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Ellipsis,省略,group work,discuss exercises 2 on page 37 in groups,Compare the following sentences,You can get burned by hot liquids and you can get burned by steam. You can get burned by hot liquids and stem. Tie a bandage firmly over the burnt area, when a bandage is necessary. Tie a bandage firmly over the burnt area, when necessary.,These burns are not serious and they should feel better within a day or two days. These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or two. These burns affect the top layer of the skin and they also affect the second layer of the skin. These burns affect the top and the second layer of the skin.,Compare the following sentences,First degree burns turn white when they are pressed. First degree burns turn white when pressed.,Compare the following sentences,The difference:,There are lots of repeated words and phrases in Sentence A. Sentence B is better because: It doesnt have unnecessary repetitions in it It is easier to understand It sounds much less awkward than Sentence A.,Ellipsis,省略,What is Ellipsis?,the act of leaving out a word or words from a sentence deliberately, when the meaning can be understood without them. 为了使语言简洁或避免重复,省略句中的一个或几个句子成分,这种语法现象成为省略,How are you? Fine, thank you! And you? I am fine. I thank you, And how are you? Nice to meet you! It is nice to meet you! Glad to see you! I am glad to see you! Ok! Great! Wonderful! (Is it ) Really?,Find out sentences with ellipsis from the Warming up and the Reading,Often the illness or injury is not serious, but there are other times when (the illness ot injury is serious and) giving first aid quickly can save lives. Burns are called first (degree burns), second (degree burns) or third degree burns, These affects both the top (layer of the skin) and the second layer of the skin. Remove clothing using scissors if necessary,Different forms of ellipsis,ellipsis in simple sentence 简单句省略 ellipsis in compound sentence 并列句省略 ellipsis in complex sentence 复合句省略 ellipsis in sentence with “to do” 不定式省略,ellipsis in simple sentence,Glad to see you. Hope to hear from you. Happy new year. The same to you. Nice day again. 日常生活中的省略 (You) Open the door. (You must) Be careful! / Look out! 祈使句中省略,常省略主语,ellipsis in simple sentence, Are you a student? Yes, I am (a student). Please (you) pay special attention to these valuable flowers. OK, I will (pay special attention to those ). John bought a new car. When (did he buy the new car)? 回应对方所说的话,省略重复内容,ellipsis in simple sentence,What a clever kid (he is)! How beautiful (the scene is)! Excellent! / Wonderful! 感叹句中的省略,突出感叹部分 Im sixteen (years old). Its ten (oclock) now. 年龄或钟点中,省略和年龄或钟点相关的词,ellipsis in compound sentence,在并列句中如果后面分句与前面分句有相同的成分,常省略以避免重复。 Its interesting that some of the flowers are yellow and some (of the flowers are) white. She could have applied for that job but she didnt (apply for the job). I worked in a factory and my brother (worked) on a farm. My room is on the second flour and his (room is) on the third (flour).,词性不同不可以省略 I was allowed to go abroad and I was happy. The man has a piano and he has played it many times. I did my homework yesterday and I did not finish it.,ellipsis in compound sentence,ellipsis in complex sentence,The film (that/which) we saw last night was wonderful. The person (whom) you talked with just now is my teacher. 定语从句中关系代词that, which, whom在从句中作宾语时可以省略。 I think (that) English is an easy subject. I know (that) she is a teacher and that she is an excellent writer. 宾语从句中连词that 引导的宾语从句中that可以省略,ellipsis in complex sentence,状语从句的主语和主句主语一致时,可以省略状语从句中的主语和系动词be If invited, I will go to his party. (If I am invited) Though young, he knows a lot of things. (Though he is young) Work hard when (you are) young, or youll regret. While (I was) walking along the street, I heard my name called. He looked everywhere as if (he was) in search of something. He opened his lips as if (he was) to speak.,ellipsis in complex sentence,当从句的主语是it,谓语动词中又含有系动词be时, 可以把it和be一起省略,构成连词(if, unless, when, etc.)+ adj. Unless (it is) necessary, youd better not refer to the dictionary. Remove clothing using scissors if (it is) necessary. Keep them higher than the heart, if (it is) possible.,ellipsis in sentence with “to do”,省略to 保留to,省略其后部分,在动词see, watch, notice, observe, look at, make, have, hear, listen to, feel 等后的不定式作宾补,省略不定式符号to。但是如果变为被动语态,to必须加上 The boss made his men work eighteen hours a day. Tom was made to wash the dishes for a week as a punishment.,ellipsis in sentence with “to do”,两个或两个以上的动词不定式由连词(and, but, or, than等)连接时,从第二个不定式起,一般省略不定式符号to,但如果强调对比之意时不省略。 I dont know whether to stay or (to) leave. The students are taught to read, (to) write, and (to) do many other things. Its more difficult to do than to say. The teacher came not to punish you but to help you.,ellipsis in sentence with “to do”,在do nothing but/ except do结构中,介词but或except后作宾语的不定式,如果前有实义动词do的某种形式,省略不定式符号to,若前面没有do,而是其他的动词,一般不省。 The little boy did nothing but cry. There is nothi
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