 A credit card that could be used at multiple stores was not invented until 1950. It all started when Frank McNamara, head of the Hamilton Credit Corporation, and two of his friends went out to supper to discuss a problem customer in 1949. 4 This particular customer had lent a number of his charge cards to his poor neighbors who needed items in an emergency. For this service, the man required his neighbors to pay him back the cost of the original purchase plus some extra money. But many of his neighbors were unable to pay him back and he was forced to borrow money from the Hamilton Credit Corporation.,翻译,声音,Text A-4,5 At the end of the meal, McNamara was shocked to discover that he had forgotten his wallet. To his embarrassment, he had to call his wife and have her bring him some money. 6 Merging the two concepts from that dinnerthe lending of charge cards and not having cash on hand to pay for the meal, McNamara came up with a new idea: a credit card that could be used at multiple locations. He discussed the idea with his two friends and they started a new company called the Diners Club in 1950.,Reading A,翻译,声音,Text A-5,7 Instead of individual companies offering credit to their own customers, the Diners Club offered credit to individuals for many companies. The companies who accepted the Diners Club credit card were charged 7 percent for each transaction while the subscribers to the card were charged a $3 annual fee. In the beginning, progress was difficult. However, the concept of the card grew and by the end of 1950, 20,000 people were using the Diners Club credit card.,Reading A,翻译,声音,Text A-6,8 The Diners Club credit card continued to grow more popular and didnt receive competition until 1958. In that year, both American Express and VISA arrived. The concept of a universal credit card had taken root and quickly spread across the world.,Reading A,翻译,声音,A-Trans-1,Reading A,第一张信用卡 1 记账购买产品和服务已成为一种生活方式。人们不再带现金去购买毛衣或电器,而是记账消费。有些人这么做是因为不带现金很方便,另一些人则是因为可以购买自己暂时买不起的东西。人们之所以能这么做是因为有了信用卡一项 20 世纪的发明。,A-Trans-2,Reading A,2 20世纪早期,记账账户流行了起来。有了汽车和飞机,人们可以选择去很多不同的商店以满足购物需求。为了赢得顾客忠诚度,许多商店和加油站开始为顾客提供记账账户,账户通过一张卡来使用。遗憾的是,人们要想逛一天街,那就得带上许多这样的卡。,A-Trans-3,Reading A,3 能够在多个商家使用的信用卡直到 1950 年才问世。这一切都起源于 1949 年的一天,哈米尔顿信用公司老板弗兰克麦克纳马拉和两位朋友出去吃晚饭,商讨一个问题客户的事情。 4 这位客户将多张签账卡借给了他那些急需购物的穷邻居。为此,他要求那些邻居除了偿还所购物品的原价之外再给点额外费用。但他们中大多数都无力偿还,结果他只好从哈密尔顿信用公司借款。,A-Trans-4,Reading A,5 饭吃完了,麦克纳马拉发现自己竟忘了带钱包。他不得不尴尬地打电话给妻子,让她送钱来付账。 6 那顿晚餐中有两点外借记账卡和没有现金付饭钱让麦克纳马拉产生了一个新念头:发行一种能在多家商店使用的信用卡。他与两位朋友商量后,于1950年共同创办了一家名叫食客俱乐部的公司。,A-Trans-5,Reading A,7 与每家公司独自为其顾客提供信用不同的是,食客俱乐部代表多家公司为个人提供信用。接受食客俱乐部信用卡的公司每笔交易缴纳7%的手续费,信用卡使用者则须缴纳 3美元的年费。起初,这项业务举步维艰。然而,这种信用卡概念逐渐普及开来。到了 1950年底,已有两万人在使用食客俱乐部的信用卡。,A-Trans-6,Reading A,8 食客俱乐部信用卡越来越流行,直到1958 年才面临竞争对手。那年,美国运通卡和维萨信用卡问世。从此,通用信用卡的概念深入人心并迅速传遍整个世界。,to ask for an amount of money for goods or service,Reading A,charge for,e.g. What did they charge for the repair?,Tran: 餐馆向这个就餐者收费20英镑。,The restaurant charged 20 pounds for the dinner.,v. to buy something,Reading A,purchase,e.g. The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier.,e.g. Please insure that you purchase your tickets for the film in advance.,Tran: 他们花了一百万美元购买了这块土地 .,They purchased the land for $1 million.,n. the act or process of buying something,Reading A,purchase,e.g. This company has just announced its $3 million purchase for Park Hotel.,e.g. If
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