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Chapter1 Introduction to Industrial Engineering,Unit 1 Introduction to IE Unit 2 History of IE Unit 3 Academic Disciplines of IE Unit 4 Development of IE,Origin and Definition of Industrial Engineering,Manufacturing Services Origin of IE Definition of IE,Manufacturing,Manufacturing is defined as making of articles by physical labor or machinery, especially on a large scale. by physical labor: a person with hand tools used craft skills to make objects. by machinery: it has played an increasing role. on a large scale: with the mass production,Services,Health-care delivery systems Transportation systems Governments Banks Departments and supermarkets,Characteristics of Services,Products are intangible Closely contact with customers High intensive-labor Difficult to evaluate performance Difficult to control quality of services,Original of Industrial Engineering,Engineering Science Industry,Engineering,Engineering is concerned with the application of scientific knowledge to the solution of problems and to the quest for a “better life.” e.g.: the Egypt Pyramids, the Great Wall, the Roman construction Civil Chemical Electrical Industrial Mechanical Military Manufacturing Nuclear Electronic Computer Aeronautical Astronautical Bioengineering Agricultural/Ocean,Science,Science is concerned with the quest for basic knowledge. e.g.:Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Social science (Behavior science, psychology, philosophy, sociology),Engineering and Science,Engineering and science have developed in a parallel, complementary fashion, although not always at the same pace. Obviously, knowledge cannot be applied until it is discovered, and once discovered, it will soon be put to use. In its efforts to solve problems, engineering provides feedback to science in areas where new knowledge is needed. Thus, science and engineering work hand in hand.,Modern era of engineering,Beginning in 1750 ,Engineering schools appeared in France in the eighteenth century. The term civil engineer was first used in 1750 military engineering civil engineering mechanical engineering: steam engine electrical science:electricity and magnetism,Definition of Industrial Engineering,Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment, and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mechanical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict, and evaluate, the results to be obtained from such systems,Understanding the definition of IE,Industrial: any organization integrated systems: a factory, a city specialized knowledge: mechanical, physical, and social sciences, the principles and methods of engineering analysis Objectives: to specify, predict, and evaluate, the results to be obtained from such systems,Understanding the definition of IE,Discipline character: Engineering tech. Research object: systems (macro/micro) Theory & methods: mathematics, natural sciences and social sciences Objectives & tasks: effectiveness & efficiency,Unit 2 History of Industrial Engineering,Formulation of Industrial Engineering Charles Babbage (巴贝奇,1792-1871) British mathematician and inventor of an analytical machine based on principles similar to those used in modern digital computers. Division of labor, labor relations,Formulation of Industrial Engineering,Eli Whitney (1765-1825) American inventor and manufacturer whose invention of the cotton gin (1793) revolutionized the cotton industry. He also established the first factory to assemble muskets with interchangeable parts, marking the advent of modern mass production. Mass production system, interchangeable manufacture; the design and construction of new machines,Formulation of Industrial Engineering,Frederick Winslow Taylor (泰勒,1856-1915) American inventor, engineer, and efficiency expert noted for his innovations in industrial engineering and management. Analyze and improve the method of performing work, reduce the times required, and set standards (time study) The Principles of Scientific Management (1911),Formulation of Industrial Engineering,Frank B. Gilbreth (吉尔布雷斯,1868-1924) the identification, analysis, and measurement of fundamental motions involved in performing work (motion study) This was a fundamental step in the development of industrial engineering as profession based on “science” rather than “art.”,Formulation of Industrial Engineering,Dr. Lillian Gilbreth (1878-1972) , wife of Frank .She witnessed and contributed to the birth, growth, and maturation of the IE profession. the first lady of engineering the first woman to be elected to the National Academy of Engineering,Formulation of Industrial Engineering,Henry Laurence Gantt (1861-1919) American engineer Gantt chart The Gantt chart was a significant contribution in that it provided a systematic graphical procedure for preplanning and sched
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