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Chapter 6,Growth and Trade Economic Growth and International Trade,Main idea: Solve problems of the influence of economic variation to international trade.,Focus,This chapter has two major purposes: First, it shows how the Heckscher-Ohlin model (factor endowment changes) can be used to analyze economic growth and its impact on international trade. Second, it examines additional aspects such as technological progress, new factors and their relationship to international trade.,Chapter Structure,Factor Changes and Economic Growth 要素增长型经济增长 1.1 Balanced Versus Biased Growth 1.2 Growth in Only One Factor-Rybczynski Effects 1.3 Factor Endowment Changes and Terms of Trade Technology Changes and Economic Growth 技术增长型经济增长 2.1 Individual Products and the Product Cycle 2.2 Openness to Trade Affects Growth,1. Factor Changes and Economic Growth 1.1 Balanced Versus Biased Growth,Growth in a countrys production capabilities, whether from endowment increases or technology improvements, shifts the countrys production-possibility curve outward. As the PPC shifts out, we need to know the effects on: the general shape of the PPC the specific production quantities for the different products, if product prices remain the same,1. Factor Changes and Economic Growth 1.1 Balanced Versus Biased Growth,Balanced Growth: The PPC shifts out proportionately so that its relative shape is the same; in this case, growth would result in the same proportionate increase in production of all products if product prices remain the same. 平衡型增长:PPC按比例的向外移动,因此其形状不发生改变;此时,如果产品价格保持不变,经济增长将会导致各种产品生产的同比例增长。-Figure 6.1 A Balanced growth could be the result of increase in the countrys endowments of all factors by the same proportion. Or it could be the result of technology improvements of a similar magnitude in both industries.,Resource of growth,increase of factors and technical improvements,Increase of GDP,Results of economic growth,O,X,Y,A,B,A1,B1,Balanced growth and biased growth,Balanced Growth,O,X,Y,A,B,E,A1,B1,E1,Same Slope,O,X,Y,A,B,Biased Growth,C,D,F,G,import replacing growth 进口替代型增长,export expansion growth 出口扩张型增长,1. Factor Changes and Economic Growth 1.1 Balanced Versus Biased Growth,Biased Growth: Growth can also be biased toward producing more of one of the products. In this case the shift in the production-possibility curve will be skewed toward the faster-growing product. 偏向型增长:增长方式也可以是偏向型的,即增加一种产品生产,而且他产品的产量或者以较小的比例增长,或者保持不变或下降。在这一情况下,PPC曲线的移动将偏向生产增长更快的产品。-Figure 6.1 B,C Biased growth arises when the countrys endowments of different factors grow at different rates, or when improvements in production technologies are larger in one of the industries than in the other,1. Factor Changes and Economic Growth 1.1 Balanced Versus Biased Growth,1. Factor Changes and Economic Growth 1.2 Growth in Only One FactorRybczynski Theorem,Rybczynski Theorem: In a two-good world, and assuming that product prices are constant, growth in the countrys endowment of one factor or production, with the other factor unchanged, has two effects: -An increase in the output of the good that uses the growing factor intensively. -A decrease in the output of the other good.,“雷布津斯基定理”: 翻译P.114 para.1 在商品相对价格不变的情况下,某种生产要素的增长会使密集使用该要素的商品生产扩大,使密集使用其它要素的商品生产缩小。生产发生变化 贸易三角由小到大进出口均上升总贸易量扩大。 整个社会福利增加。,Rybczynski Theorem 雷布钦斯基定理,Rybczynski :波兰经济学家,1955年对Ohlin定理进行了补充和扩展。,O,X,Y,B,T,A,C,D,T,X1,X2,Y1,Y2,The scale of decrease of Xs cost is larger than that of Y, so production of X will increase till equal to marginal opportunity cost ( slope of T ), output of Y is absolutely lower.,O,X,Y,U1,C1,S1,U2,C2,S2,贸易三角扩大,社会福利水平增长,Figure 6.2 Single-Factor Growth: The Rybczynski Theorem,1. Factor Changes and Economic Growth 1.2 Growth in Only One FactorRybczynski Theorem, Model Analysis,Growth in one production factor (labor), with the other factor not growing, results in strongly biased growth (labor-intensive product-cloth) Result: If only labor grows, and the price remains the same, Cloth production increases and wheat production decreases.,Figure 6.1 Balanced and Biased Growth,1. Factor Changes and Economic Growth 1.2 Growth in Only One FactorRybczynski Theorem, An implication of Rybczynski Theorem (Effects on Comparative Advantage): The Rybczynski theorem suggests that development of a new natural resource, such as oil or gas in Canada or Britain, may retard development of other lines of production such as manufactures. (Dutch Disease) Conversely, rapid accumulation of new capital and worker skills can cause a decline in domestic production of natural resource products and make the country more reliant on imported materials.,Case Study: 不平衡增长对本国经济的负面影响: 特殊情况下,不平衡的经济增长会给本国经济带来不利影响,主要有两个方面:荷兰病和福利恶化型增长。 荷兰病 Dutch Disease 一个行业的增长、扩张导致其它行业的萎缩。这种观点可引申为,自然资源生产行业的增长会导致工业制造业的衰退,工业制造业的增长会导致自然资源生产行业的衰退。 会导致限制工业化发展。 一个更广泛的命题:在国家资源总量有限的条件下,不同产业部门之间的发展存在着强烈的竞争性关系。,Growth and trade of small country,IRG:进口替代型增长,O,X,Y,A,
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