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www.lxws.net meeloun论文网 专业留学生essay写作机构Assignment写作范文-Communication skillAssignment写作范文-沟通技巧As we all develop in groups rather than live individually, communication which includes information delivery and understanding is necessary for everyone. We need to accurately deliver messages and make sure others could successfully accept them. It is much more vital in our professional career that besides operational capability and thinking mode, communication skills would help us get comfortable with the working environment. Just likeCarnegie said, only 15 percent of a persons success belongs to his specialized knowledge, the other 85 percent attributes to his interpersonal communication ability.Part I:Teamwork is the basis in the workplace that excellent cooperation would definitely increase efficiency and make sure the job completed better. Through the lessons I have learned in the class, I found out that the willingness of active communication and communication skills which are key aspects of teamwork are critical in the working environment. Firstly, it is required to be cooperative when we face a working task. The task cannot be completed just all by ourselves that we need to communicate with other co-workers about the details in our own initiative. Then the ideas we want to express should be accurate in order to avoid misunderstanding and even conflict. With the global economic integration, people with various mother languages would work together. The good communication skills, including delivering information using other languages could reduce the cultural barriers and help people become familiar with each other as soon as possible. Moreover, the effective communication which lead to unification and close relationship could facilitate the formation of highly efficient team. People would be easy to integrate into the company and get used to the working environment quickly. Meanwhile when the workplace is based on communications, the employee morale would be increased that people enjoy the environment and work passionately.Part II:I have learned the importance of communication skills and how to improve my ability from every section in this course. Through the lectures and textbooks, I start to realize that the effectiveness of communication could make such a big impact on our future career. It is not possible to be successful at work only with enough knowledge. The interpersonal relationship cannot be ignored for sure. The interactions with my team members also have inspired me about the course subject. When we tried to set up the plan and solve the problems met in the process, it is necessary to communicate with other members and express the thoughts instead of keeping thinking individually. That is the way to achieve the final result and make use of everyones intelligence. The Wisdom Project did impress me the most that the excellent communication skills would make others become wiling to speak with them and express their opinions. Moreover, the story of Tonya proved that we must speak out what we really think in our future career to achieve the success.I found out the communication skills are critical especially when I just started to study in MSU. As an international student, the language barrier is the first thing I have met since I arrived here. Lack of self-confidence about my English and the fear to embarrass myself make me refuse speaking to others actively. Therefore, I felt a bit of uncomfortable and lonely at first because I do not have too many friends around me. However, from the lectures I understood that the effective communication is so critical that not only in our daily life, we must keep communicating with others also in our professional career.There is no doubt that the lessons I have learned from this course would have a big influence on me in a professional environment. Like the STAR rule which is introduced to us at the class, I understand when asking a question or getting the answers, it should be divided into four aspects which are situation, task, action and result. If we state our thoughts according to the theory, what we say would be unambiguous and clear. Therefore, in order to achieve my personal goal in the future professional environment, the rules and methods would definitely improve my communication skills. For example, I would know to strengthen the most important parts rather than delivering all the messages including unnecessary information when I want to express something.Conclusion:Communication skill is a must if people want to have a better development in their careers, even if someone is introverted. The lessons have taught us so many practical knowledges of which we will definitely take advantage in the future. Especially ahead of entering the workplace, we would have a much better preparation about what situation or trouble we will meet. The effective bilateral communication could ease the difficulties, increase opportun
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