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一 The labor market context for human resource planning The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are: 本文讲的是将来企业为了得到运营所需要的人的主要途径将会是劳动力市场 1. The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within the organization who can be promoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs. 1. 内部劳动力市场-组织内的人可以提升,企业内部人力资源的的储备和流动,可以被提升的、培训或者 调配岗位为了未来的发展 2. The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national and international markets from which different sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually a number of markets, and the labor supply in these markets may vary considerably. Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps can be taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more attractive employment proposition. 2.外部劳动力市场-外部的地方、区域、国家和国际市场中不同类型可以招募的人。通常有大量的市场,在 这些市场的劳动力供给可能有很大的不同。可能的不足都需要确定,可以采取措施来对付他们,例如通过 开发一个更具吸引力的就业命题。 As part of the human resource planning process, an organization may have to formulate make or buy policy decisions. A make policy means that organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level or as trainee, and rely mainly on promotion from within and training programs to meet future needs. A buy policy means that more reliance will be placed on recruiting from outside- bringing fresh blood into the organization. In practice, organizations tend to mix the two choices together to varying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people involves. A highly entrepreneurial company operating in the turbulent conditions, or one which has just started up, will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. When dealing with knowledge workers, there may be little choicethey tend to be much more mobile, and resourcing strategy may have to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply. Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can predict people requirements fairly and accurately may rely more on developing their own staff once they have been recruited. 作为人力资源规划过程的一部分,一个组织可能是“制造或购买的决策。“制造”的政策意味 着组织更倾向于招募人处于初级阶段或实习,主要依靠内部晋升和培训计划,以满足未来 的需求。“购买”政策意味着更多的依赖从外部招聘“为公司带来新鲜血液”。在实践 中,组织倾向于将两个选择不同程度的混合在一起,取决于企业所处的环境和人们的意 愿。一个在动荡的环境中运营的高度创业的公司,或者刚刚起步的公司,可能几乎完全依 赖于外部招聘。在与知识性员工打交道时,可能有一些选择,他们往往更容易移动,而战 略外包可能需要认识到外部招聘将是主要的供给来源。管理咨询顾问通常都属于这一类, 能够适当准确地预测人们需求的公司,一旦录用,就更依赖于开发自己的员工。 1. A make policy means that organization prefers to promote people from internal labor market . C “制定”政策意味着组织更喜欢从内部劳动力市场提拔员工 A. regional labor market 区域劳动力市场 B. national labor market 国家劳动力市场 C. internal labor market 内部劳动力市场 D. international labor market 国际劳动力市场 2. According to the passage, management consultancies should be recruited from external labor market. 根据文章,管理咨询顾问应该从外部劳动力市场招聘 B A. are less mobile than people at a junior level 流动性比年轻人低 B. should be recruited from external labor market 应该从外部劳动力市场招聘 C. should be promoted from within the organization 应该从组织内部提拔 D. are not knowledge workers 不是知识型工作者 3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it may not: D 如果一个企业能相当准确地预测人们的要求,就不可能更多地依赖于从外部招聘组织。 A. develop their own staff 开发企业内部员工 B. formulate training programs 建立培训项目 C. promote people from within the organization 提升内部员工 D. rely more on recruiting from outside 更多地依赖于从外部招聘组织 4. Make or buy policy decision is a part of: “制定或购买”的决策是:人力资源规划的一部分 A A. human resource planning 人力资源规划 B. training and development 培训和发展 C. performance appraisal 绩效考核 D. job analysis 工作分析 5.The best title of this passage is : 这篇文章的最佳标题是人力资源规划的劳动力市场环境 C A. The organizational context of human resource planning. 人力资源规划的组织背景 B. Aims of human resource planning.人力资源规划的目的 C. The labor market context for human resource planning 人力资源规划的劳动力市场环境 D. Limitations of human resource planning 人力资源规划的局限性 2Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources of information which help to identify training priorities. These are: 1. Organizational goals and corporate plans which indicate the direction in which the organization is going and, therefore, major training priorities. 2. Human resource and succession planning which provides information on future skill requirements and management training needs. 3. Personnel statistics on, for example, labor turnover, which highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training. 4. Exit interviews which might suggest deficiencies in training arrangements. 5. Consultation with senior managers which obtains opinions on training needs from key decision makers. 6. Data on productivity, quality and performance which show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends, and therefore suggest training needs. 7. Departmental layout changes which provide information about future developments and related training needs. 8. Management requests for training which set out perceived needs. 9. Knowledge of financial plans which determine whe
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