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绝密启用前山西农业大学附属学校2018届九年级中考适应性训练英语试题第I卷(选择题)第II卷(非选择题)一、单选题1(题文)Do you have Jays CDs?Sorry, they are . But well get some more next week because they .Asold well; are on sale Bsold out ; sell well Cselling well; sell well【答案】B【解析】句意:你有周杰伦的唱片吗?对不起,它们被卖光了。但是我们将在下周获得更多,因为它们卖得好。sell well卖得好,sell out卖完;be on sale出售;根据sorry可知周杰伦的唱片被卖完了,故用sold out。第二空根据But well get some more next week可知我们将得到更多的唱片,应是它们卖得好,故选B。2The Taiwan Earthquake took place about 4 oclock Feb.6, while the people were sleeping.Aat; in Bat; on Cin; on【答案】B【解析】句意:台湾的地震发生在2月6日大约4点钟,当时人们正在睡觉。at+钟点,表示在几点钟,in+年/月,表示在某年或某月,on+具体日期,表示在具体某一天。第一空后面接about 4 oclock可知表示在4点钟,故用介词at。第二空后面接Feb.6表示在2月6日,故用介词on,故选B。3Ill not be Jacks friend any more.Dont be angry. Hes just so , but in fact hes good to us , you know.Ahelpful Bdirect Cpolite【答案】B【解析】句意:我将不再是杰克的朋友。不要生气。他只是太直接了,但是事实上,你知道他对我们很好。helpful 有帮助的;direct 直接的; polite礼貌的。根据but in fact hes good to us ,可知此处but前后表示转折关系,but后面表示他对我们很好,but前面表示他太直接,故选B。4My twin brothers promised my parents to give up playing computer games, but of them made it.Anone Beither Cneither【答案】C【解析】句意:我的双胞胎兄弟向我的父母保证放弃玩电脑游戏,但是他们没有一个做到。none表示三者或三者以上都不;either表示两者中的任何一个;neither表示两者都不。根据My twin brothers可知此处表示两个人,but前后表示转折关系,but前面表示他们两个保证不玩电脑游戏,but后面应是他们做不到,故用neither,故选C。5Kate , do you know it is from here to the post office?About 20 minutes walkAhow far Bhow long Chow often【答案】A【解析】句意:凯特,你知道从这里到邮局有多远吗?步行大约20分钟的路程。how far多远,对距离提问;how long多长时间,对时间段提问;how often多久一次,对频率提问。根据About 20 minutes walk可知此处对距离提问,故用疑问词how far,故选A。6Jack is very smart . He can deal with any problem .Aeasily Bslowly Cdifferently【答案】A【解析】句意:杰克非常聪明。他能轻易地处理任何问题。easily轻易地;slowly缓慢地;differently不同地。根据Jack is very smart .可知杰克非常聪明,因此很容易地解决难题,故选A。7Two students to the opening ceremony last Friday.Ahundreds, were invited Bhundred , were invited Chundreds of, invited【答案】B【解析】句意:上周五两百名学生被邀请参加了开幕式。hundred百,表示约数时,与of连用,加s,例如hundreds of好几百;表示具体数时,与数词连用,不加s,例如two hundred两百。结合句意,主语students与谓语invite之间是被动关系,故用被动语态,故选B。8The Dragon Boat races are so exciting , but our boat is still behind.Dont worry. I am sure our team will win!Athat Bwhether Cwhat【答案】A【解析】句意:龙舟比赛非常令人兴奋,但是我们的船仍在后面。不要担心。我确信我们队会赢的。that引导陈述句作宾语从句;whether是否,引导一般疑问句宾语从句;what什么,引导特殊疑问句作宾语从句。根据Dont worry.可知此处表示相信我们队一定会赢,故此处是陈述句作宾语从句,故选A。9I hear the beginning of this movie is very exciting. ! When I got to the cinema yesterday, the film had been on for several minutes.AIts a pleasure BIm sorry to hear that. CWhat a pity【答案】C【解析】句意:我听说这部电影的开头非常令人兴奋。太遗憾了!昨天当我到达电影院的时候,电影已经上演了几分钟。Its a pleasure 我很乐意;Im sorry to hear that. 很抱歉听到这个;What a pity太遗憾了。根据I hear the beginning of this movie is very exciting.和When I got to the cinema yesterday, the film had been on for several minutes.可知我错过了电影令人兴奋的开头,因此我感到遗憾,故选C。10Can you spare time to come to our Thanksgiving party?Well, I dont know Athat I can finish my work by thenBif can I finish the work by thenCwhether I can finish the work by then【答案】C【解析】句意:你能抽出时间来参加我们的感恩节聚会吗?哦,我不知道到那时我是否能完成工作。宾语从句用陈述语序“主语+谓语+宾语”作为否定句dont know的宾语从句,因此表示不确定,故用whether引导的句子作宾语从句,故选C。二、补全对话7选5从方框中选出适当的句子,完成对话,有两项为多余选项。A、What do you think of life in China?B、Look! Some people are dancing there.C、Are there any changes in China?D、What do you usually do in your free time?E、It seems that they really enjoy themselves.F、Can you tell me more about life in China?G、Great changes have taken place in ChinaA:Wow! Its unbelievable!11B:Yeah, Chinas developing quickly.A:12B:Of course. Life in China is more colorfulnow. Since the Chinese are getting richer,they have more choices to enjoy their freetime.A:13B:We take outdoor activities such as camping, mountainclimbing and sports. We may also stay at home, playing cards, chess or computer games.A:14B:Yeah, they are doing yangge(秧歌),a kind of folk dance in China.A:15B:Yes, they do. Yangge dance is especially popular among the retired people.A:That sounds like a really interesting activity.【答案】11G12F13D14B15E【解析】【分析】本文是两个人之间的对话。他们介绍了中国发展得非常快,人们的生活更加丰富多彩。11G根据Yeah, Chinas developing quickly.可知中国发展得很快,因此发生了巨大变化,故选G。12F根据Of course. Life in China is more colorful可知此处是一般疑问句,询问是否能告诉一些关于中国的生活,故选F。13D根据We take outdoor activities such as camping, mountainclimbing and sports.可知此处询问你经常做什么,故选D。14B根据Yeah, they are doing yangge(秧歌),a kind of folk dance in China.可知此处表示看见一些人正在跳舞,故选B。15E根据Yes, they do. Yangge dance is especially popular among the retired people.可知秧歌非常受退休的人的欢迎,因此他们跳秧歌时非常高兴,故选E。三、完型填空The summer before I went off to college, Mom stood in her usual spot behind the ironing board(烫衣板) and said, “Pay attention: Im going to teach you to iron.”Mom clearly
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