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1. 人物描写体态figure 身材stature 身高dwarf 侏儒tall of stature 高个medium height 中等身材tall 高的short 矮的fat 胖的thin 瘦的lean 瘦的plump 丰满的slim 苗条的overweight 过重的thin person 瘦子slender 身材苗条的slight 身材苗条的full figure 丰盈的体态curvaceous 有曲线美的muscular 肌肉发达的 of proportional build 身材匀称的husky 膀阔腰圆的potbelly 大腹便便的botbellied 大腹便便的big-bellied 大腹便便的skin and bones 瘦的皮包骨的a bag of bones 骨瘦如柴的人skeleton 骨瘦如柴的人bony 瘦骨嶙峋的long-legged 腿长的leggy 腿长而美的duck-legged 短腿的bowled 罗圈腿的lame 瘸的hunchbacked 驼背的bow-backed 驼背的round-backed 驼背的doddery 老态龙钟的manner 风度,举止demeanour 举止behaviour 行为举止bearing 举止,姿态impressive-looking 仪表堂堂dignified in appearance 仪态端庄easy in manner 举止大方refined in manner 举止文雅natural and graceful 落落大方majestic-looking 威风凛凛imposing appearance 气宇轩昂attitudinize 装摸作样strike and attitude 装腔作势coquetry 弄姿作态dull-looking 呆头呆脑frivolous behaviour 举止轻浮skittish behaviour 举止轻浮affectedly shy 忸忸捏捏affected manners 举止造作beer belly 啤酒肚年龄baby 婴儿child 儿童minor 未成年人youth 青年adult 成年人elderly 已过中年的人newborn 刚出生的adolescent 青春期的young 年轻的middle-aged 中年的old 年老的retired 退休的newlywed 新婚的人面貌head 头hair 头发foreheadmouth 嘴brows 眉毛neck 脖子tooth 牙齿cheek 脸颊eyelash 睫毛eyelid 眼皮moustache 胡须whisker 颊髭beard 须freckles 雀斑wrinkles 皱纹Roman nose 鹰钩鼻double chin 双下巴throat 喉咙neck 颈shoulder 肩膀arm 手臂elbow 肘wrist 腰thigh 大腿knee 膝hand 手leg 腿shin 小腿foot 脚heel 脚跟ankle 脚踝sole 脚掌look 面容face 面孔visage 面容countenance 面容,面目features 相貌appearance 外貌,容貌complexion 面色,肤色round face 圆脸square face 方脸pockmarked face 麻脸moonfaced 圆脸的horsefaced 脸长难看的smooth-faced 脸光光的,无胡须的regulare features 五官端正featured 面貌秀丽的rosy cheeks 面色红润high complexion 面色红润ruddy 红润的fair-comlexioned 肤色白皙sharp-featured 面部轮廓分明的good looks 美貌chubby 丰满的,圆脸的oval face 瓜子脸look pale 面色苍白sallow complexion 面色黄look emaciated 面容消瘦sallow and emaciated 面黄肌瘦fair-haired 金发的white-headed 白发的grey-haired 头发灰白的bald 秃头的baldhead 秃子haieless 秃头的,无毛的dark-browed 浓眉的bushy eyebrows 粗眉的heavy features 浓眉大眼delicate eyebrows 娥眉dashing eyebrows 剑眉delicate features 眉清目秀cockeyed 斜眼的one-eyed 独眼的hollow-eyed 眼睛凹陷的blind 瞎眼的dove-eyed 慈眉善目的eagle-eyed 目光炯炯的bright-eyed 水汪汪的double-fold eyelids 双眼皮flashing eyes 炯炯目光sharp-eyed 目光敏锐的comely 好看的pretty 漂亮的handsome 英俊的ugly 丑陋的cute 可爱的fair 白皙的swarthy 黝黑的narrow 窄的broad 宽的strong 强壮的weak 弱的衣着衣物及常用物品clothing 衣服commodity 物品garment 衣服uniform 制服evening coat 晚礼服tuxedo 无尾半正式晚礼服dinner-jacket 晚礼服morning coat 大礼服frock coat 常礼服sack suit 西装上衣suck coat 短上衣lounger suit 西装business suit 西服sporting suit 运动服overcoat 大衣top-coat 外套rain-coat 雨衣mantle 无袖外套sweater 毛线衫waist-coat 背心vest 背心trousers 裤子under-wear 内衣breechers 马裤pants 裤子knickers 短内裤pocket 口袋sleeve 袖子button-hole 纽扣孔jacket 夹克walking-stick 手杖lining 衬里clothes line 晒衣绳clothes peg/pin 晒衣夹dye 颜料brush 刷子braces 吊带hair-pin 发针nail-brush 指甲刷safety-pin 安全别针tooth paste 牙膏tooth-brush 牙刷comb 梳子toilet-case 化妆箱razor 刮胡刀blade 刀片mirror 镜子scissors 剪刀safety-razor 安全刮胡刀shaving-soap 刮胡皂belt 带socks 袜子stockings 长袜garters 袜带suspenders 吊袜带polish 擦鞋nickel 镍colored glasses 彩色眼镜smoked glasses 太阳眼睛sun glasses 太阳眼睛contact glasses 隐形眼镜framless glasses 无框眼镜specs 眼镜goggles 护目镜telescope 望远镜binocular/binocle 双目望远镜field-glass 望远镜marine glass 潜水镜magnifying glasee 放大镜microscope 显微镜reading glass 阅读镜straw hat 草帽soft hat 软帽cap 帽子bonnet 女用软帽top-boots 长统靴high boots 高靴long boots 长靴rubber boots 胶靴laced boots 穿带长统靴sand shoes 运动鞋overshoes 套鞋gaiter 无带鞋slippers 拖鞋shoe-lace 鞋带alarm-clock 闹钟品格性格、品质褒义的warm 热情的kind 仁慈的friendly 友好的active 活泼的skilful 熟练的thrifty 节俭的lovely 好客的generous 慷慨的happy 幸福的pleasan 快乐的polite 有礼貌的honest 诚实的hard-working 辛勤的diligent 勤勉的,用功的selfless 无私的clever 聪明的bright 聪明的,伶俐的smart 机敏的,整洁的intelligent 聪明的straightforward 坦率的independent 独立的easy-going 随和的humorous 幽默的ambitious 雄心勃勃的brave 勇敢的courageous 有勇气的stronghearted 勇敢的lionhearted 非常勇敢的heroic 英勇的,英雄的daring 大胆的,勇敢的high-spirited 勇敢的soldierly 英勇的venturesome 大胆的,好冒险的manful 勇敢的audacious 大胆的valorous 英勇的valiant 勇敢的dauntless 大胆的decisive 果断的bold 大胆的resolute 果断的determined 坚决的resolved 坚决的strong-willed 意志坚定的strong-minded 意志坚强 的firm 坚定的,刚强的unbending 不屈不挠的staunch 刚强的,坚定的unyielding 坚强的indomitable 不屈不挠的fortitude 坚忍,刚毅fortitudinous 坚忍的,刚毅的stubborn 顽强的tough 坚韧的inflexible 坚定不移的tenacious 顽强的optimistic 乐观的hopeful 充满希望的carefree 无忧无虑的happy-go-lucky 无忧无虑的confident 有信心的cheerful 开朗的,快乐的joyful 快乐的spirited 精神饱满的sanguine 乐观的self-confident 自信的patient 耐心的gentle 温和的 rich 富的large-minded 度量大的broad-minded 宽宏大量的bighearted 慷慨的largehearted 慷慨的freehearted 慷慨的,坦白的magnanimous 宽宏大量的liberal 慷慨的,大方的openhearted 胸怀坦荡的tolerant 容忍的modest 谦虚的modesty 谦逊,虚心lowly 谦逊的humble 谦卑的unassuming 谦逊的unpretentious 谦逊的humility 谦卑open-minded 虚心的cool-headed 冷静的lively 活泼的gentle 温柔的tender 温柔的frank 率直的outspoken 刚直的upright 正直的reasonable 通情达理的warmhearted 热情的unsocial 孤僻的uncommunicative 不爱说话的innocent 天真的贬义的stiff 呆板的self-willed 任性的headstrong 任性的wilful 固执的irritable 暴躁的disagreeable 难相处的hot-tempered 脾气大的short-tempered 急性子的hot-headed 急噪的unreasonable 不讲道理的eccentric 怪癖的cold 冷淡的coldhearted 冷淡的ruthless 无礼的sad 悲伤的lazy 懒惰的pessimistic 悲观的stupid 愚蠢的,笨的foolish 傻的silly 傻的impatient 没耐心的mean 吝啬的bossy 专横的greedy 贪婪的selfish 自私的wordy 唠叨的,絮叨的sloppy 邋里邋遢的simple 头脑简单的unfriendly 不友善的unha
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