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单斗挖掘机毕业论文单斗挖掘机毕业论文单斗挖掘机工作装置设计摘 要单斗挖掘机是一种重要的工程机械,广泛应用于房屋建筑、筑路工程、水利建设、农林开发、港口建设、国防工事等的土石方施工和矿山采掘工业中,对减轻繁重的体力劳动、保证工程质量、加快建设速度、提高劳动生产率起着十分巨大的作用。随着国家经济建设的不断发展,单斗挖掘机的需求量将逐年大幅度增长,其在国民经济建设中的作用将越来越显著。反铲装置作为单斗挖掘机工作装置的一种主要形式,在工程实践中占有重要地位。反铲装置的各组成部分有各种不同的外形,要根据设计要求选用适合的结构并对其作运动分析。然后,在满足机构运动要求的基础上对各机构参数进行理论计算,确定各机构尺寸参数,确定挖掘机反铲装置的基本轮廓。挖掘阻力和挖掘力是衡量挖掘机性能参数的重要性能指标,对其分析计算至关重要。挖掘阻力主要与挖掘对象及自身尺寸参数有关,而挖掘力则受众多条件限制,危险工况的分析是关键点。在挖掘力分析基础上,可对各杆件铰接点进行力的分析计算,并进行机构设计的合理性分析。关键词:单斗挖掘机,运动分析,力学分析,强度校核ABSTRACTSingle dou excavator is a kind of important engineering machinery, widely used in building, road engineering, water conservancy construction, forestry development, port construction, national defense construction and the conditions of fortifications mining extraction industries, to reduce heavy manual labor, ensuring the quality of projects and accelerate the construction speed and improve labor productivity plays an enormous role.With the continuous development of national economic construction, dou excavator demand will greatly increase year by year, its role in national economic construction will become more and more prominent.The shovel device as a single dou excavator working device of a main form in engineering practice, occupies an important position. The shovel device of each component of a variety of different shape, according to the design requirements for the selection of the structure and kinematic analysis. Then, on the basis of the requirement of motion parameters of various institutions, organizations, and determine the size parameters of the shovel device determine excavator basic outline.Digging resistance and mining force is the important measure excavator performance parameters on its performance index analysis, calculation is very important. Digging resistance with mining and relevant parameters, and their size by numerous dig power restriction, dangerous working conditions, the analysis is the key point. Based on the analysis in the mining strength to the bar on the pivotal point force calculation and analysis, and the rationality of the design.KEY WORDS: Single dou excavator,Motion analysis,Mechanics analysis,Strength Check目 录前 言第一章 整机参数1.1主要参数的选择1.2尺寸参数的选择第二章 工作装置设计2.1动臂机构2.1.1动臂机构参数选择2.1.2 校核动臂力矩特性2.3 铲斗机构的参数选择2.4最大卸载高度、最大挖掘深度和停机面最大挖掘半径的计算2.5 挖掘力的计算2.6挖掘范围第三章 液压系统设计3.1 元件选择3.2 系统分析第四章 整机稳定性4.1 初步确定配重4.2 稳定性校核第五章 主要结构件的计算5.1斗杆5.2 动臂5.3连杆、摇杆和销轴第六章 生产率计算6.1 斗杆油缸伸、缩时间的计算6.2 动臂油缸伸、缩时间的计算6.3 铲斗油缸伸、缩时间的计算6.4 转台满斗回转和空斗回转时间的计算6.5 作业循环时间计算6.6 理论生产率计算第七章 挖掘机的使用与维修7.1 挖掘机的使用7.2 挖掘机的维修结 论致 谢their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and publicity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance the competitive strength, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four) to promote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integration of resources within the group, the city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seeking win-win principle, in the framework of national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultation, examination and approval procedures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of state-owned assets.(five) to strengthen the construction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing business, firmly establish the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of urgency, improve the ability to respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, according to the need of industrial development, vigorously the introduction of high-quality management management personnel, and strive to build a high-quality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structure optimization and upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(six) seriously study the policy for policy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy, especially the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy and tax policy, and act
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