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绝密启用前【全国区级联考】广东省汕头市龙湖区2017届九年级5月模拟考试英语试题第I卷(选择题)第II卷(非选择题)一、单选题1Xiongan, _new city in Hebei Province, will look _ same as Shenzhen and Shanghai in the future.Aa; a Bthe; the Ca; the Dthe; a【答案】C【解析】句意:雄安,河北省的一个新城市,在未来将会看起来和深圳、上海一样。a是不定冠词,表示泛指一个,修饰可数名词单数;the是定冠词,表示特指。第一个空后的名词是city,泛指一个新城市,故用a修饰;第二个空后的same前必须加定冠词the,构成短语the same as和一样。故应选C。2Helen, the more careful you are during the exam, the fewer _ youll make.Amistake Bmistakes Cdecision Ddecisions【答案】B【解析】句意:Helen,在考试中你越是仔细,你犯的错误就越少。mistake错误;mistakes是复数形式;decision决定;decisions复数形式。根据句意可知,考试时越仔细,犯的错就越少,先排除C和D。few少的,修饰可数名词复数形式,故应选B。3The old man began to learn to drive a car at the age of _Asixty Bthe sixtieth Csixty years old Dsixties【答案】A【解析】句意:这个老人在60岁的时候开始学习开车。sixty六十;the sixtieth第六十个;sixty years old六十岁,常在句中做表语;sixties六十多岁,常用于短语in ones sixties,表示在某人六十多岁的时候。at the age of表示在岁的时候,后面直接跟基数词,故应选A。4A latest China daily, please!Only one copy left. Would you like to have , sir?Ait Bone Cthis Dthat【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意请给我一份最新的中国日报!只剩一份了,你要吗?用it 代指前面提到的报纸,故选B。考点:考查代词的用法。5I wont hand in my exercise until the teacher _ me to do that.Aask Bwill ask Casks Dasked【答案】C【解析】句意:直到老师让我们交作业我才交。ask问,让;will ask是一般将来时态;asks是第三人称单数形式;asked是过去式。这句话中until引导的是时间状语从句,从句中应使用一般现在时态,主语the teacher是单数,故应选C。6Bob, _ of the two boys, is the second tallest boy in our class.Alazier Blazy Cthe laziest Dthe lazier【答案】D【解析】句意:Bob,两个男孩中更懒的那个是我们班里第二高的男生。lazier是lazy的比较级形式,更懒的;lazy懒的,形容词;the laziest 是最高级形式,最懒的;the lazier特指两者中更懒的那一个。根据句意可知,空格所在的短语是句子的主语,应填名词或者代词,因此应选D,代指两者中更懒的一个。7Mr. Wang, must I come again on Sunday morning to clean the windows?No, you . I have asked others to do it.Adont have to Bmustnt Ccant Dshouldnt【答案】A【解析】句意:王先生,我必须在星期天上午再来擦窗户吗?不,你不必了。我已经让其他人去做这件事了。dont have to不必; mustnt禁止; cant不可能;shouldnt不应该;Must I do sth?“我必须做某事吗?”肯定回答用Yes, you have.否定回答用No, you dont have to.或you neednt。故选A。8Jack, you _ be tired after working for eight hours without a short break.Acan Bmay Cmust Dneed【答案】C【解析】句意:Jack,工作了8个小时,一刻也没有休息,你一定是累了。can能,会;可能;may可以;可能;must一定;need需要。根据句意after working for eight hours without a short break可知,工作了很长时间而没有休息,一定是累了。故应选C。9When we got _Guangzhou, the train had already arrived _ Guangzhou Railway station.Ato; at Bin; at Cin; to Dto; in【答案】A【解析】句意:当我们到达广州的时候,火车早已经到达了广州火车站。to到某地;at在小地方;in到大地方。第一个空是短语get to到达某地;第二个空arrive at表示到达小地方;arrive in表示到达大地方。广州火车站是一个小地方,故应选A。10I heard that your baby had a fever last night. How is she now?She is all right. Her temperature _ in the morning.Acame to Bcame down Ccame on Dcame up with【答案】B【解析】句意:-我听说你的孩子昨天晚上发烧了,她现在怎么样了?-她没事了,早上她的体温降下来了。came to来到某地;came down下降;came on加油,快点;came up with提出,想出。根据句意可知,这句话的主语是Her temperature,她的体温,而且说话人说孩子没事了,因此体温是降下来了,故应选B。11People in different countries behave _ when they eat dinner.Apolitely Bdifferently Chealthily Dquietly【答案】B【解析】句意:不同国家里的人们当吃饭的时候行为举止是不一样的。politely礼貌地;differently不同地;healthily健康地;quietly安静地。根据句意,这里强调的是People in different countries,不同国家里的人们,那么行为举止也是不同的,故应选B。12How do you like your English teacher?He is great. He _ us for a long time.Ataught Bwill teach Chas taught Dwas teaching【答案】C【解析】句意:-你觉得你的英语老师怎么样?-他很棒,他教了我们很长时间了。taught教,是teach的过去式;will teach是一般将来时态;has taught是现在完成时态;was teaching过去进行时态。根据句意和句中的时间状语for a long time可知,英语老师从过去某个时候开始教他,一直持续到现在,因此应使用现在完成时,故选C。13Mr. Lee was talking to a student when I entered the classroom this morning.He is very patient , but he _ to his motherland soon.Areturn Breturns Creturned Dwill return【答案】D【解析】句意:-今天上午当我走进教室的时候,Lee先生正在和一个学生谈话。-他是很有耐心的,但是他很快就要回到他的祖国了。return回去,返回;returns是第三人称单数形式;returned是过去式;will return是一般将来时态。根据句意和句中的soon可知,Lee先生还没有回去,很快就要回去了,这里说的是将来的事情,故使用一般将来时态,选D。14_ good news! Israel Institute of Technology in Shantou University will accept new students later this year.AWhat BHow CWhat a DHow a【答案】A【解析】句意:多好的消息啊!汕头大学技术学院今年晚些时候将会接受新学生了。这个题目考查的是感叹句,常用what和how构成,其句型是:What a/an+形容词+可数名词单数或者是What +形容词+可数名词复数或不可数名词;How+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数或者是How +形容词或副词。这句话中news是一个不可数名词,故应选A。15Sorry, we are late. We _ to be here at six oclock.Awere told Btold Care told Dwill tell【答案】A【解析】句意:对不起,我们迟到了,我们被告诉说在六点到达这里。were told被告诉,是一般过去时的被动语态;told告诉,是tell的过去式;are told是一般现在时的被动语态;will tell一般将来时。tell是及物动词,后面必须跟人做宾语,空后没有宾语,因此我们可以判定主语We和动词tell构成被动关系,因此应使用被动语态,排除B和D。根据句意Sorry, we are late可知,被告诉应该是过去的事情了,故应选A。16Tony, tell me the result of the discussion _ you had with your dad yesterday. Awhat Bwhich Cwhen Dwho【答案】B【解析】 考查定语从句。先行词是the discussion,在定从_ you had with your dad yesterday中作had的宾语,所以选B。17Why do you collect so many old bikes?IIl have them _ a
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