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绝密启用前2017届初中毕业升学考试(安徽省)英语第I卷(选择题)第II卷(非选择题)一、单选题1一Im afraid I cant do well in the game.一 . Its just for fun.ASounds great BWhat a pityCThank you DTake it easy【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:-恐怕我在比赛中不能很好地发挥。-放松。那只是为了娱乐。A. Sounds good听起来很好; B. What a pity多么的遗憾; C. Thank you谢谢您; D. Take it easy放松,不紧张。根据后文Its just for fun.故选D。考点:考查情景交际。2(2017年安徽)-Is this iPad yours?-Yes. My parents bought _ for my language learning.Aone Bit Cother Danother【答案】B【解析】句意:这个ipad是你的吗?是的。我的父母为了我的语言学习而买的它。考查代词的用法。A.one一个,作代词时,指代上文提到的某类事物中的一个;B.it它,指代上文出现的事物;C.other其他的;D.another另一个,再一个,指在原来的基础上在增加一个。结合句意,可知这里指的是上文中提到的那个ipad,故选B.3(2017 安徽)The New Silk Road will offer a good _ for more nations to communicate.Achance Bhabit Cquestion Dprice【答案】A【解析】句意:新丝绸之路将为更多的国家交流提供一个好机会。考查名词辨析的用法。A. chance机会;B. habit习惯;C. question问题,疑问;D. price价格。新丝绸之路是为更多的国家提供交流的机会,故选A。4(2017年安徽)I am surprised at the new look of my hometown, for it _ a lot over the years.Achanged Bchanges Cwill change Dhas changed【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:对我的家乡的新面貌我感到吃惊,因为这几年它变化很大。A. changed 改变,过去式; B. changes第三人称单数形式; C. will change 一般将来时;D. has changed现在完成时。over the years.指最近几年即从过去到现在的几年,所以用现在完成时,故选D。考点:考查动词的时态的用法。5(2017年安徽)-What do you think of the movie?-Great! I have never seen a _ one.Agood Bbad Cbetter Dworse【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:-你认为这部电影怎么样?-非常棒!我从来没有看过比这更好的了。A. good 好的,形容词原级;B. bad 差的,形容词原级; C. better 更好的,比较级; D. worse更糟糕的,比较级。比较级用于否定句,往往表示最高级含义。根据Great!可知这部电影是看过的最好的电影,故选C。考点:考查形容词比较级的用法。6(2017年安徽)Hold your dream, _ you might regret some day.Aand Bor Cbut Dso【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:抓住你的梦想,否则你有一天会后悔。A. and 并且,表示并列关系;B. or 用于连接两个并列的句子,表示否则,要不然的意思。 C. but但是,表示转折关系; D. so所以,表示结果。根据句意,故选B。考点:考查连词的用法。7(2017安徽)It is necessary for schools to _ the need of all the students development.Acut Bhide Crefuse Dsatisfy【答案】D【解析】句意:对于学校们来说满足所有学生的发展需求是必要的。cut切割,削减;hide躲藏;refuse拒绝;satisfy满足。根据句意the need of可知,这里是满足学生的需求,故应选D。8(2017年安徽) To my pleasure, my family is always _ me whatever I decide to do.Aabove Bbehind Cfrom Dthrough【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:令我愉快的是,无论我决定做什么,我的家庭总是支持我。A. above 在上面;B. behind在后面; C. from 从; D. through通过。be behind sb 对某人支持或者赞同。结合句意,故选B。考点:考查介词的用法。99一Mom, Ive signed for the box. Whats in it?一Im not sure. It be a present from your uncle.Aneed Bmust Cmay Dwill【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:-妈妈,我已经为这个盒子签字了。它里面是什么?-我不确定。它可能是你叔叔给的礼物。A. need 需要; B. must表示猜测时意思是“肯定,一定”,猜测的把握比较大;C. may表示猜测意为“可能”,猜测的把握比较小;D. will将来。根据Im not sure.,可知猜测把握小,故选C。考点:考查情态动词的用法。10(题文)(2017年安徽)My deskmate is really _. She likes to attend different activities after school.Aactive Bquiet Clazy Dhonest【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:我的同桌真地很积极。她喜欢参加课外的不同活动。A. active积极的,活泼的;B. quiet安静的;C. lazy 懒惰的; D. honest诚实的。根据她参加不同的课外活动,可知她是积极的,故选A。考点:考查形容词的用法。11Do you know Ann goes to work every day? Usually by underground.Awhy BhowCwhen Dwhether【答案】B【解析】句意:你知道安每天怎么去上班吗?通常是乘地铁。A. why为什么;B. how怎么;C. when什么时候;D.whether是否。结合回答可知是对出行方式的提问,所以应用how。故答案选B。12(2017 安徽)Mr. Green _ to sing an English song at the party and he sang well.Awas invited Binvited Cis invited Dinvites【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:格林先生在派对上被邀请唱了一首英语歌,并且他唱得非常好。A. was invited被邀请,被动结构;B. invited 邀请,过去式; C. is invited 被动结构,一般现在时;D. invites第三人称单数形式。根据he sang well.可知用过去时态,再根据主语和谓语动词之间是动宾关系,所以用被动语态的过去时态,故选A。考点:考查被动语态的用法。13(2017年安徽) There are many beautiful places to visit in Anhui, _ Mount Huang in autumn.Asimply Bfinally Cluckily Despecially【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:在安徽有许多美丽的地方可以参观,尤其是秋天的黄山。A. simply简单地;仅仅; B. finally最后;C. luckily幸运地;D. especially尤其是。根据句意,故选D。考点:考查副词的用法。14(题文)(2017年安徽)Our geography teacher told us to _ more information about our city and share it next week.Afind out Bkeep away Cturn off Duse up【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:我们的地理老师告诉我们找出关于我们市的更多的信息,以便下周分享。A. find out 找出,查出;B. keep away 远离,离开;C. turn off 关闭; D. use up用光。结合句意,故选A。考点:考查动词短语的用法。15(2017安徽45)May I do some sports after finishing my homework?_. It is good for your health.AI hope not BSorry,you cantCOf course DYes,Id love to【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:-我可以子啊完成我的作业后做运动吗?-当然可以。那对你的健康有好处。A. I hope not 希望不会;B. Sorry, you cant 对不起,你不能; C. Of course 当然; D. Yes, Id love to是的,我愿意。根据回答It is good for your health.可知是表肯定回答的允许,故选C。考点:考查情景交际。二、完型填空Henry Bond was about seven years old when his father died. His mother found it _ to support the large family. However, she tried her best to do so. Also, she _ Henry, the eldest son, to school. At one time, Henry needed a grammar book for his study. His family was so _ that his mother could not afford one.One morning, Henry found that a deep snow had fallen, and the _ wind was blowing. “Ah,” he said, “it is an ill wind that blow
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