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Unit 5 Insurance,Objectives,To learn the possible risks, losses to cargoes in transit To learn the basic types of policy in marine insurance To know how to apply for marine insurance To learn how to lodge and settle a claim,Outline,Differentiating risks, losses and types of policy Applying for insurance Determining value insured and calculating insurance premium Lodging a claim under policy,5.1 Differentiating risks, losses and types of policies,Dialogue (omitted) Reading and Comprehension,Table 5-1: Classifications of risks in marine insurance,Table 5-2: Types of losses,Table 5-3 Coverage of ocean marine cargo insurance from Peoples Insurance Company of China,Technical Words and Phrases,1.Buenos Aires bwensairiz n. the capital of Argentina布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都) 2.Underwriter ndrait n. person or organization that underwrites insurance policies, esp for ships 保险业者,保险公司an underwriter at Lloyds 劳埃德保险社承保人. 3.F.P.A. Abbreviation for “Free of Particular Average”, an insurance term meaning that goods are covered only against hazards to which all the consignments on the same carrying vessel (or other means of transport) are subject, and not against hazards affecting only the insurers consignment平安险(单独海损不赔),4.Average vrid In insurance, it means a loss, or the apportionment of a loss between different parties海损 5.Jettison detisn v throw or eject (unwanted goods or material) from a ship in distress, or from an aeroplane, a spacecraft, etc 从遇难船中或从飞机、 宇宙飞船等上投弃(物品)。The first-stage vehicle is used to launch the rocket and is then jettisoned in the upper atmosphere 第一级运载火箭是用来发射火箭的, 进入高层大气后即抛掉. 6.General average共同海损 7.Particular average单独海损,8.Total loss:Loss of the whole of a consignment全部损失 9.Partial loss:The loss of part of a consignment部分损失 10.W.P.A:Short for “With Particular Average”, an insurance term meaning that goods are covered against particular average 水渍险(单独海损赔偿) 11.W.A.:Abbreviation for “With Average”. See W.P.A.水渍险缩写,见W.P.A.,12.S.R.C.C.:Abbreviation: “Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions”罢工、暴乱及民变险 13.C.P.A.:short for “claims payable abroad” A stipulation in some insurance policies that claims may be payable in foreign currencies, abroad, instead of in the country in which the policy was taken out, in the currency of that country海外索赔 14.Increased value clause:An insurance term meaning that a consignment, usually dispatched unsold, may increase in value while in transit, and that the cover applies to the increased value, whatever it may be, rather than to the original pro forma invoice value增值险(条款),15.Irrespective of percentage:An insurance term meaning that a claim will be paid, however small the loss不计免赔率 16.Special risks特殊风险Risks detailed in an insurance policy, over and above the normal cover afforded by that type of policy 17.General average contribution共同海损分摊 18.Sue and labor施救费用 19.PICC: Peoples Insurance Company of China中国人民保险公司,5.2 Applying for Insurance,Reading and Comprehension Who shall apply for insurance? The answer is the shipping term. The definition of each INCOTERM says who is responsible for insuring the cargo. When we considered export sales clauses, it was seen that cost and performance obligation arose between buyer and seller. It is important for both of them to make clear about the transferring of the property in the goods and risk transference.,With an FOB contract, for example, the buyer will need to arrange insurance cover and be responsible for its cost until the goods are actually loaded on board the designated vessel. We can say, therefore, that the risk passes to the buyer at that point, who will have to arrange the insurance. With regard to the CIF contract, the duty of the seller is clear: to arrange for appropriate insurance cover for sufficient value and to provide a correct form of insurance document.,The CFR contract will call for the buyer to arrange insurance from the same point as FOB, but, as we shall see a little later, there can be complications because of a continuing interest retained, to some extent, by the seller. Many problems can arise. Suppose, for example, that you are exporting CFR on open account and the cargo is lost. The foreign importer is obligated to pay you but may not do so until he collects from his insurance company.,To speed up payment, you may get involved in helping your importer settle the claim. Or suppose you are importing CIF on a letter of credit and the cargo is lost. You will have to file a claim on the insurance company from which the exporter purchased coverage.,Reading and Comprehension Having considered the background of legal aspects of marine insurance affecting the policy and the various types of coverage available, we can now consider how the exporter/importer will enter into the contract of insurance and obtain cover. On CIF basis, the seller has to procure marine insurance against the buyers risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage.,The seller contracts for insurance and pays the insurance p
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