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浅谈旅游景点解说词的特点及翻译策略-英语论文论文篇一:景区导游词的汉译英研究景区(点)导游词的汉译英研究摘 要:我国入境旅游发展如火如荼,规范化、高质量的景点导游词翻译对于提升旅游景点的文化品位、满足外国旅游者的文化品位和需求,扩大旅游景点市场的占有份额具有战略性的意义。本文对我国景点导游词的翻译进行了现状分析研究,并以曲阜三孔景点的导游词翻译为例,提出了改进的方法。关键词:景点导游词;翻译;三孔景区;对策景点导游词是在旅游途中或景点等地向游客提供有关旅游目的地信息的讲解服务所使用的材料,其主要功能是帮助游客快速的了解旅游景点的自然风光、民风民俗、本土特产、风味小吃、历史文化古迹与遗产等1。景点导游词的内容是以多方面为载体:介绍景点与旅游目的地地理位置与旅游价值的小册子、景区画册、景区风景明信片、旅游地图、 旅游杂志、 详细介绍单个景点的资料包括书面材料以及导游人员的口头讲解、游客须知、告示、各旅游景点的官方宣传网站等。英文景点导游词则是在普通导游词的基础上,使用英语作为导游词创作与讲解的语言,针对英语国家的游客以及其他非英语国家但使用英语作为导游接待语言的国家而创作的2。本文注重以介绍单个景点的资料(包括书面材料以及导游人员的口头讲解)以及政府的旅游宣传网站为出发点,来阐述当前我国景点导游词翻译的现状问题分析以及解决方法,以促进我国更好的发展入境旅游业。篇二:论旅游英语的特征 On Distinctive Features of Tourism English 论旅游英语的特征 Abstract With the rapid development of Chinese tourism industry, more and more foreign tourists have xxe to China. Although not all foreign tourists are from English-speaking countries, English, as a xxmon language in todays world, has bexxe the most important medium of xxmunication when international tourist activities are involved. As a result, tourism English appears as ESP English, and bexxes popular and necessary in Chinese tourism. Many Chinese students majoring in tourism learn tourism English as a course. A large number of employees in tourism industry start to use English in their work. In this case, this essay firstly aims at exposing the language functions of tourism English, and analyzes its distinctive features in terms of linguistics and culture, which identifies tourism English as a special branch of English. The detailed study on tourism English itself will be helpful for the Chinese students of tourism English and the staff in the field to use it well and deal with tourism English translation. Key Words: Tourism English; Function; Features; Culture 摘 要 随着中国旅游业的迅速发展,越来越多的外国游客来到中国旅游观光。虽然这些外国游客并不是全部来自英语国家,但是作为当今世界通用语,英语成为国际旅游活动中一个最重要的交流工具和媒介。因此,旅游英语这个特殊的英语文体开始在中国旅游行业中流行,并成为旅游业发展必不可少的因素之一。许多旅游英语专业的学生在学习旅游英语,一大部分旅游从业者开始学习使用英语。对此,本文首先通过对旅游英语本身的研究,揭示了旅游英语的语言功能,并且从语言学和文化的角度,分析了旅游英语的特点,正是这些特点使得旅游英语成为一种独特的英语文体。对于旅游英语本身的详细研究不仅可以帮助旅游从业人员更好的了解和使用旅游英语,并且也为旅游英语翻译打下良好的基础。 关键词: 旅游英语;语言功能;语言特点;文化 Contents Introduction5 . The Scope of the Use of Tourism English.6 A. Tourism English Used in Transportation.6B. Tourism English Used in Acxxmodation7 . The Features of Language Functions of Tourism English.8A. Informative Function.8B. The Directive Function.9C. The Evocative Function.9 .The Linguistic Features of Tourism English.10A. Lexical Feature101. The Technical Terms102. The Proper Names113. Words and Idioms from Other Languages.12B. Grammatical Feature.121. The Sentence Structure122. The Tenses133. The Voices144. The Moods.15C. Courtesy Feature of Tourism English.15D. Stylistic Feature of Tourism English.16 E. Culture Feature of Tourism English.17 Conclusion.19 Acknowledgements.20IntroductionTourism has received an international reputation as a never-declining industry in the history of world economy. In China, tourism has a history of almost 55 years since the first travel agency founded in November 1949. But during the following 30 years, Chinese tourism was advancing slowly due to political reasons. According to the data reported by National Tourism Administration Bureau of China, only 1.809 million people including 0.23 million foreigners visited China in 1978. However, in 1998, China received 63.4784 million international visitors, including 7.1077 million foreign tourists, which is 35 times that in 1978. China has bexxe one of the most popular tourist destinations and one of the leading countries of world tourism industry. Due to the development of tourism in China, tourism English bexxes more and more important nowadays in China. As a result, tourism English appears as a term in many researches and course books with the meaning of English language that is used for tourism. Since China has been recognized as an approved destination by many countries officially, more and more foreign tourists have been flowing into China for a visit, and tourism English has bexxe necessary and booming as a result,from airport to hotel and restaurant, from travel to tourist spot. English is u
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