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Module 8 Freight Forwarding & Port Services,Project 24 Tracing International Cargo Shipping Routes,Objectives,understand the major international cargo shipping routes;,2. find ways to improve your English skills and performance on how to describe and discuss about major international cargo shipping routes.,3. master the basic words and expressions about general description of major international cargo shipping routes.,Contents,Lead in,1. Do you know anything about how goods are moved by sea to various places all over the world? Mainly the goods are moved by sea, air, or road along specific routes. 2. Do vessels sail arbitrarily or along specific shipping routes? Vessels sail along specific shipping routes.,3. Can you list some major China ocean shipping routes? Pan Pacific route (泛太平洋) Pan Altantic route (泛大西洋) European route (欧洲线) Austrilia/New Zealand (澳洲线),Activity 1 -Words & Terms,Learn the new words and terms.,Activity 1 -Task 1,Go through the following materials and get familiar with the Well-known Straits in the World and their positions in the map.,Activity 2 -Task 1,Go through the short passage and try to list the common factors that influence ocean shipping routes.,Material 1: The Main International Shipping Routes,factors that influence ocean shipping routes: - where trade volumes are largest and demand is therefore greatest - where the commodity is produced - major world economies - immigration movement - where ships can use to get their cargo to the final destination,Activity 2 -Task 2: Translate the passage,中海集运已先后开辟中国各港至日本、韩国、东南亚、澳大利亚、欧洲(地中海)、美洲、西非、波斯湾等数十条国际集装箱班轮航线和国内沿海内贸线及外贸内支线。 China Shipping Container Lines has opened up over ten international container liner routes from domestic ports to Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, Europe (Mediterranean), America, West Africa, the Persian Gulf as well as some coastal routes for domestic trade.,其中,美国航线共投入近30艘全集装箱船进行远东北美的班轮服务,所涉及的内陆点多达40个; Among these routes, nearly 30 full-container vessels are put in operation on the service from the Far East to North America for the route to the United States, along which the intermediate inland ports adds up to 40.,中国至日本、韩国、东南亚各主要港口间航班密度大、布局广,已形成网络运输的格局;欧洲、地中海航线在国内直挂港口最多,投入运力最大; The frequent lines and extensive layout of the routes from China to the main Southeast Asian ports like Japan, Korea etc. has constituted a transportation network. The route from Europe to the Mediterranean Sea is featured by numerous domestic ports of call and large transport capacity.,沿海内贸干支线,贯通中国南北,途经沿海30余个大小港口,在国内内贸集装箱运输市场上整体实力最强。 Domestic coastal branch lines link up over 30 ports from the north to the south, which shows CSCs strongest power in the domestic container transportation market.,以集装箱吞吐量计算,中海集运部分内贸航线在国内多个主要港口的市场占有率逾50%,部分港口的占有率更高达80%至90%。 In terms of container handling capacity, the market share of CSCs some domestic trading lines at main ports exceeds 50% while that at some other ports achieves higher percentages of 80% to 90%.,China ocean shipping routes,Activity 2 -Task 3,Look at the following picture and list down major China ocean shipping routes. Pan Pacific route (泛太平洋) Pan Altantic route (泛大西洋) European route (欧洲线) Austrilia/New Zealand (澳洲线) Africa South America,Summary,common factors that influence the costs of ocean shipping,Well-known Straits in the World,Homework,Thank You !,
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