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The Story of the No.1 Noodles of China,MechanicalEngineering Hao kang,中华第一面,Ranmen,rmn,7 million years ago,4000 years ago,4000 years ago Lajia Site QingHai Provence,武汉热干面 Wuhan Hot Noodles,北京炸酱面 Beijing Noodles,兰州拉面 LanZhou Ramen,襄阳牛肉面 Xiyang Beafnoodles,山西刀削面 Shanxi Sliced Noodles,四川担担面 Sichuan Spicy Dandan Noodles,河南烩面 Henan Xiaoji Stewed Noodles,杭州片儿川 Hangzhou Pian Er Chuan,吉林延吉冷面 Jilin Yanji Cold Noodles,昆山奥灶面 Kunshan Aozao Noodles,镇江锅盖面 Zhenjiang Pot Cover Noodles,重庆小面 Chongqing Noodles,Over 1.200 kinds of noodles,蘭州,兰州人的早晨 The morning of people in LanZhou 是从一碗牛肉面开始的 Starting form a bowl of Romen 这个黄河穿城而过的城市 The city where Yellow River goes through 每天要消耗 Eachday consumed 一百万碗以上的牛肉面 Over one million bowls of Romen A Bite of China,我是萝卜,Created in Qing Dyansty(1796-1820),一清(汤) limpid soup,三红(辣) capsicol,二白(萝卜) radish,四绿(蒜苗) garlic sprout,五黄(面) noodles,Standardization,1百度百科兰州牛肉拉面词条OL.https:/baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%85%B0%E5%B7%9E%E7%89%9B%E8%82%89%E6%8B%89%E9%9D%A2/2935423?fr=aladdin&fromid=346879&fromtitle=%E5%85%B0%E5%B7%9E%E7%89%9B%E8%82%89%E9%9D%A2.20170828,China Cuisine Association,No.1!,有一分红 二分白,离百步还香,带四钱绿 五成黄,添三分清汤,
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