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必修3 Unit 11. Never believe in him; He is nothing but a wolf in sheeps _(衣服).2. He was _(授予)the Hero of the City for having saved a boy from the big fire.3. The March of the Volunteer(义勇军进行曲) is the Chinese _(国家的)anthem. 4. Mum, I am _(饥饿). Is dinner ready?5. -Whats your _(宗教的)belief? - Islam. 6. I like fruit, such as pineapples, mangoes, grapes and _(西瓜). 7. China didnt _(赢得)its independence until 1949.8. Your answer is quite _(令人满意的). I am satisfied with it.9. She is very _ (合群的)and has a large circle of friends.10. America declared its _(独立)on July 4, 1776.11. In China Tomb-sweeping Day(清明节) is a day to be in memory of their _(祖先).12. I am now _(搜集)convincing information for my paper.13. Those who believe in Christianity are called _(天主教徒).14. I _(钦佩) him for his bravery and determination. He made it in the end.15. The central government has made a series of _(农业的) policies to encourage farmers to work the land.16. They held a grand wedding _(盛宴)at a five-star hotel. More than 500 guests were invited.17. Without my _(允许) anyone is not allowed to enter.18. To get the job done, one should be _(有精力的) and dynamic(动力的). 19. Britain, France and Germany are all developed _ (欧洲的)countries.20. Do you know the _(起源) of the earth?21. His middle son died in a _(溺水)accident five years ago.22. If you do something wrong you should _(道歉)to others.23. At the news, he was lost in deep _(悲伤).24. There came the _(宣布人) voice, “Flight for Beijing delayed due to thick fog”.25. It was very _(显然的)that he showed no interest in our plan.26. Please _(原谅)me for coming late.27.Is there any _(可能性) that our team will defeat theirs?28. We havent seen each other for a _(一对)of days.29. My mother _(哭泣) to see me go.30. On _ (到达) he discovered the planets incredible secret31.Weliveonlytodiscover_(美).32.Whatyou_(收获)isdeterminedbywhatyousow.33.Aspartofthecompanys125thanniversary_(庆祝)thisyear ,shehastraveledto15cities aroundtheglobe34.My_(信念)isthatoverthenextfiveyears,theonechild policyisgoingtorelax35.This is an old _(习俗)among the natives.36._(提醒)yourselfthateverysituationisdifferent. 必修3 Unit 2 1. He pushed against that big stone with all his _(力量).2. We call the meat from a fully grown sheep _(羊肉).3. Mary has been on a _(饮食)for weeks but still hasnt lost any weight.4. The two men in the fight _(瞪着)at each other.5. I prefer _(烤的)chicken to stir-fried chicken(油爆鸡).6. Those players are resting on the grass to save up _(精力)for the next match.7. The old man patted me on the head _(轻柔) and said, “Just keep up good work.”8. It makes sense to eat a reasonably balanced diet when _(瘦身).9. Vegetables are rich in _(纤维).10. There is a time _(限制); you must finish it in 30 minutes.11. The letter was not addressed to me but I opened it out of _(好奇).12. The child had a good _(消化), for he is hungry again 20 minutes after lunch.13. You will _(获益) a lot from morning exercises.14. The scientists are _(研究) into ways of improving peoples diet.15. _(黄瓜)and _(蘑菇)are vegetables but not fruit.16. “Oh, the match is lost this time. Hope well have better luck next time,” she _(叹息).17. The waiters in the restaurant all know meI am a regular _(顾客).18. Dont be particular about food. A _(均衡的)diet is very important for health.19. The artist _ (结合) different techniques in the same painting20. It is very important to know your own strengths and _(弱项).21. The man is really a chain smoker; he smokes three _(包)of cigarettes a day.22. Please listen to that _(条)of news; it has a lot to do with our job.23.Frank was there and he is a perfect_(令人喜欢的人).24.There was_(炸)chicken for dinner. 25.The_(女主人)made her guests comfortable. 26.Do you want your vegetables cooked or_(生的)? 27.The injured man was_(躺)motionless on his back. 28.Ill sell at a_(打折)in return for a speedy sale Ididntconsultmyfamily. 29.It is recommended that you should_(咨询)your doctor.30.Peas and _(胡萝卜) are healthy food. 31.He promised to pay his _ (债务)within a month 32.The grandparents_(叹息)and say how things have changed for the worse. 必修3 Unit 3 1. How does a private_(
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