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中級第十回ListeningPart1: Picture QuestionsLook at each picture and answer the question.1. What does the boy need to do in this place?A. drinkB. eatC. shoutD. whisperAnswer: D【解題關鍵】本題測驗單字whisper(v.) 低語;耳語,亦可當名詞使用,表傳聞;耳語等意思。與murmur意義相近,都是表示輕聲說話的意思。【重要字彙】drink:(v.) 可表喝酒或水等飲料,但若要表示喝湯,應寫為 eat the soup 而非drink the soup。shout:(v.) 大聲喊叫2. What is the man doing?A. He is staring at the woman.B. The man is following the woman.C. He is greeting the woman.D. The man is ignoring the woman.Answer: C【解題關鍵】本題測驗單字greet(v.) 迎接;歡迎,例句: She greeted Mary by shouting a friendly Hello! 她以一聲友善的哈囉來迎接瑪莉。greeting當名詞時為可數名詞;表問候;祝賀(詞)的意思,例句: We sent him a card with Christmas greetings. 我們寄給他一張聖誕賀卡。【重要字彙】stare:(v.) 凝視;瞪.,stare後需接介系詞at,例句: Its very rude to stare at people. 一直盯著別人看是很不禮貌的。ignore:(v.) 忽視;忽略;不理會,例句: I was angry because he ignored my advise. 我很生氣,因為他不理會我的建議。3. What is the woman doing in the kitchen?A. She is mopping the floor.B. The woman is sweeping the floor.C. She is scrubbing the floor.D. The woman is painting the floor.Answer: C【解題關鍵】本題測驗單字scrub(v.) 用力擦洗、刷洗,當名詞用時,就是一般俗稱的菜瓜布。【重要字彙】mop:(v.) 以拖把拖,當名詞用時,為拖把之意paint:(v.) 油漆;繪畫;塗上顏色4. What do the boy and girl have above them?A. parachutesB. kitesC. airplanesD. flagsAnswer: A【解題關鍵】本題測驗單字為parachute(n.) 降落傘,a parachute jump即表示跳傘。【重要字彙】kite:(n.) 風箏,需與動詞fly配合使用,表放風箏,例句: I like to fly a kite in the park. 我喜歡在公園裡放風箏。airplane:(n.) 飛機,亦可寫為plane或aircraft。flag:(n.) 旗子;旗幟5. What kind of job does the woman have?A. She works in health care.B. The woman is a lawyer.C. She is a taxi driver.D. The woman is a writer.Answer: A【解題關鍵】本題測驗關鍵為health care與醫療保健相關的行業。【重要字彙】taxi driver:(n.) 計程車駕駛;其他不同車輛的駕駛,如truck driver為卡車司機,若指一般車輛的駕駛,以driver表示即可。writer:(n.) 作家6. Which sentence best describes the car in the picture?A. The exterior of the car is damaged.B. The people in the car are muddy.C. The car is jam-packed with people.D. The people are guarding the car.Answer: C【解題關鍵】本題測驗jam-pack(v.) 擠滿。用法: be jam-packed with 某物塞滿了。【重要字彙】exterior:(n.) 外部、外面、外觀。例: He has a friendly exterior. 他外貌友善。exterior of the house 房子的外觀。damage:(v.) 破壞muddy:(adj.) 泥濘的。mud(n.) 泥巴。guard:(v.) 保護、防衛7. What is the nurse doing?A. She is fixing the boys toy.B. She is reading a story to the boy.C. She is giving the boy a shot.D. She is taking the boys temperature.Answer: C【解題關鍵】本題測驗重點為give someone a shot,表為某人打一針,例句: The vet gave my dog a shot because hes ill.獸醫幫我的狗打了一針,因為牠病了。若句型為give something a shot,則表示嘗試去做某事物,例句: Although it seems very difficult, I decided to give it a shot. 雖然這看起來很困難,我還是決定去試試看。【重要片語】take someones temperature: 量某人體溫,例句: The nurse took Mays temperature to see if she had a fever. 護士為梅量體溫,看她有沒有發燒。【重要字彙】shot:(n.) 一針temperature:(n.) 體溫;溫度fix:(v.) 修理;修補,例句: He is outside fixing the brakes on the car. 他在外面修理煞車。8. What is TRUE about the picture?A. The cat captured the mouse.B. The mouse captured the cat.C. The mouse is eating cheese.D. The cat is behind the house.Answer: A【解題關鍵】本題關鍵字為capture 捕捉,亦可以動詞chase, catch或片語hunt down等來表示。【重要字彙】cheese:(n.) 起司;乳酪9. What is TRUE about the girl?A. The girl is into cooking.B. She doesnt like cooking.C. The girl is getting take-out.D. She is making a purchase.Answer: A【解題關鍵】本題的解題關鍵為be into something,表示某人很喜歡做某事,如喜歡看書,就是be into reading,喜歡健行,則為be into hiking。【重要片語】making a purchase: 買東西【重要字彙】take-out:(n.) 外賣食品;外賣餐館,亦可寫為takeaway。例句: Lets get a take-out from the restaurant. 我們在這家餐廳買外賣吧。10. What should the girl probably do?A. throw in the shirtB. check out the shirtC. ring up the shirtD. try on the shirtAnswer: D【解題關鍵】probably(adv.) 可能;也許。題目是問這個女孩可能需要做什麼,由圖片看來,答案為try on the shirt 試穿那件襯衫。try on.: 試穿,例如: She has to try on the skirt in the fitting room. 她得去試衣間試穿那件裙子。【重要片語】throw in 也有額外贈送的意思,例如: Ill buy your book if you throw in some stickers. 如果你附贈一些貼紙,我就買你的書。check out: 檢查;察看的意思,平時亦經常可見到用來表示退房(離開旅館)的用法,例如: Im packing my luggage. Ill check out after ten minutes. 我正在打包行李,十分鐘後準備退房。11. What kind of person is the man in the picture?A. The man in the picture is a cook.B. He is unemployed and bored.C. The man in the picture is a wizard.D. He is possessed with sadness.Answer: C【解題關鍵】What kind of. 什麼樣的.,本題是在詢問圖片中的人物是什麼樣的人,或是他是從事何種行業的,因此答案應選wizard(n.) 男巫師,若指的是女巫,則是witch。【重要字彙】cook:(n.) 廚師,雖然很多動詞加了-er之後就變成.的人的意思,如: use(使用),加了er之後就變成user(使用者),但cook(烹飪)加了er之後,並不是指烹調者或廚師,而是鍋子的意思。unemployed:(adj.) 失業的(= out of work),例如: I have been unemployed for three months. 我已三個月沒工作了。 bored:(adj.) 厭煩的;討厭的,例如: Im bored with his lecture. 我厭倦了上他的課。sadness(n.) 傷心。【重要片語】be possessed with.: 充滿著.的情緒,例如: The woman was possessed with sadness when her son passed away. 那名女子的兒子過世時,她非常哀痛。
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