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Unit 11 The Development Environment,Section 4 Writing,IT职业英语,1,Contents,Writing a covering letter,Writing a C.V.,IT职业英语,2,Writing a C.V.& a covering letter 简历和求职信的写作,A C.V. (Curriculum Vitae) is a personal marketing tool to promote oneself in finding a job. 简历是人们找工作时推销自己的一个工具。 Emphasize ones skills and experiences to the potential employer with their strong points to make their application stand out. 向招聘单位说明自己突出的技能、经验以及强于他人之处。 The aim is to get the opportunity to be interviewed by the employer.目的是得到面试的机会。,IT职业英语,3,A C.V. should include the following points 简历应该包括以下内容,1. Personal information个人信息 (name姓名, address住址, email电子邮箱地址, contact numbers, etc. 联系电话等dont write too much不要写太多) 2. Career target or job objective 求职意向(list the positions you want to apply for to show your expectations例举自己期望应聘的职位) 3. Profile简介 (brief your abilities, strengths, etc. use expressive adjectives + noun phrases简单地介绍自己的能力、优势等,使用形容词+名词的表达方法) 4. Education教育(背景) (include the school, the degree or diploma, the major and the time, etc.写明所读学校、所获得的毕业证和学位证,所学专业、受教育的时间等信息),IT职业英语,4,5. Work Experience 工作经验(write the name of employer, job title, duties/responsibilities and the time, etc写明工作单位、职位、职责、工作时间等) 6. Other skills其他技能 (computer skills and foreign language skills计算机和语言技能) 7. Qualifications/Certifications资格证书、能力证书 (list all degrees, diplomas, certificates列举所有的学位证书、毕业证书、能力证书等) 8. Hobbies兴趣爱好 (mention the good ones which help enhance your image列举能增强个人形象的好的兴趣爱好),IT职业英语,5,Layout of a C.V. 个人求职简历的格式,IT职业英语,6,Sample 1:,IT职业英语,7,IT职业英语,8,Sample 2:,IT职业英语,9,IT职业英语,10,Sample 3:,IT职业英语,11,IT职业英语,12,Covering Letter,A Covering Letter should accompany the CV with a completed application form (See Unit2 Job Application Form).求职信应该辅佐简历。,IT职业英语,13,A good covering letter should include the following points:,一封好的求职信应包括以下内容: 1. the job title youre applying for 应聘职位的名称 2. where you found out about it (which newspaper of their advertisement) 招聘信息来源 3. why youre interested in that type of work 求职原因 4. summarize your strengths and how they might be an advantage to the organization 求职者的优势及其对公司的好处 5. relate your skills to the job 有哪些与职位相联系的技能 6. why the company attracts you 招聘公司为什么能够吸引你 7. when youre available to start work and for the job interview提供可以参加面试的时间 8. say you look forward to hearing from them soon 表达要求收到回复的愿望,IT职业英语,14,Sample 1:,IT职业英语,15,Sample 2:,IT职业英语,16,Sample 3:,IT职业英语,17,Exercise 5,Write your own C.V. and a covering letter.,Thank You !,
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