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Week 4,Sandy,President Pre + sid + ent Orient Ori + ent Advise Ad + vise Report Re + port,Advertise Ad + vert + ise Insect In + sect Immediate Im + med + (i) + ate Conspire Con + spire,Conference Con + fer + ence Intervention Inter + ven(e) + tion Salary Sal + ary Minister Mini + ster,英语复合词,何为复合词? 如何区分复合词与自由词组? 如何构成复合词? 练习,何为复合词?P24,两个或两个以上的词 一定的顺序 结合在一起构成新词,Examples,sunrise / sunset pros and cons / life-and-death state-of-the-art / I-told-you-so jump-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse,如何区分复合词与自由词组?,复合词的特点 语法 语义 语音 书写,语法上,复合词的构词不受句法的限制;虽不合语法,但复合词组成成分之间存在一定程度逻辑; 语义上,复合词意义较为固定,一般一词一义;且意义往往不是组成成分的语义简单相加; 语音上,重音通常落在第一个组成成分上,复合英语单词的重音规则; 书写上,合写,连写,分写3种写法,有两条通用原则可以起到帮助。,来看看这些可以写成一个词的复合词: blackbird(山雀)、whiteboard(白板)、skateboard(溜冰板)、greenhouse(温室) 如果组成复合词的单词的音节不止一个,这时候,就会写成带有连字符的形式,或是完全分开写。 bathroom / living room blackboard / drawing board 有些复合词用连字符连写,原因在于分开写不容易看成一个整体,或者分开之后会产生别的意义,而不合写的原因则是出于音节或书写美观的考虑。 只是通用的规则而非固定的原则,慎用之。,如何构成复合词?,Comp n.复合名词 Comp adj.复合形容词 Comp v.复合动词 Comp prep.复合介词,Comp nouns p27,n+n adj+n adv+n v+n -ing+n n+v adv+v v+adv n+-ing prep+n adv+-ing / -ing+adv,Comp adj.复合形容词,以形容词为中心 以名词为中心 以-ing和-ed为中心,1 练习-选择一个合适的形容词翻译下列词组 absent-minded air-conditioned cold-blooded warm-hearted good-tempered far-fetched full-grown high-heeled old-fashioned short-sighted low-paid ready-made ill-advised mass-produced silver-plated panic-stricken duty-bound home-made 1)不明智的选择 2)牵强的回答 3)低报酬的工作 4)镀银的汤匙 5)成衣 6) 老式单车 7)惊慌失措的游客 8)高跟鞋 9)心不在焉的学生 10)空调房间 11)好性情的男人 12)义不容辞的责任,1)不明智的选择 2)牵强的回答 3)低报酬的工作 4)镀银的汤匙 5)成衣 6)老式单车,an ill-advised choice a far-fetched answer 3) a low-paid job 4) a silver-plated spoon 5) ready-made clothes 6) an old-fashioned bicycle,7)惊慌失措的游客 8)高跟鞋 9)心不在焉的学生 10)空调房间 11)好性情的男人 12)义不容辞的责任,7) panic-stricken tourists 8) high-heeled shoes 9) absent-minded students 10) an air-conditioned room 11) a good-tempered man 12) duty-bound obligation,2 练习-选择上面的合成形容词翻译下列词组 deep-sea first-class long-range part-time one-way second-hand all-mighty top-secret bullet-proof brand-new duty-free world-famous ice-cold nuclear-free 1)深海油井 2)绝密文件 3)一双崭新的鞋 4)万能的上帝 5)防弹汽车 6)远程导弹 7)旧家具 8)单向交流 9)免税商品 10)上等茶 11)世界著名的大学 12)无核区,3 练习-选择合成形容词翻译下列词组 broken-down built-in see-through off-hand off-campus off-budget off-peak all-out out-door all-round out-and-out well-off face-to-face round the clock 一件薄得透明的衬衫 2) 一座破旧不堪的房子 3)一个内嵌的橱柜 4)户外活动 5)一个富裕的家庭 6)彻头彻尾的谎言 7)全面检查 8)非高峰时间的交通 9)连续二十四小时的讨论 10)即兴发言 11)预算外的开支 12)校园外的暴力 13)全力以赴的营救 14)面对面的交流,Comp V.合成动词,n. + v. v. baby-sit eavesdrop ghost-write proof-read sleep-walk spoon-feed tape-record water-ski sight-see spot-light nick-name adv. + v. v. overcharge overeat overhear overthrow undergo underwrite uphold uplift,adj./adv. + v. v. black-list backtrack back-pedal cross-examine ill-treat short-change short-circuit white-wash mass-produce 其他形式的合成动词 blow-dry deep-fry dilly-dally pooh-pooh spin-dry stir-fry tittle-tattle,合成动词的使用是现代英语中比较简练的表现手段。如果不用合成动词来表达,则句子往往显得冗长拖沓。 合成动词的使用有一定的局限性,不宜任意套用。,句子翻译,Most mothers breast-feed their babies instead of bottle-feeding them. Wed like to window-shop this afternoon. He tends to read novels as he strap-hangs in a crowded bus. Blind children read by touch, deaf ones lip-read. After leaving Washington, he job-hopped, first serving as a lift operator, then a mechanic and finally a street-cleaner. It is better if you can hand-wash them. Dry-cleaning is never quite the same. He is a man who chain-drinks Pepsis.,The trend at the moment is towards _(多一些自然,少一些化妆). _(去国营企业就职的想法)has little attraction to young people nowadays. Teachers are striking in protest at this years _(政府强加的工资解决方案). These _(新设计的器件)will appear on the exhibition next month. Aggressive treatment does not mean drugs alone. You may also need to increase your physical activity, eat more _(富含纤维的食物)and cut back on saturated fats and cholesterol.,_(客人们无休止的争吵)certainly spoiled their appetite for the banquet. Do you like the _(白雪覆盖)mountains in their majesty? Ive been making enquiries about _(环球旅行票的价格). The cooperative movement started in Britain in the 19th century; cooperative societies set up shops to _(向贫民出售廉价物品). Although _(长途电话费在上涨), the charge for local calls will not alter.,Before we start, can I make sure that you _(充分意识到登山的危险性). Their aim is to find ways to satisfy the peasants demand to _(变低产田为高产田). _(政府对香港的长远需求的最新研究报告)shows population will exceed nine million. _(许多国产机器)compared favorably with advanced standards. Although _(工作分担制计划一年前就开始)very few people have shown any interest in it.,He is suff
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