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Unit 1自测(时间:40分钟分值:100分)听力部分(30分)一、Listen and choose(听录音,选出你所听到的单词)(10分)( C )1.A.doorB.floorC.wall ( A )2.A.cleanB.blueC.green( A )3.A.lightB.reallyC.kite ( A )4.A.helpB.handC.head( C )5.A.funnyB.fanC.near二、Listen and circle(听录音,圈出与你所听内容相符的图片序号)(10分)三、Listen and choose(听录音,为你听到的句子选择正确的答语)(10分)( A )1.A.Its on the wall.B.Lets go.C.Its a picture.( B )2.A.Its me.B.One blackboard,many desks and.C.Its near the window.( C )3.A.Its a chair.B.Its under the chair.C.Its green.( B )4.A.Its a cat.B.Thank you.C.Its so big.( B )5.A.A cake.B.Lily.C.A hat.笔试部分(70分)四、Read and judge.(判断每组单词画线部分读音是“”否“”一致)(15分)五、Look and choose(根据图片选择相应的单词)(10分)( B )1.A.seatB.lightC.clean( B )2.A.windowB.computerC.wall( A )3.A.wall B.floorC.desk( B )4.A.fun B.fanC.wall( C )5.A.blackboardB.classroomC.picture六、Read and choose(读一读,选一选)(15分)( B )1.Let clean our classroom.A.yourB.meC.my( B )2. is my ruler?Its on the desk.A.WhatB.WhereC.What colour( A )3.Look the picture.Its nice.A.atB./C.for( B )4. in your new schoolbag?Some books.A.WhatB.WhatsC.Where( C )5.Lets put up the pictures.A.GoodbyeB.Good nightC.Good idea七、Look and complete(看图片,完成对话)(10分)1.Where is the crayon?Its under the desk.2.Where is the pencil box?Its on the chair.3.Where is the bag?Its in the desk.4.Where is the picture?Its on the wall.5.Where is the car?Its on the book.八、Read and judge(阅读短文,判断正“T”误“F”)(20分) Mike:Hello,John.John:Hi,Mike.We have a new classroom!Mike:Really?Is it big or small?John:Its very big and nice.The wall is white.The floor is yellow.The desks are blue.The windows are so big.Mike:How many lights are there?John:There are eight lights and fans!( T )1.Mike and John have a new classroom now.( T )2.The classroom is very big.( F )3.The floor is blue.( T )4.The wall is white.( F )5.There are eight lights and six fans.
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