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Unit 11 The Development Environment,Section 3 Speaking,2019/5/24,IT职业英语,1,Speaking,2019/5/24,IT职业英语,2,Exercise 4,what would you say in the following situations? 1. Imagine that you work for SunTech Software Outsourcing Company, and your partner is giving you a call. Play your role according to the clues given in the brackets, and then take turns.(设想你在SunTech软件外包公司工作,而你的搭档正在给你打电话。根据提示完成对话,然后交换角色。),2019/5/24,IT职业英语,3,You: (电话铃响起,接听电话,并说出SunTech 公司的名称。) Caller: (自我介绍。说明自己公司委托对方开发的信息加密系统要求使用C# 而不是VB开发。) You: (表示一定将对方的要求转述给技术部门的主管,并让他与对方联系。) Caller: (感谢对方。) You: (表示客气,并祝对方愉快。),2019/5/24,IT职业英语,4,2. How to run Scheduler Home Edition on Windows XP?(如何在Windows XP上使用Scheduler家庭版?) (a. Windows XP does not provide Java Running Environment., b. visit the homepage of Sun Microsystems and download a Java Virtual Machine, and c. install it in your system. ),Thank you!,
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