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外贸函电,FOREIGN BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE,Unit 15 Modes of Trade 贸易方式,15.1 Introduction(简介),目的:掌握与代理、加工贸易、补偿贸易和合资企业相关的函电内容。,在对外贸易中,最为常见的是单边出口和单边进口方式。只要交易双方就各项交易条件达成一致,签订合同,并按合同规定履行了各自的义务,交易就告完成。然而,在实际业务中,由于商品之间存在差异,市场也各具特点,所以,许多灵活多样的贸易方式就应运而生。如: (1)代理 (2)加工与装配贸易 (3)补偿贸易 (4)合资企业,(1)代理 代理(Agency)是指出口人通过签订代理协议,将商品委托给国外客户(代理人),委托其在一定地区和一定时间内为出口人代售商品、招揽生意或处理有关事宜的一种贸易方式。 根据委托人授权程度的不同,代理可分为总代理(General Agency)、独家代理(The Exclusive or Sole Agency)和佣金代理(Commission Agency,也称一般代理)。 与代理相关函电的主要内容通常涉及代理类型、被代理商品的名称、代理地区范围、代理期限、代理数量和金额、代理佣金等,还可能涉及到非竞争条款、商标保护、广告宣传和市场报导等。,(2)加工与装配贸易 加工与装配贸易(Processing & Assembling Trade)是指由国外委托方提供原材料、零部件或元器件,委托国内企业(承接方)按一定的技术、质量标准加工成成品并交还委托方,委托方再对国内企业支付工缴费的贸易方式。 加工与装配贸易方式与进出口紧密结合,有“两头在外”之称。这种贸易方式有利于一国通过利用外国原材料、零部件或元器件来增加本国的生产和出口,扩大就业,增加财政收入,有利于本国企业及时掌握出口商品在国际市场的信息,也有利于本国企业引进国外先进的技术设备、提升技术水平和管理水平。 有关加工与装配贸易的函电的主要内容包括:合同标的,来料来件的数量,加工装配期限,关于成品、工缴费、运输和保险、付款方式的规定,预防性和约束性条款,违约与赔偿,不可抗力规定等。,(3)补偿贸易 补偿贸易(Compensation Trade)是在信贷的基础上一方从另一方输入技术、机器设备或劳务,然后在一定时期内用产品或双方商定的商品清偿价款的一种贸易方式。从偿付的办法来看,有直接补偿、间接补偿、劳务补偿、收益分期补偿、综合补偿等形式。 补偿贸易对进出口双方都有利,有利于出口方扩大技术和设备的出口、抢占市场、降低出口经营风险并获得稳定、廉价的回头产品,也有利于进口方利用外资信贷扩大技术和设备的进口、获取国外先进的管理经验、利用外商销售能力开拓市场并建立起本国的进口替代与出口导向产业。,(4)合资企业 合资企业(Joint Ventures)指的是以营利为目的,由不同国家的投资人共同投资建立并经营的企业。实际中,合资企业主要分三种:股权式合资企业(Equity Joint Venture)、契约式合资企业(Contractual Joint Venture)和共同开发(Joint Exploration)。 合资方式有利于合资一方引进国外资本、提升技术水平,有利于向发达国家或地区学习先进的管理经验。鉴于合资企业的合同内容较为复杂,所以,在创建合资企业的函电来往中,一般没有必要一一涉及,只需表明意向并对一些关键内容(如投资额、产品种类、企业选址、预期产量等)加以确定就可。待双方达成意向后,再进入合同的创立阶段。,15.2 Specimen Letters(样函),Letter 1:Application for agency Dear Sirs, We know from A&J Corporation that you are looking for a reliable firm with good connections in the cotton piece goods trade to represent you in Canada. Having already had experience in marketing1 cotton piece goods similar to your own, we are familiar with customers needs and are confident we could develop a worthwhile market for you in Canada. We have well-equipped showrooms in Vancouver, Quebec and experienced sales staff who make regular calls on customers.,We should appreciate your letting us know as soon as possible whether you are interested in our offer and on what terms you would be willing to reach an agency agreement. If it does2, we would suggest you meeting with Mr. Stockton to discuss details of an agreement to both of us. Yours faithfully, Island Pty, Ltd General Manager,Letter 2:A reply to the application for agency Dear Sirs, We thank you for your letter of February 20, in which you proposed to sell our products on agency basis. We are deeply impressed by your kindness in submitting this proposal to us, and your application is now under our careful consideration. However, before going further into this arrangement, we would like to know your market consumption, the definite quantities you require quarterly or annually, your plan to push the sales of our products, and your bank references, etc.,Last but not least3, the whole matter hinges upon4 the question of the amount of commission you would require on orders obtained and executed. And as your Mr. Stockton intends visiting Tianjin at the end of February, we shall be pleased to discuss the possibility of coming to an arrangement with him personally. We are looking forward to your early reply and awaiting Mr. Stocktons call. Yours sincerely, Tianjin Textiles Imp./Exp. Group Director,Letter 3:An initial proposal for processing after sample with supplied materials Dear Sirs, After several months negotiation, we have finally succeeded in reaching an agreement on the proposed contract for processing after sample with supplied materials. Now we enclose a summary of those essential points of our proposition with this letter for your perusal5 and hope to have your comments.,Please give the propositions of your best consideration and if you fall in with us on these essential points6, let us have your prompt reply so that we can move to the next stage. Awaiting with keen interest your early reply. Yours sincerely, Nova Motor Group (Signature) General manager,Letter 4:A confirmation letter to Letter 3 Dear Sirs, We take pleasure in confirming the following arrangements in connection with processing after sample with supplied materials7 agreed upon between Mr. Smith, manager of your company and us during his visit to this city. You are to supply raw materials, samples and technical drawings, and we are to process the materials according to the drawings into finished products, which shall fully conform to your samples and bear a brand designated by you8. We have studied the matter with our manufacturers and it is estimated that they will be able to produce 500 sets each month as required by you, to be delivered in two lots of 250 sets each.,In order to enable our manufacturers to trial-produce the products, we would request you to send us the samples and technical drawings six months ahead of the required shipment As to the rate of spoilage9 of the raw materials, it is rather difficult to make a close estimate at present stage of tr
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