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Unit 5,To Lie or Not to Lie The Doctors Dilemma 2012-4,1. dilemma n. a difficult choice to be made between two possibilities,The doctors dilemma was whether he should tell his patient the truth or not. Mary was in a dilemma about whether to go to the party or stay at home to prepare for the next weeks exams. He was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to go back to his hometown.,Should doctors ever lie to benefit their patients - to speed recovery or to conceal the approach of death? 为了病人的利益比如为了使病人加快恢复健康或者为了向他们隐瞒死亡临近的消息,医生应该撒谎吗?,2. benefit v.,1) do good to (sb.); be good for (sb.) The new policy will benefit the majority of the people. 2) gain advantage (from sth.) She benefited from her friends advice. Export will benefit from the fall in the exchange rate.,Note:,benefit vi. benefit from: 从中受益 e.g. These small businesses have benefited from the fall in interest rates. beneficial a. benefit n. 利益,好处,有益 for the benefit of: 为了 profit n. 一般指金钱,Recovery:恢复, 痊愈, 防御,recover v. 恢复,痊愈; recoverable adj. 可重新获得的,可找回的。 -ry 名词后缀,表示 行为状态、情况性质; rivalry 竞争;outlawry 逍遥法外; artistry 艺术性; gentry 绅士阶级; 学、术、行业; forestry林业学;dentistry 牙医术;carpentry 木工业;machinery机械类; 场所,工作处,library; bakery面包店; laundry 洗衣房;dormitory 宿舍;,【典型考题】 She made a quick _ from her illness and was soon back . A. decision B. recovery C. change D. promise 【考点提示】 beyond (past) recovery 病入膏肓 / make recovery 恢复,痊愈 / recover room 手术后特别病房 / on recovery from ones disease 痊愈时。,3. conceal vt. hide, keep secret,Dont try to conceal anything from me. I know the whole thing inside out. I knew at once the doctor was concealing something from me. He concealed his debts from his wife. 【考点】concealfrom 对隐瞒 近义词:hide,mask, keep dark; 反义词:reveal,disclose。,con-前缀,表示:,共同意义: 如:concolorous 同色的;contemporary 同时代的; connatural先天的; concord和谐;concourse 合流; Confederate 同盟者,共谋者; 加强或引申意义: conclude 结束;consolidate 巩固;concentrate 集中专心;condense 浓缩;confute 驳倒,the requirements of honesty often seem dwarfed by greater needs:,对诚实的要求(与更大的需要相比)往往要退居其次。这些更大的需要有: dwarf : v. cause to appear small by contrast/ comparison 由于比较而显得矮小 例: Her exceeding beauty dwarfed that of all the other women in the Palace. 她惊人的美丽使宫里所有其他的女子都黯然失色。 His children were dwarfed by insufficient food. 他的儿女因营养不良而发育不全。,4. shelter,1) n. protection against wind, rain, enemies etc. These trees are a shelter from the sun. The wall is a good shelter from wind. under the shelter of . They sat down under the shelter of a great tree. You cant go on like this under the shelter of your parents.,2) vt. to give protection,The trees shelter people from the sun. He was accused of sheltering an escaped criminal. 3) vi. to be in, or go into, a place of shelter He sheltered from the storm. They sheltered under a tree.,【考点提示】,lend the shelter of ones name and position to sb. 用自己的名誉地位庇位某人 / shelter oneself 掩护自己,替自己辩护 / under the shelter of 在庇护下。 take shelter; find protection; protect provide shelter for;,Expose:,通过构词法记忆: exposed, adj.暴露的,无掩蔽的; exposition n. 说明,讲解, expositive adj. 说明的,评注的; expositor n.说明者,讲解者,评注者。 Expose-exposure, 近义词discover,reveal,uncover,disclose; 反义词:cover,conceal,hide,mask。,【考点提示】,be exposed to all kinds of weather 经受风吹雨打 / expose sb. to danger 使某人面临危险 / expose oneself to sb.s influence ,自己受某人的影响。,【典型考题】,In some Muslim countries, women do not _ their faces in public. A. reveal B. uncover C. expose D. disclose 答案C。 expose 使看不到或隐藏的事物显露出来,露出; reveal 把隐藏的真相、罪行等透露或暴露出来; disclose 透露不为人知的某些秘密之事。,promote / promotion 促进,提升,promotive adj. 促进的,提升的, 近义词:foster; 反义词:demote。 【考点】 promote peace 促进和平 / promote disorder 引起混乱 / promote sb. (to be)captain 把某人提升为上尉。,典型考题】 The company _ the rock groups new record by playing it often on the radio. A. promised B. promoted C. progressed D. proceeded 答案B。公司在电台反复播放摇滚乐队新唱片以进行促销。promote 促进,促销。,pro- 表示:before, forth, forward,向前,在前 代理,代替 拥护,亲,赞成。例如: progress 进步; proceed 继续进行; profound深远的;prohibit禁止 阻止; proclaim宣言 声明;prolong延长; promote升迁;pronoun代名词;propose提议推荐; pro-British 亲英的。,para2: Routine: regular 日常例行的,例: a. We spend a lot of time performing mindless routine tasks. 我们花费大量的时间完成毫无意义的例行任务。 b. He had sufficient routine work to carry him through the morning. 他有足够的例行工作来打发这个上午。,Chang this blue bag for a red _. The weather of shenyang is cooler than _ of guangzhou. confront:=encounter, face, the ill, the dying, the dead, Risk doing. = decay, degenerate, worsen,Para3: at times , occasionally; now and then 间或;有时,【典型考题】_, he says, he does miss the big city, but most of the time he is happier in this rural environment. A. at all times B. all the times C. at times D. at any time 答案C。 Jack talks about his trip to China all the time (at all times) , and his friends are tired of it. 杰克总是谈论他的中国之行,他的朋友都听厌了。,for the sake of ,1) in order to benefit We must work hard for the sake of our nation. He bought a house in the country for the sake of his wifes health. For the sake of making more money, she went to London.,2) * for ones sake,I di
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