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Computer English,Chapter 12 Multimedia and Computer Animations,Requirements:,Concept of multimedia Describe the design of animation sequences and function 英文摘要的写作技巧,12.1 Multimedia,New Words & Expressions: multimedia n. 多媒体 animation n. 动画 hyperlink n. 超链接 roving a. 流动的 media-rich a. 媒体丰富的 bit-mapped a. 位映像的,位图的 tagged a. 加了标记的 postscript n. 附录 interleave n. 交替 seamlessly ad. 无接缝地 morphing n.(形态)拟合 blending n. 合成 synthesizer n. 混音器 scroll bar n. 滚动条 assassination n. 暗杀 computer-generated a. 计算机产生的 arcade n. 拱廊,有拱廊的街道 cockpit n. 驾驶员座舱,战场 make-believe a. 假装的 for instance 比如 such as 例如,象这种的 as much as 高达 framework n.构架,框架,结构 pop-up 弹出 BMP 位图文件的扩展名 WAV 声音资源文件,12.1 Multimedia,Abbreviations: GIF (Graphical Interchange Format) 可交换的图像文件,可交换的图像文件格式 TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) 标签图像文件格式 EPS (Encapsulated Postscript) 附录显示格式 WMF (Windows Metafile Format) Windows图元文件格式。 HPGL (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language) 惠普图形语言 AVI (Audio Video Interleave) 多媒体文件格式 MIDI (Musical Instrument Data Interface) 乐器数字界面,12.1 Multimedia,Multimedia is the presentation of information using the combination of text, sound, pictures, animation, and video. Common multimedia computer applications include games, learning software, and reference materials. Most multimedia applications include predefined associations, known as hyperlinks, that enable users to switch between media elements and topics. 多媒体是文本、声音、图画、动画和视频等信息组合的表现形式。普通的多媒体计算机应用程序包括游戏、学习软件和参考资料。大多数多媒体应用程序包括事先定义的关联,称为超级链接,使用户能够在媒体元和主题之间进行切换。,12.1 Multimedia,Thoughtfully presented multimedia can enhance the scope of presentation in ways that are similar to the roving associations made by the human mind. Connectivity provided by hyperlinks transforms multimedia from static presentations with pictures and sound into an endlessly varying and informative interactive experience. 周到仔细地表现媒体能增强表现效果,在形式上就像人脑漫无边际的联想。超级链接提供的连通性将多媒体从带有图形和声音的静态显示转变成变化无穷的、知识丰富的交互体验。,12.1 Multimedia,Multimedia applications are computer programs; typically they are stored on compact discs (CD-ROMs). They may also reside on the World Wide Web, which is the media-rich component of the international communication network known as the Internet. Multimedia documents found on the World Wide Web are called Web Pages. Linking information together with hyperlinks is accomplished by special computer programs or computer languages. The computer language used to create Web pages is called Hyper-text Markup Language (HTML). 多媒体应用程序是计算机程序,它们通常存储在光盘上。它们也可以驻留在万维网上,万维网是因特网(国际通讯网络)媒体丰富的组成部分。万维网上提供的多媒体文档叫做网页。由超级链接将信息链接起来始通过特殊的计算计程序或计算机完成的。用来建立网页的计算机语言叫做超文本链接标示语言(HTML)。,12.1 Multimedia,Multimedia applications usually require more computer memory and processing power than the same information represented by text alone. For instance, a computer running multimedia applications must have a fast central processing unit (CPU), which is the electronic circuitry that provides the computational ability and control of the computer. 多媒体应用程序通常比只用文本表示要求的信息需要更大的计算机内存和更高的处理能力。例如,运行多媒体的计算机必须有快速的中央处理器(CPU),它是为计算机提供计算能力和控制的电子电路系统。,12.1 Multimedia,A multimedia computer also requires extra electronic memory to help the CPU in making calculations and to enable the video screen to draw complex images. The computer also needs a high capacity hard disk to store and retrieve multimedia information, and a compact disk drive to play CDROM applications. Finally, a multimedia computer must have a keyboard and a pointing device, such as a mouse or a trackball, so that the user can direct the associations between multimedia elements. 多媒体计算机还需要额外的电子内存来帮助CPU进行计算,使视屏能画出复杂的图像。计算机还需要高容量硬盘来存储和检索多媒体信息,还需要一个光盘驱动器来播放CDROM应用程序。最后,多媒体计算机必须有一个键盘和一个指示设备,如鼠标或轨迹球,这样用户可以引导多媒体元件之间的关联。,12.1 Multimedia,12.1.1 Visual Elements The larger, sharper, and more colorful an image is, the harder it is to present and manipulate on a computer screen. Photographs, drawings, and other still images must be changed into a format that the computer can manipulate and display. Such formats include bit-mapped graphics and vector graphics. 12.1.1 视频元 图像越大、分辨率越高、色彩越丰富,在计算机屏幕上就越难显示和操作。照片、图画和其他静止图像必须转换成计算机能操作和显示的格式。这样的格式包括位图图形和矢量图形。,12.1 Multimedia,Bit-mapped graphics store, manipulate, and represent images as rows and columns of tiny dots. In a bit-mapped graphic, each dot has a precise location described by its row and column, much like each house in a city has a precise address. Some of the most common bit-mapped graphics formats are called Graphical Interchange Format (GIF), Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), and Windows Bitmap (BMP). 位图图形用小点的行和列来表示图像。在位图图形中,每个点都用行和列准确地描述其位置,很像在一座城市每个房子都有一个准确的地址。最常见的位图格式有可交换图像文件格式(GIF)、标签图像文件格式(TIFF)和Windows位图(BMP)。,12.1 Multimedia,Vector graphics use mathematical formulas to recreate the original image. In a vector graphic, the dots are not defined by a row-and-column address; rather they are defined by their spatial relationships to one another. Because their dot components are not restricted to a particular row and column, vector graphics can reproduce images more easil
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