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,Groundless Beliefs,A. E. Mander,Groundless Beliefs,Unit 3,Questions / Activities,Check-on Preview,Objectives,W,B,T,R,Warming up,Groundless Beliefs,Unit 3,Warming up,Questions / Activities,Are carrots a rabbits favorite? How do you know?,W,B,T,R,Aristotle vs. Galileos,Lesson 6 Groundless Beliefs,Why was Galileo able to prove Aristotle wrong? What lesson shall we learn from Galileos experiment?,Warming up,Questions / Activities,What are the words used by the author in referring to groundless “beliefs”? - propositions, assumptions, dogma, opinion According to the author where do these beliefs come from? - from other people: family, friends, media, tradition, interest groups, etc. Why do we tend to accept these beliefs? - “suggestion”, self-interest, sentimental associations, Fashion Why do we have to be on guard against them? - most of them are irrational; they are _ rather than thought. - once they become so s_ in they prevent us from accepting new ideas.,Check-on Preview,Warming up,Objectives,Call attention to groundless beliefs Understand the causes of groundless beliefs Discuss the importance of inquisition Consider the strategies against groundless beliefs Encourage students to actively identify groundless beliefs in life Appreciate the logic structure,W,B,T,R,Warming up,Background,Author,B,W,T,R,Groundless Beliefs,Unit 3,A. E. Mander (18941985) A well-published Australian scholar.,Background,Author,His Life and Works,Books Logic for the millions Clearer thinking (logic for everyman) The making of the Australians Our sham democracy Psychology for everyman (and woman) Clearer thinking; logic for everyday use Public enemy, the press Alarming Australia,Quotations from Manders book,The trouble with most folks is not so much their ignorance, as their “knowing“ so many things which aint so. - Josh Billings He who cannot reason is a fool; he who will not is a bigot; he who dare not is a slave. -W. Drummond,Background,Author,Text Analysis,T,W,B,R,Groundless Beliefs,Unit 3,Text Analysis,Theme,Understand the sources of groundless beliefs Develop the alert to groundless beliefs Emphasize the importance of a curious, inquiring mind Discuss how to develop such a mind,T,W,B,R,The Introduction (para. 1): Prevalence of groundless beliefs II. The body (paras. 224): Types/Causes of groundless beliefs Result of environment in early life. (paras. 23) Parroting. (paras. 413) Self-interest (paras. 1417) Sentimental associations (paras. 1819) Fashion (paras. 2024) III. The conclusion (para. 25): The writers praise of rational thinkers,Text Analysis,Structure,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Main Idea,Sentence Paraphrase,Words & Expressions,Exercise,I II III,T,W,B,R,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Part I: The Introduction (para.1): Prevalence of groundless beliefs Main Idea,What does the author advocate in the first sentence? Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Can you give examples of groundless beliefs which rest upon “mere tradition” or somebodys “bare assertion”?,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Part I: Sentence Paraphrase,They rest upon mere tradition, or on somebodys bare assertion unsupported by even a shadow of proof. (para. 1),be based on,These groundless believes are either based on tradition or on somebodys strong claims which are not supported by the slightest trace of proof.,the slightest trace of proof,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Part I: Words & Expressions,Words,Phrases,Sentence Pattern,class,come across meet with rest upon(on) a shadow of,What reason have we for doing,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Part I: Exercise,Translate the following sentences into English, using words in the brackets. 如今,在他们生活的城市,农民工很少被当成市民看待。(class) Yet few of migrant workers are even classed as citizens of the city where they live. 一个国家的实力不只是取决于经济发展;它至少在相同的程度上有赖于其教育水平。(rest upon) The strength of a country does not rest upon economic development alone; it rests upon education, at least to the same extent. 我们明确地知道,人的生命从何时开始。(a shadow of) We know, without a shadow of a doubt, when human life begins。,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Part II: Types/Causes of groundless beliefs (paras. 224) Section 1. Result of environment in early life. (paras. 23),How can a simple “suggestion” become a “belief”? uncritically we accepted and believed it. we didnt have the power of questioning. How shall we deal with the beliefs developed in early childhood?,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Roman Catholic In order to be saved, all persons who have attained the use of reason must believe explicitly that God exists and that he rewards the good and punishes the wicked. The Church is the congregation of all baptized persons, under the authority of the Sovereign Pontiff and the bishops in communion with him. We find the chief truths taught by Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church in the Apostles Creed.,Presbyterian We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal
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