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Interchange 2,Unit 3 Time for a Change,1. Word Power,Discuss your ideal home in pairs. Think about these items: location size view facilities features. eg.: Id like a really big house next to the sea. Id like to have three bedrooms and.,Do you live in a house or an apartment?,house(整栋的房子),apartment(公寓),2. Perspectives which would you prefer?,Books closed. Do you prefer houses or apartment? why? Group work. Write down three disadvantages of apartments, and then do the same for houses. Books open,2. Perspectives which would you prefer?,Running Dictation 1. get a partner. 2. one of you goes to the wall and memorizes the sentence, and then comes back and dictates it to your partner. 3. you partner should try to write the sentence down.,Villa(别墅)是指在风景区或在郊外建造的供休养的住所,2. Perspectives Vocabulary Development,The layout of an apartment.,客厅,起居室 饭厅 厨房 卧室 书房 浴室 阳台 花园,1.living room 2.dining room 3.kitchen 4.bedroom 5.study 6.bathroom 7.balcony 8.garden,Furniture in living room :,sofa end table coffee table chair TV cabinet,1.沙发 2.沙发几 3.茶几 4.椅子 5.电视柜,1.coffee table 5.end table 14.wall unit 27.bookcase,Furniture in dining room :,dining table chair,1.饭桌 2.椅子,Furniture (家具)in kitchen :,cupboard microwave oven refrigetator stove,Furniture (家具)in bedroom :,bed mattress wardrobe chair lamp,1.床 2.床垫 3.衣柜 4.椅子 5.台灯,Furniture in a study:,bookcase desk chair,1.书柜 2.书桌 3.椅子,3. Grammar Focus Evaluations and Comparisons,Circle the examples of enough and too in Exercise 2. Is the adjective before or after enough / too ? Enough goes after the adjective The apartment isnt big enough. Enouth goes before the noun. Houses dont have enough closet. Too always goes before the adjective. Apartment are too small for pets. Substitution practice & Exercise A,3. Grammar Focus Evaluations and Comparisons,Comparisions with adjectives and nouns. 1. as + adj. + as 2. as many + count noun + as 3. as much + noncount noun + as Try to find some examples in Exercise 2.,5. Listening Capsule hotels,Is there anyone who knows what a capsule hotel is ? capsule kpsju:l n. 胶囊;航天舱;(植物的)荚;小容器 adj. 压缩的;概要的 vt. 压缩;简述;以瓶盖密封 例句The capsule inn provides more a capsule , than a room. 相比起房间,胶囊旅馆提供的更像是一个胶囊。,6 Writing A descriptive e-mail,Old apartment New apartment not enough bedrooms three bedrooms too cramped spacious Brainstorm other ways to compare? Select at least three comparisons for your e-mail. Workbook Exercise 1-4 on pages 13-15.,7. Snapshot,Brainstorming some common wishes people have about their lives. e.g.,earn more money,7. Snapshot,8 Coversation,Cover the text and look at the picture. Do you think they are friends? Strangers? Where are they? How old do you think they are? what do you think they are talking about? Book closed and listen. friends, Terry is complaining about living with his parents.,8 Coversation,Ture or False? 1. Terry hates living at home. 2. TErrys parents are always asking him to be home before midnight. 3. Terry thinks his life is difficult. 4. Terry is going to move out of his parents house soon. Answers: 1.F 2.T 3. T 4. F,8 Coversation,B Brian would like to change jobs and live somewhere more exciting.,8 Coversation,Substitution Dialog 1.living with your parents?/ working at the bank? 2.my own apartment/ a different job/ a career 3.parents/ co-workers/ teachers 4.be home before midnight/ make photocopies/write long compositions 5.worrying about me/ nagging me/ giving me so much homework,9. Grammar Focus wish,Use wish+ past tense to refer to present wishes. Practice: I dont have a car. I cant fly. Im tired. It wont stop raining.,9. Grammar Focus wish,Exercise A 2. Beth wishes her class were more interesting. 3. My parents wish they could afford a new car. 4. He wishes he could fit into his old jeans. 5. I wish I could remember my PIN number. 6. laura wishes she had some free time. personal identification number 个人识别号码,12 Reading,Books closed Do you know people who like to gossip? What kinds of things do they gossip about? Whats the most interesting piece of gossip you heard recently? How harmful is gossip? gossip n.流言蜚语;爱说长道短的人;闲话 vi.散播(流言蜚语),12 Reading,Books open What are the other two bad habits mentioned in the article? Skim the text to find the answers. Answers Leaving things until the last minute Being late. Notice Its common to write the main points at the beginning of an article. We call this the topic sentence.,12 Reading,Discussion Are you guilty of any of these habits? Did anyone use to have one of these habits, but changed now? Which habit do you think is the worst?,12 Reading,Finish Exercise A. Look at the organization of the text: The opening paragraph is a description And the three other paragraphs give advice on how to break each habit. You can try to organize your own compositions in this way.,12 Reading,Exercise B Read the text silently and at your own pace, without using your dictionaries. Underline any words you cant guess from context.,12 Reading,
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