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Test1 Part A,1. a. The man wants to know why action movie appeal to Peter so much. b. Peter spends too much of his spare time watching movies. c. The woman expects her son to study more than he can handle. d. Peter doesnt study hard enough. 2. a. She doesnt have time to go outside. b. Shell consider the mans advice. c. She doesnt know how to relieve her stress. d. She will feel more stressful if she gets behind in her lessons.,3. a. The man shouldnt buy so many discs. b. The man should stop buying discs. c. The man shouldnt worry too much. d. The man should go shopping less. 4. a. Both speakers were bored with the movie. b. The woman didnt like the movie but the man did. c. The man didnt like the movie but the woman did. d. The man didnt think he would like the movie at first but later he did.,5. a. Practice their speeches. b. Have a big celebration. c. Prepare their arguments for possible topics. d. Take a good rest. 6. a. Brave b. Healthy. C. Helpful. D. Strong.,7. a. He is an irresponsible father. b. He is careless. c. He is very busy with his work. d. He is indifferent to his family. 8. a. She knows something about her own real condition. b. She knows nothing about her own condition. c. She doesnt know anything about Marys real condition. d. She doesnt want to know about Marys real condition.,Part B Conversation 1,9. a. The mans mother. b. The mans lady friend. c. The mans wife. d. The mans colleague 10. a. He always forgets his wifes birthday. b. He sometimes forgets important days. c. He does not think anniversary days or Valentines Day important. d. He remembers this years Valentines Day.,11. a. A box of chocolates. b. A bouquet of flowers. c. A diamond ring. d. A pearl necklace. 12. a. Its easy to make women happy. b. Women value important days much more than men. c. Men are usually very careless. d. A husband should never forget his wifes birthday.,Conversation 2,13. a. An army man and an army woman. b. An army man and his advisor. c. Husband and wife. d. Friends. 14. a. The man thinks he has gained much experience in running a business of his own when he is discharged from the army. b. The man would rather run his own business than have a job assigned by the government. c. The woman doesnt think the man is capable of running a business of his own. d. The woman thinks that the man has gone crazy.,15. a. The man has learned everything about running a business in the army. b. The woman wants a comfortable life. c. The man is too ambitious. d. The man is confident enough to take risks on new paths.,Part C,Did you know that one out of every ten people in the world are left-handed? And did you also know that in many countries left-handedness is still thought of as being wrong? In India, for example, you shouldnt eat with your left hand. Even at the beginning of the 20th century left-handedness was considered to be a sign of weakness. 16)_ used to try and prove that left-handed people were more likely to commit 17)_, or have reading problems than right-handed people. 18)_, not all cultures think like this. In China both sides are needed for 19)_.,Left-handedness can in fact be an 20) _ in sport. Many left-handed 21)_ and tennis players have achieved outstanding success. This is partly because of the element of surprise the left hand can offer and partly because left-handed peoples 22) _ work quicker. Nevertheless, this is still a right-handed peoples world. And this can be clearly seen when youre buying everyday things like scissors or golf clubs. 23) _ _,But, heres some good news for all left-handed people. There is a shop in London which sells goods especially for left-handed people. Its called Anything Left-handed. There 24)_ . In fact you can even buy watches for the left hand which work anti-clockwise. 25) _,Part D Passage 1 26. a. The function of anti-anxiety drugs. b. The effects of anti-anxiety drugs. c. The reasons for taking anti-anxiety drugs. d. The value of anti-anxiety drugs.,27. a. They make a patient addicted to them. b. They make a patient feel frustrated and disappointed. c. They weaken a patients ability to deal with changes or unexpected problems. d. Their price is too high. 28. a. Prejudiced. b. Positive. c Completely negative. d. Partly negative,Passage 2 29. a. Her family wanted her to study medicine. b. A family friend suggested it to her. c. Her sickness caused her to make that decision. d. She wanted to do something no women had done before. 30. a. In Geneva. b. In London c. In Britain. d. In New York.,31. a. To prevent disease. b. To cure patients. c. To offer free medical care for the poor. d. To teach people basic hygiene. 32. a. Outstanding. b. Aggressive. c. Full of curiosity. d. Eager to excel in everything.,Passage 3 33. a. Parents and teachers who are important to them. b. Adults and peers who are important to them. c. Important teachers and peers
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