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, Lead in Useful expressions and sentences Cases Notes Group discussion Exercises Tips,在对外贸易中,询盘,也叫询价(inquiry或enquiry)是买方或卖方对于所要购买或出售的商品向另一方作出的询问。询盘是交易的起点,可以分为:普通询盘(a general inquiry):索取普通资料,诸如:目录(a catalogue)、价目表或报价单(a price-list or quotation sheets)、样品 (a sample)、图片(illustrated photo prints)等。具体询盘(a specific inquiry): 具体询问商品名称(the name of the commodity)、规格(the specifications)、数量(the quantity)、单价(the unit price FOB CIF),装船期(the time of shipment)、付款方式(the terms of payment)等。,Useful expressions and sentences,1We have received your letter of August 8, enquiring about the best terms for the goods. 我们接到了贵方8月8日对该商品优惠条款的询盘。 2China National Silk Corporation received the inquiry sent by a British company. 中国丝绸公司收到了英国一家公司的询价单。 3We have received an inquiry forand it would be appreciated if you would send us your latest catalogues and price list. 我们接到了对的询盘,如果贵方能给我们寄来一份最新商品目录及报价单,我方将不胜感激。,4We are in the market forand would be glad to receive your best possible quotation, indicating origin, detailed specifications, packing and quantity available, etc. 我方意欲购买如果贵方寄来最优价格,注明产地、详细规格、包装、可供数量等,将不胜感激。 5Would you please inform us in details of the price, terms of payment and terms of shipment. We hope you would quote us the most reasonable price. As we have a large population here, we are sure to place regular orders with you. 请详报该产品的价格、付款方式及装运条件。希望得到贵方最合理的报价。我国人口众多,我方一定会成为贵方的稳定订户。,6In reply to your enquiry of March 4, we are now sending you herewith our price list for the various intellectual toys enquired for . 作为对贵方3月4日询盘的答复,现随函寄上你方所询各种智能玩具的价目单一份。 7As requested, we are enclosing our proforma invoice in duplicate and shall appreciate your placing the order with us as early as possible. 按贵方要求,特此随函附寄我方形式发票一式两份,如蒙早日购货将不胜感激。 8Your enquiry is too vague to enable us to reply you. 你们的询盘不明确,我们无法答复。 9We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available. 很遗憾,你们所询的货物现在无货。,10.We shall, however, file your inquiry and cable you our offer as soon as we have got supplies. 我方已将贵方询函备案,一经有货,我方将以电报报盘。 11By separate mail, we are also sending you several sample for your reference. 我方将另寄样品数份,供你方参考。 12In your letter of December 3, 2000, we got your enclosed price list and catalogue, we found that one of your goods is to our satisfaction, so we are now post its picture back to you. 收到贵方2000年12月3日函及所附价目单和产品目录。我方看中其中的一种产品,现将其图片寄还。,13We would appreciate receiving details regarding the commodities. 如能告知该商品的详细情况, 则不胜感谢。 14Kindly favour us with the lowest cash price for the goods. 敬请告知该货以现金支付的最低价格。 15Now that weve already made an inquiry about your articles, will you please reply as soon as possible? 既然我们已经对你们产品询价,可否尽快给予答复?,Case One,美国罗吉有限公司欲进口银器,对上海兴和银器 制造有限公司进行了一般询盘,在信中罗吉有限公 司为了解情况向兴和银器制造有限公司索取需要的 商品目录本、价格单、样本或样品等。 Dear Sirs, We have seen your advertisement in the New Asia Journal and learned that you are exporters of silver wares of court styles to European market. Being that we specialize in this line, we are experienced and well connected with many customers in our country. There is a steady demand, especially for silver wares of court styles fine in quality but low in price.,We shall be grateful if you would send us your catalogue, full details of your export prices, terms of payment and samples. If the goods and your trade terms prove satisfactory, you may expect from us substantial orders in the future. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Eric Smith,上海兴和银器制造有限公司收到美国罗吉有限公司的询盘后,就对方的各种询问给予了迅速、简明地回复。,Dear Sirs, Your enquiry of February 8 is receiving our attention, and we thank you for your interest in our products. Enclosed please find our illustrated catalogues and price lists giving details of CIF New York prices. Also by separate post we are sending you the samples of our products. Our catalogue contains items and specifications of our supplies. Through comparing our prices with those of other suppliers, you will appreciate the moderate prices of ours.,For a total purchase of not less than 200,000 and not more than 300,000 American dollars, we would allow a discount of 10% and for a purchase larger than 300,000 American dollars, we would allow a 15% special discount. We are looking forward to your order at an early date. Yours faithfully, Cao Cheng,Case Two,英国达利百货公司对湖州丝绸服饰有限公司进行具体询盘,要求对方提供女式丝绸衬衫详细的报价。 Dear Sirs, We are interested in your silk blouses and would be thankful if you would give us catalogues and quotation sheets of the goods available for export now. It would be also grateful if you could let us have your samples. We will appreciate it very much if you will quote us your lowest price CIFC5 London for 10,000 dozens together with the earliest date of shipment and your payment terms,As it is given that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices, we prefer to buy from your company rather than from other sources. We are looking forward to hearing from you by return post. Yours sincerely,湖州丝绸服饰有限公司收到英国达利百货公司的具体询 盘后,立刻做出了详尽、谨慎地回复。 Dear Sirs
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