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, Lead in Principles of Business Letter-writing Cases The components of a business letter The formats of business letter-writing Notes Group discussion Exercises Tips,商务英语信函是国际贸易双方进行书面商务信息沟通的重要手段,其撰写的成功与否对业务成败有着极其重要的影响。商务英语信函的写作要坚持礼貌、体谅、完整、清楚、简洁、具体与正确性等原则;其次,还要注意写作技巧和一定的写作格式,并善于使用商务英语信函中的套语和特殊表达法。,Writing business letters, we should always keep firmly in mind the essential principles of them. It is essential to follow the Six Cs: clarity, completeness, conciseness, concreteness, correctness and courtesy. 1Clarity (清晰) Be sure your business letter is very clear so that it cannot be misunderstood. You should first have a clear idea in your mind of what you want to achieve. A misunderstood message may be worse than no message at all. Clarity is achieved by choosing plain and simple words, which are short, familiar, conversational and straight-forward. This means using the most correct words and phrases in the right place to build effective sentences and paragraphs.,2Completeness (完整) A business letter requires “completeness”. It involves a careful check of the Five Ws: What, Who, Why, Where, When and How. See to it that all these questions are answered and all the matters are referred completely. A complete business letter provides adequate details for your reader to completely understand your intentions.,3Conciseness (简洁) Being concise is the most important writing principle in writing a good business letter. Conciseness means expressing your desires in as few words as possible to avoid unnecessary repetition and redundant statements. The following guidelines should be observed: 1) Organize effective sentences and paragraphs. 2) Include only relevant facts. 3) Omit obsolete words and expressions. 4) Avoid unnecessary words and phrases.,4Concreteness (具体) A business letter should avoid being confusing. The message should be definite, vivid and concrete. You should use specific facts and figures,especially for business letters calling for a specific reply; such as an offer, inquiry, order or terms of a trade , etc.,5Correctness (正确) A business letter must be correct. It should refer to correct data, accurate statements and clear opinions. This also means using correct grammar, spelling of words and punctuation. These are the basic elements of all letters. Business letters often are used as commercial or legal documents, so they are indebted with legal rights and obligations. Accurate facts, figures and vocabulary must be chosen wisely.,The letter should be clear about the meaning of all the trade terminology and jargon used. Otherwise, it may lead to a grave misunderstanding and confusion; even then, it may cause an unnecessary dispute.,6Courtesy(礼貌) Courteousness plays an important role in business letter-writing; it means taking the readers feeling and point of view into consideration. To show courtesy, you should take a personal, friendly and modest tone. You should avoid expressions that might be offensive or misunderstood. To be courteous, the writer should be prompt in reply. If your answer is delayed, please give reasonable and understandable reasons.,Case One,英国斯柯达有限公司与湖北东风汽车有限公司初步达 成合作意向;英国斯柯达有限公司拟派出四人代表团访问湖 北东风汽车有限公司洽谈合资经营项目,写了一封日程安排 信函如下: Date: October 5, 2006 Subject: Our visit to discuss the Joint Venture Dear Mr. Yang Guang, Thank you for your invitation letter dated September 1, 2008. We are pleased to inform you that a group of four gentlemen will be visiting your company on October 20, 2008. The duration of our visit will be one week. The delegation members are as follows:,1. Mr. Terry Ginty - Managing Director 2. Mr. David L. Tan - Sales Manager 3. Mr. Roger Allan - Financial Manager 4. Mr. Amos Winter -Electronic Engineer In order to finalize before mentioned Joint Venture, well hold a discussion with your company. Our discussion will be set up fromOctober 21 to October 25 at the head office of your company. Were looking forward to meeting you. Yours Sincerely, Chare Clark (Signature) Office Manager,以上案例体现了商务信函的Six Cs原理: 1Clarity (清晰) (1) The subject is clear-visiting your company (2) Each paragraph includes one topic: Paragraph 1 - visiting time Paragraph 2 - delegate names Paragraph 3 - purpose of meeting Paragraph 4 - well wishing (3) Format is clear. 2Completeness (完整) It involves Five-Ws: Who - a part of 4 gentlemen What - visiting When - one week (from October 20 ),Where - your company (head office) Why - discussion of the project of our Joint Venture How - looking forward to meeting you during our visit. 3Conciseness (简洁) Stick to the point and use simple language to avoid wordiness and repetition. e.g. The above said, as follows. 4Concreteness (具体) (1) Time - discussion will set up form Oct. 21 to Oct.25. (2) Location - at the head office. (3) Delegation - names and titles. (4) Discussion topic - Joint Venture.,5Correctness (正确) It covers correct grammar and
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