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绝密启用前2018年四川南充市中考英语试卷第I卷(选择题)第II卷(非选择题)一、单选题1Peter, honest boy, bought useful dictionary in the store yesterday.Aa; a Ban; an Ca; an Dan; a【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:彼得,一个诚实的男孩,昨天在商店买了一本有用的词典。考查冠词。根据句意:彼得,一个诚实的男孩,昨天在商店买了一本有用的词典。可知,第一个空,泛指一个诚实的男孩,honest是以元音音素开头的单词,所以用an来修饰;第二个空,泛指一本有用的词典,useful是以辅音音素ju开头的单词,所以用a来修饰;故答案选D。2Is that modern plane?Yes, its . My sister sent it to me.Ayour; my Byour; mine Cyou; me Dyours; mine【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:那是你的飞机模型吗?是的,我姐姐送给我的。本题考查物主代词。A. your你的,你们的,形容词性物主代词; my 我的,形容词性物主代词; B. your;你的,你们的,形容词性物主代词; mine 我的,名词性物主代词; C. you你,你们,人称代词主格; me 我,人称代词,宾格 ; D. yours; 你的,你们的,名词性物主代词;mine我的,名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词,起形容词的作用,作定语;名词性物主代词,起名词的作用,可作表语,宾语,主语。根据句意选B。3I think that Eric writes as as Betty.So he does.Amore careful Bmore carefully Cmost carefully Dcarefully【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:我认为Eric写的和 Betty.写的一样仔细。确实是这样。本题考查副词。A. more careful 比较认真的 ,比较仔细的;比较级; B. more carefully比较认真地 ,比较仔细地 ,比较级 ; C. most carefully 最认真地 ,最仔细地 ,最高级;D. carefully仔细地,认真地,原形。因为修饰动词writes,故使用副词,排除A;又因为asas和一样,as,as之间使用形容词,副词的原形。故排除B、C,选D。4When is the school art festival?It will be held on time if it next Monday.Adont rain Bwont rain Cdoesnt rain Ddidnt rain【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:学校的艺术节是什么时候?如果不下雨的话,下周一将会如期举行。If引导的条件状语从句中,如果主句是将来时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时。故选C。5Do you think it is popular to red envelops(红包)on WeChat during festivals?Yes. But I prefer giving gifts to family members.Agive out Bgive away Cgive back Dgive up【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:你认为春节期间在微信上发红包是流行的吗?是的,但是我比较喜欢给我的家人送礼物。本题考查动词短语。A. give out散发,分发,颁发 ; B. give away泄露; C. give back 归还,恢复; D. give up放弃。根据句意选A。6What a terrible rainstorm it was last night!Yes, many old trees and houses .Apull down Bwere pulling down Cwere pulled down Dpulled down【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:昨天晚上多么可怕的暴风雨啊!是的,许多老树和房子都被推倒了。本题考查一般过去时被动语态。A pull down拆毁.拉倒;拉下,原形;B. were pulling down 过去进行时; C. were pulled down 一般过去时被动语态;D. pulled down一般过去时。“房子被拉倒”,要用被动语态,又发生在last night ,要用一般过去时。所以要用一般过去时的被动语态。故选C。7Could you please tell me ?Sorry, I dont know. You may ask Mr. Black over there.Awho does the robot belong to Bwho the robot belongs toCwho did the robot belong to Dwho the robot belonged to【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:“你能告诉我( ),对不起,我不知道,你问一下在那边的Black先生”。本题考查的是宾语从句。选项A. who does the robot belong to这个机器人属于谁。疑问语序,一般现在时;选项B.who the robot belongs to这个机器人属于谁。陈述语序,一般现在时;选项C.who did the robot belong to这个机器人属于谁。疑问语序,一般过去时;选项D. who the robot belonged to这个机器人属于谁。陈述语序,一般过去时。宾语从句的语序是陈述语序。可排除AC两个选项。根据题意,句子要用一般现在时,故排除D选B。【点睛】宾语从句要注意两点:1)宾语从句语序要用陈述语序,也就是肯定句或否定句都可以,但不能用疑问句的语序。2)当主语是一般现在时,从句可以是要表达的任意时态,而主句是一般过去时,从句就要用相应的过去时的某种时态,如,一般过去时,过去将来时,过去完成时等,要根据当时语境来判断。8Have you ever read the traditional story Yu Gong Moves a Mountain?Yes, our teacher often advises us more meaningful traditional books.Areading Breads Cread Dto read【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:你曾经读过传统故事愚公移山吗?是的,我们的老师经常建议我们去读更有意义的传统故事。本题考查固定短语。advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事。故选D。9Look at the man standing at the school gate. Is he your math teacher Mr. Brown?No, it be him. He has gone to Chengdu on business.Aneednt Bcant Cmay not Dmustnt【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:看站在学校门口的那个人,他是你的数学老师布朗先生吗?不,不可能是他。他去成都出差了。A. neednt不需要;B. cant 不可能;C. may not可能不;D. mustnt禁止,一定不。根据句子的回答,“布朗先生已经去成都出差去了,所以不可能是布朗先生”否定语气最强。故选B。10Our neighborhood is so dirty. Shall we clean it this afternoon or tomorrow? . Any time is OK.AIt is up to you BExcuse meCHave a good time DIm afraid I cant【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:我们的社区太脏了,我们下午或明天能打扫下吗?( ),什么时候都可以。本题考查交际用语。A. It is up to you取决于你;B. Excuse me对不起;C. Have a good time玩的开心;D. Im afraid I cant我想我不能。根据回答“Any time is OK.”什么时候都可以,可以推断选项中只有“It is up to you取决于你”合适。所以答案选A。二、完型填空Bags of LoveLast year, I worked in a middle school near my mothers house, and I stayed with her for a month. During that time, I helped her do some housework and buy some _.After the first week, I noticed that the food was _ very quickly. Then I began keeping an eye on my mum. To my _, I found that she would put some of the food into a paper _ and go out with it at about nine every morning. And finally, I decided to _ her. I saw her taking the food to the street _ . She would also _ a lot of time talking and playing with them.One day, I talked to a neighbor and found out that my mum was _ in the area. The children were very friendly with her and even thought of her as their own _. Then it hit me why wouldnt she want to tell me about it? Was she worried that I would stop buying food _ I found it out?When my mum got home, I gave her a big hug. I told her she didnt need to keep it a _ from me. And she told me something abou
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