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Module 4 Unit 2,I was very nervous.,What did they play?,They played football.,They played basketball .,What did he play ?,He played the piano.,He played the guitar.,What did she play?,She played the violin.,She played the pipa.,He was very,tall,.,short,He was very,She was very,happy,.,sad,.,She was very,nervous,.,She was very,proud,.,What Amy said?,Listen and guess,I played in a concert last year.,I played the piano.,“I was very nervous before the concert.”,“At the end every one clapped.”,I was happy .,And I was very proud.,Listen and repeat,Lets retell the story.,2、Look ,ask and answer,Sing a song!,Play a game (I ask ,you answer.),New words,nervous before,clap end,when proud,Key sentences,I was very nervous before the concert.,I was very proud.,1、read the text three times.,2、sing the song “I saw the music man” for your parents.,Homework,Thank you !,
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