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第一章 阅读理解专题,Warming up,1. As a young girl growing up in the 1930s, I always wanted to fly a plane, but back then it was almost unheard of for a woman to do that. I got a taste of that dream in 2011,when my husband arranged for me to ride in a hot air balloon for my birthday. (2011年高考英语北京A篇) Q: What happened to the author in 2011? A. She flew an airplane. B. She entered a competition. C. She went on a hot air balloon ride. D. She moved into a retirement community.,_,He longs for conversations with an editor who will help him turn his good ideas into great ones. He wants someone to get excited about what hes doing and to help him turn his story idea upside down and inside out, exploring the best ways to report it. He wants to be more valuable for your paper. (2010年高考英语北京B篇) Q: What does the reporter want most from his editors in their talks? A. Finding the news value of his stories. B. Giving him financial support. C. Helping him to find issues. D. Improving his good ideas.,_,_,She turned up at the doorstep of my house in Cornwall. No way could I have sent her away. No way, not me anyway. Maybe someone had kicked her out of their car the night before. “Were moving house”; “No space for her any more with the baby coming.” “We never really wanted her,but what could we have done?She was a present.” People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning an animal. And she was one of the most beautiful dogs I had ever seen. Q: How did the author feel about Goldie when Goldie came to the house? (2010年高考英语北京A篇) A. Shocked. B. Sympathetic. C. Annoyed. D. Upset.,_,_,_,_,_,_,Step1: 阅读理解文章体裁分析,记叙文:往往按时间顺序展开段落,文章有明显表示时间先后的词语。阅读时抓住时间这条主线,弄清who、what、where、why与how。,描写文:通过细节的描写,以画面的方式来反应事物的特征、性质。对这种文章要迅速弄清其主题,主题词往往出现在各个句子里,贯穿文章的始末;紧围绕这个主题进行阅读,找到文章与之有关的信息,并确定信息与主题的关系。,说明文:多见于科普文章,用以解释或揭示事物的状态、特征、演变、结果及其相互之间的关系,这类文体的文章,首句往往是主题句,开门见山,说明文章的关注对象:弄清作者的思路和段落组织的方式;把握次要信息及其与主题的关系。,议论文:阅读难在这种文章处处都渗透作者的个人观点、态度。阅读议论文应该从文体的写作和结构特点入手.文章的结构往往容易把握,主题句开门见山。作者往往通过信号词(signal words或transitional words)和关联词(referents来组织段落、文章,对信号词的迅速反应和对关联词的准确判断是至关重要的;要特别注意区分作者的观点与文章里所提到的人物的观点,同时注意作者所使用的表示赞同、反对等感情色彩的词汇。,Step2: 阅读理解命题方式,(一)细节理解题,1)Which of the following is NOT true according to the information in the passage?(三正一误),2) The author mentions all of the following except . . . (三正一误),3)Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?(三误一正),4)The writer mentions all of the items listed below except _.(三正一误),5) Which of the following is mentioned in the passage? (三误一正),6) What is the example of . . . as described in the passage? (三误一正),7) The reason for . . .is . . . (三误一正),8) According to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, etc. ) . (三误一正),9)From the passage we know that _.(三误一正),10)In the passage, the author states that _.(三误一正),当堂导练一:,Q: Which of the following is NOT true? A. Luo Lin is a native of Shanghai. B. Luo Lin moved to Hong Kong with her parents. C. Luo Lin won the title of Miss Asia in 1991. D. Asia TV Station helped Luo Lin to become Miss Asia.,(二)主旨大意题,1)The general/main idea of the passage is about _ 2)Which of the following best states the theme of the passage? 3)In this passage the author discusses primarily _ 4)The passage is mostly about _ 5)The passage is mainly concerned about _,6)What is the main topic of the passage? 7)What is the best title for the passage? 8)The subject discussed in this text is _ . 9)The authors main purpose in writing the passage is to 10)The passage is meant to . 11)The purpose of this article is to ,解主题大意题时,可用以下方法:,1)认真阅读文章的第一段或每段的第一个句子。 2)文章的主题作者往往有意识地反复论述。抓住反复出现的中心词,即高频词,也叫做主题词。 3)文章或段落的主题句常常会出现在一些标志性的提示后。 例如:On the whole , in short, therefore , I agree with the opinion that, Given all these points above , I would support the idea that, For all the reasons mentioned above ,I would prefer 等后。,如何寻找主题句,Sample 1 People have different tastes in food. Some feel that they havent eaten a meal unless they have had steak or other red meat. Some prefer chicken or fish and eat one or the other at every meal. Others prefer vegetables and fruits or grains and would enjoy a meal of spaghetti, eggplant, and fresh fruit. Others could live on what were called fast-foods: a hamburger or hot dog, French fries and a soft drink. 主题句在段首:一个主题句常常是一个段落的开头,其后的句子则是论证性细节。在论说文,科技文献和新闻报道中多采用这种格式。,_,Sample 2 Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells them exactly what to do. Others prefer to be left to work on their own. Still others like a democratic discussion type of class. No one teaching method can be devised to satisfy all students at the same time. 主题句也会出现在段尾。作者先摆出事实依据, 层层推理论证, 最后自然得出结论, 即段落的主题。本段的中心思想在结尾句得到体现,它是此段
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